I never got to go on Alien Encounters


Well-Known Member
AE was lame. Haven't done Stich yet and won't. You sat in a set with shoulder restrains that pushed down on you. Air was piped through your seat and on your neck to simuate the Alien breathing on you, people secreamed and some glass broke and the Alien was out. BUT YOU DID NO GO ANY WHERE OR DO ANYTHING IT WAS LAME! You just sat there. But it was nice and cool in there, I do like cooling off on a hot day.


Well-Known Member
When DH and I went to WDW in 2003, I really wanted to go on AE but the ride was closed for the SGE. DH did go on AE previously with this family years before and enjoyed it. We decided to experience SGE for ourselves during our December trip--never again.


Active Member
Blah, whats everyone hatin' on SGE? It ain't THAT bad of a ride! Okay, it has its moments and the whole chili dog joke is getting real old in rides but I think its cute and clever. I wouldn't mind having SGE in my backyard, haha.


Well-Known Member
Hey, I'm not knocking the story. It was a really good story. In fact, one of my all time favorite ride quotes is "Doubt is the rust of a feeble mind."

No problem. The whole "it was just air and restraint pushing" is a pet peeve of mine. That's like saying all Splash Mountain is "is a flume drop ride with some robots" or that the Tower of Terror is just "a drop ride where you go up and down a couple of times". That's why Disney is Disney. AE wasn't just air, water, and restraint effects. And as much as I hate it and think it is a disgrace, neither is SGE.


Well-Known Member
AE was lame. Haven't done Stich yet and won't. You sat in a set with shoulder restrains that pushed down on you. Air was piped through your seat and on your neck to simuate the Alien breathing on you, people secreamed and some glass broke and the Alien was out. BUT YOU DID NO GO ANY WHERE OR DO ANYTHING IT WAS LAME! You just sat there. But it was nice and cool in there, I do like cooling off on a hot day.

And what exactly dictates that a show/ride has to move to be entertaining? You don't do anything or go anywhere on the American Adventure, and thats one of the best shows on property. Your entitled to your opinion, but shouting at people about how you think that it's lame because it didn't, "Go anywhere" is unnecessary.


Well-Known Member
No problem. The whole "it was just air and restraint pushing" is a pet peeve of mine. That's like saying all Splash Mountain is "is a flume drop ride with some robots" or that the Tower of Terror is just "a drop ride where you go up and down a couple of times". That's why Disney is Disney. AE wasn't just air, water, and restraint effects. And as much as I hate it and think it is a disgrace, neither is SGE.

When I look at the AE and SGE anti-fans, I see people that rarely, it ever, dislike any other Disney attraction.

These are just exceptionably bad. :shrug:



Well-Known Member
When I look at the AE and SGE anti-fans, I see people that rarely, it ever, dislike any other Disney attraction.

I don't know about that. Personally, I can't think of another attraction that I've personally hated besides the Discovery River Boats and that was only because of the waits for what you got. But many others have other attractions on their hate list for sure.


Well-Known Member
I miss Alien Encounter. The first time I went in there, it scared the bejeezus out of me and I couldn't wait to do it again! :D

Stitch's Great Escape is horrible :(


New Member
Alien Encounter was ALWAYS one of my must sees at WDW. I was very sad like mos of you to see that it was closing.... It was replaced with a horrible ride that i would tell no one to go on and heres my proof---
1) reason AE was replaced: too intense for kids
2) Outcome: Kids crying everytime i have passed the exit.....
Well That Seems Like A Successful Transformation Doesn't It.... :shrug:

But seroiusly (although i was being very seroius above) idk why Disney felt it was a good idea to replace this ride... for whatever reason there are other great rides at Disney for you, me and all others to enjoy... NOW that is a happy ending, huh? :wave:


Well-Known Member
Alien Encounter was ALWAYS one of my must sees at WDW. I was very sad like mos of you to see that it was closing.... It was replaced with a horrible ride that i would tell no one to go on and heres my proof---
1) reason AE was replaced: too intense for kids
2) Outcome: Kids crying everytime i have passed the exit.....
Well That Seems Like A Successful Transformation Doesn't It.... :shrug:

But seroiusly (although i was being very seroius above) idk why Disney felt it was a good idea to replace this ride... for whatever reason there are other great rides at Disney for you, me and all others to enjoy... NOW that is a happy ending, huh? :wave:

Yeah while I would rather have AE than SGE - I will admit AE was Ok the first time I rode it.

SO I guess I will toast the OPs lament that he never got to ride AE.


Well-Known Member
When I look at the AE and SGE anti-fans, I see people that rarely, it ever, dislike any other Disney attraction.

These are just exceptionably bad. :shrug:


Well, I dislike Journey Into Imagination w/ Figment, and Sounds Dangerous. So I just disproved your assertion. :lol: :lookaroun


Well-Known Member
1st off I blanked that caps implied yelling. I apolgize. I save my yelling for TOT.

As for 3D's shows I love It's Tough To Be a Bug and Mickey Philharmagic (sp?) Espically Philharmagic, in that attraction I get to go on a carpet ride and into the ocean! On it's ITTBAB I get to go into a tree and see all about my bug friends and there different skills, then I get to feel them leave. I haven't seen HISTA in a while but I didn't hate it and would do it again but haven't had the time in EPCOT. I also have never done American Adventure in 8 trips. I know I suck! I will go next time though.
On AE I sat in a dark theater with a harness on just to hear someone scream and for some glass to break with a little air on my neck. I guess my complaint is that the story was no where near enough for me and I was not impressed.
I am however impressed by most everything else in WDW, this is my one soap box, I though the attraction was lame. Perhaps if I would give Stich my time I would think AE was better. I am with Epcot Nut, to me it was a bad attraction and I do love the rest of WDW, heck I don't mind the Tiki Room. :wave:


Well-Known Member
As for 3D's shows I love It's Tough To Be a Bug and Mickey Philharmagic (sp?) Espically Philharmagic, in that attraction I get to go on a carpet ride and into the ocean! On it's ITTBAB I get to go into a tree and see all about my bug friends and there different skills, then I get to feel them leave. I haven't seen HISTA in a while but I didn't hate it and would do it again but haven't had the time in EPCOT. I also have never done American Adventure in 8 trips. I know I suck! I will go next time though.
On AE I sat in a dark theater with a harness on just to hear someone scream and for some glass to break with a little air on my neck. I guess my complaint is that the story was no where near enough for me and I was not impressed.
I am however impressed by most everything else in WDW, this is my one soap box, I though the attraction was lame.

OK it sounded like you're main complaint is that the show was a....show.

Nothing wrong with not liking the attraction. You'll just have to take my word that there was a lot more going on in AE than what is in your description :lol:


Well-Known Member
1st off I blanked that caps implied yelling. I apolgize. I save my yelling for TOT.

As for 3D's shows I love It's Tough To Be a Bug and Mickey Philharmagic (sp?) Espically Philharmagic, in that attraction I get to go on a carpet ride and into the ocean! On it's ITTBAB I get to go into a tree and see all about my bug friends and there different skills, then I get to feel them leave. I haven't seen HISTA in a while but I didn't hate it and would do it again but haven't had the time in EPCOT. I also have never done American Adventure in 8 trips. I know I suck! I will go next time though.
On AE I sat in a dark theater with a harness on just to hear someone scream and for some glass to break with a little air on my neck. I guess my complaint is that the story was no where near enough for me and I was not impressed.
I am however impressed by most everything else in WDW, this is my one soap box, I though the attraction was lame. Perhaps if I would give Stich my time I would think AE was better. I am with Epcot Nut, to me it was a bad attraction and I do love the rest of WDW, heck I don't mind the Tiki Room. :wave:

I see where your coming from, my fiance feels the same way about AE, we still argue to this day about the show. :lol:


New Member
I thought themeing of AE was very good, the "Seize the Future" and "XS- Tech" was clever, and the preshow was fantanstic. But the actual 'ride' was really unimpressive. It wasn't much fun and I never really felt compelled to go back on it again unless I could walk right on.

I agree completely with this assessment. The attractrion had a lot of promise. The BGM was cool, the preshow video was fun, and the SIR and Skippy show was the highlight. But the theater portion was a big waste of a great concept. Everyone is so quick to jump on perceived inconsistencies with Stitch's Great Escape!, yet they always seem to ignore the glaring flaws with Alien Encounter. Not only that but it resorted to the least creative solution to resolve its plotline - kill, kill, kill. Had it spent more time simply maintaining suspense without going for the easy out, I might have had more respect for it. I was happy to see it shuttered.
Stitch's Great Escape!, on the other hand, entertained me from start to finish. Yes, it's a bit silly, but that's the idea. The oh-so often cited "evil" chili dog smell doesn't bother me, in fact for whatever reason it just makes me hungry for one after the attraction ends. And the idea of a guest having a chili dog in an attraction is not as outrageous as some here seem to think. As a former CM, I can tell you people can and will sneak whatever they can onto attractions, no matter how many signs, CMs, or overhead spiels tell them otherwise. That Stitch would smell it and go after it doesn't surprise me in the least. I also disagree about the whole crying children thing. I've been on it six times and NOT ONCE have I heard so much as a sniffle (and because of all the bile spewed about it on these boards I've been listening). To the contrary, I have only heard children say they enjoyed it (one at Animal Kingdom even said it was his favorite so far and wanted to go back to the Magic Kingdom to do it). Some may not. That has not yet been my experience.
I admit it has its problems. The 90210 scene has a few groaners, and yes, the idea of being strapped down to a seat to watch over a criminal is a far-fetched idea; however, just how normal is it to strap people down to their seats to watch a demonstration of either a company CEO being beamed into a room or a few guests being beamed to meet the CEO. The whole idea is preposterous either way.
Ultimately, what it comes down to for me is which did I enjoy more? The answer is obvious - Stitch. The whole main show feels so much more immersive than Alien Encounter ever did and I much prefer the story. And technologically speaking, there's just no contest. To see the interaction between Stitch, the laser cannons, and the in-theater effects is just amazing. I wish I could have liked Alien Encounter more, but when cheap thrills and killing take the place of a good story, then I cease to care about it.


New Member
I agree completely with this assessment. The attractrion had a lot of promise. The BGM was cool, the preshow video was fun, and the SIR and Skippy show was the highlight. But the theater portion was a big waste of a great concept. Everyone is so quick to jump on perceived inconsistencies with Stitch's Great Escape!, yet they always seem to ignore the glaring flaws with Alien Encounter. Not only that but it resorted to the least creative solution to resolve its plotline - kill, kill, kill. Had it spent more time simply maintaining suspense without going for the easy out, I might have had more respect for it. I was happy to see it shuttered.
Stitch's Great Escape!, on the other hand, entertained me from start to finish. Yes, it's a bit silly, but that's the idea. The oh-so often cited "evil" chili dog smell doesn't bother me, in fact for whatever reason it just makes me hungry for one after the attraction ends. And the idea of a guest having a chili dog in an attraction is not as outrageous as some here seem to think. As a former CM, I can tell you people can and will sneak whatever they can onto attractions, no matter how many signs, CMs, or overhead spiels tell them otherwise. That Stitch would smell it and go after it doesn't surprise me in the least. I also disagree about the whole crying children thing. I've been on it six times and NOT ONCE have I heard so much as a sniffle (and because of all the bile spewed about it on these boards I've been listening). To the contrary, I have only heard children say they enjoyed it (one at Animal Kingdom even said it was his favorite so far and wanted to go back to the Magic Kingdom to do it). Some may not. That has not yet been my experience.
I admit it has its problems. The 90210 scene has a few groaners, and yes, the idea of being strapped down to a seat to watch over a criminal is a far-fetched idea; however, just how normal is it to strap people down to their seats to watch a demonstration of either a company CEO being beamed into a room or a few guests being beamed to meet the CEO. The whole idea is preposterous either way.
Ultimately, what it comes down to for me is which did I enjoy more? The answer is obvious - Stitch. The whole main show feels so much more immersive than Alien Encounter ever did and I much prefer the story. And technologically speaking, there's just no contest. To see the interaction between Stitch, the laser cannons, and the in-theater effects is just amazing. I wish I could have liked Alien Encounter more, but when cheap thrills and killing take the place of a good story, then I cease to care about it.

The whole point of the final point of AE was fear. I am sorry if you didn't feel scared at all but i definately did and that is what made the ride for me. IDK how anyone could not be scared my brother at the toime was 12 and wouldnt go into a glass shower for a while...... While i agree that killing just for the sake of killing is not a good premise for a movie or tv show on a ride where you are placed right in the middle of the action it can be truly scary. BTW correct me if im wrong but thay never actually say what stitch is trying to do ao one desn't have to assume that it is killling as well.... Add to that the fact that the final show is very similiar (with the exception of props and plot details) on both AE and Stitch....

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