I really hate filling out the tip before my card is run...


Well-Known Member
This seems to be the current practice at WDW TS.

I hate it.

The CMs seem to live it.

They hate cash tips.

I hate them highlighting and pointing out the suggested tips several times.

The tip should be able to be altered if we have to wait 20 minutes for my card back (happened twice).

Tip is a reward for total job well done, not 80%.

I regret how the tip was handled by the server ended in a slash in tip for several servers.

Never ask me why you did not get 15%. My tip is never up for discussion. Especially when much of the bill is based on drinks and you got 2 of the four milkshakes were wrong and we were never given refills. Plus, do not be lame a Whispering Canyon. When 5 other servers give us better service than you - NEVER question the tip.

If you did not push the tip - you got 30+%. We brought a tip budget for free dining plan and spent the exact budget amount. Some servers made out like bandits an others went home with lighter pockets.

Disney servers - if your tip is no longer guranteed, do not throw it away.


Well-Known Member
Happend to me once in New Orleans. The server was the worst I ever had, and this was supposed to be at one of the most popular spots in New Orleans at the time. He took forever to come to our table, forever to get us our drinks(which he never refilled, other waiters did) and took even longer to get us our check after we asked for it plus another 20 minutes to bring it back. I saw him at other tables in our section plenty of times, guess we didn't matter to him. Any way I left him a 50 cent tip so he would get the point. On our way out he stoped in front of me and asked what my problem was. I told him he was the problem and that he was luckey he got what he did. I tipped the valet 2 dollars.
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Well-Known Member
Questioning the tip is just wrong. I guess they may want to know how to improve but that isn't the way to do it.

A guy I used to work with when I was a waiter at a pub (in the UK where tips aren't all that common) used to go and sit with the customers at the end of the meal and basically persuade them into giving tips. I never know how he did it but I hated the fact he did - it's just not the way to behave.
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Well-Known Member
Disney Dining Plan

So I have a question then...I have the DDP and am going the whole week of Thanksgiving. Just curious though - are you saying that the tip is automatically "generated" on whatever receipt I get because I have the DDP? For example, using my credits for say breakfast in Norway with the Princesses. So my credits pay for the meal - but I get a slip for the balance...and the balance is the tip? And is it automatically 18-20%? Just wondering as I like having all bases covered. Thanks!:)
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New Member
I know last yr when we were in WDW and were on the DDP, it was confusing for us, becasue in the past yrs the gratuity was included in the bill so we basically just signed and left, we did not leave anything. But last yr. they would bring us our bill we would hand them out KTTW, they would return with the copy we would have to sign and it would have on there how much a 15%, 18%& 20% tips would be.

But I agree that by a CM intimidating you into a tip is not good customer service. Also we make sure to keep our recieps so when we bill at check out to verify that someone did not take it on themselves to take what we wanted.

I will say with us on the DDP this yr, we know how much out of pocket the Dining plan is going to be for 9 days, so what I have done is a budget of 15% but will be flexable by $30.00, so if someone gives good service I will give a few more dollars in the tip.
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Well-Known Member
WTH!!!! I can just dumbfounded that the waiter/waitress had the nerve to question the tip you left. That is just beyond rude.

I don't know what I would do if I encountered someone like that.:fork: Probably go off the deep end and ruin their night.
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Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
So I have a question then...I have the DDP and am going the whole week of Thanksgiving. Just curious though - are you saying that the tip is automatically "generated" on whatever receipt I get because I have the DDP? For example, using my credits for say breakfast in Norway with the Princesses. So my credits pay for the meal - but I get a slip for the balance...and the balance is the tip? And is it automatically 18-20%? Just wondering as I like having all bases covered. Thanks!:)
You will be give a bill that has an 18% pre-calculated tip on it but you can tip whatever you wish unless you are a party of 6 or greater. For parties of 6 or greater a 18% is mandatory but can be adjusted by a manager.
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Party of 6 or more

Hello, If you do not leave the mandatory 18% for parties of 6 or more, the server can run the difference in amount between the tip you left and the 18% to you card, EVEN IF YOU NO NOT HAVE CHARGING PRIVILEGES ON YOUR KEY TO THE WORLD CARD, happened to me 3 times in one trip. Click on my profile and read other posts i've made regarding the tip issue. MikeB
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Well-Known Member
I have never had a problem with tips and anyone at the world. I am lucky in that respect. If someone questioned what I left I certainly would complain to a manager.
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Well-Known Member
WTH!!!! I can just dumbfounded that the waiter/waitress had the nerve to question the tip you left. That is just beyond rude.

I don't know what I would do if I encountered someone like that.:fork: Probably go off the deep end and ruin their night.

I am reminded of The Sopranos episode where the waiter came running after Paulie & Chris after he was left something like $10 on a $500 bill.

He died

Seriously though. I have never used the DDP. Do they really make you put in a tip amount before you swipe your card? That would really bother me. If that indeed was the case, I would cross the tip amount off, change the total, and write "cash tip" on the slip.

Any place I have ever eaten at, you get a bill, you check it, you leave your card, they swipe it, then you add in a tip amount and sign it and leave.

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We usually left a cash trip but when we did have a server point it out to us and not very nicely, she didn't get a very good tip! We were at Tusker House for the character breakfast and she wasn't very good or friendly anyway. After pointing out the tip several times and letting us know that it wasn't included and went on and on, she got about a 10% tip that we did have to put on the card. I don't mind tipping for good service, but I don't need to be told to tip, have it highlighted, underlined several times and circled. Seems a little ridiculous and my tip proves it when they do that. We did tip more than suggested on occassions where the service was better than great, interacted with our son, refilled out drinks without asking and maybe only putting a line under the total and tip.

Why in Disney you have to leave the tip right then is beyond me. Like Dave said, most other restaurants you pay with your card and then fill in the tip amount.
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Sweet Melissa

Well-Known Member
They hate cash tips.
Why would CMs dislike receiving tips in cash? I'm just curious to know why this would be less convenient than leaving a tip on a credit card as we usually tip cash. I've never had a CM be any less than grateful to receive a tip ... that I've noticed, anyway. But now I wonder if we're doing something wrong by leaving cash and if CMs would prefer to have the tip left on the card.

By the way, I really dislike the thought of a mandatory 18% tip on parties of six or greater. When left to my own devices I usually tip a CM somewhere in the 20-25% range. It's just the two of us when we go to WDW, but if we were a larger party the server assisting our table would certainly be losing out with the forced 18% "gratuity" policy.
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Zummi Gummi

Pioneering the Universe Within!
I get annoyed when the server will point out to me where the suggested gratuity is, as if I can't read it on my own. No amount of highlighting or drawing in smiley-faced mouse ears next to the suggested gratuity is going to make me more inclined to leave a larger tip.
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Well-Known Member
why do they hate cash tips? Up north its much different they prefer cash tips so more of the money goes to them vs. when charged they get less. Does Disney do it differently?
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Computer Magic

Well-Known Member
Wow I've never had anyone comment on the amount of my tip. I can't believe people do that!
happened to us at Yak and Yeti. He went on and on, to the point we lowered his tip.

That is why we pay cash for tip. I can decide up to the last minute how much to tip. And not worry about my card being dropped in the toilet because someone fells my tip is to small..
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Well-Known Member
We have a love/hate relationship with Rainforest Cafe. Love the theme, hate the staff. You have your greeter, your seater, the drink order guy, the waitress, the cooks, the food server people, the desert temptress and, finally the guy who brings you the bill. Now usually, 1 to 4 of those people will deter you from tipping while another 1 or 2 may persuade you to want to tip better but, who to tip, if you could individually? Chances are you'll never see that person again so, I guess its a bit of a shame that we're gearing our tip based on the performance of an entire team yet handing it to a single individual. Who then has to split it up...

And I have no problem leaving change. If change is needed.:zipit:
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