I Love _______!!!!


New Member
WDWSwashbuckler said:
I love George Berkeley (check him out, you might love him too!)

Theater of the mind? Matter does not really exist, but spirit does, no?

I think Berkeley was a nutcase :lol:

EDIT: And Hume. Hume was pretty crazy too.


Well-Known Member
I love my daughter
I love my family
I love God
I love WDW
I love wdwmagic
I love Daytona Beach
I love the Smokey Mtns.
I love my 3 awesome friends in NY, California and Canada
I love my cats
I love Braveheart and Gone with the Wind
I love Aerosmith
I love Jack Bauer
I love thunderstorms
I love the smell of fresh mowed grass/a new car/ the ocean
I love chinese food
I love tequila


Well-Known Member
I love...
my husband
our cat
my friends
The X-Files
The Simpsons (many seasons ago that is)
music from the 80's
Coach bags
new clothes
going out for dinner
speaking French (at least thinking I can)
that I'm done with college and have a degree
stand-up comedy
Star Wars
Adult Swim
my Nintendogs game

ok...I'll leave it there, I'm sounding very geekish :lol:


New Member
I love Big Al! (Allie is her real name...) Girlfriend of 5 years... been to disney with her twice... HOPE to be going back this August

both 21... so we're a bit young... but I REALLY wanna propose to her in Disney...


Well-Known Member
I LOVE........
Someone Special <3.......
Getting good news about Maggie from her therapist....
Not working....
recieving checks I never expected..:)
My friends I made here......
my computer.......
getting the mail......
country music.......
Laughing so hard that it hurts.....
Jess.........:)..( she makes me laugh so hard it hurts)


New Member
I love the song "He Lives in You" from The Lion King on Broadway and The Lion King II: Simba's Pride.

I love all the possibilities that JUST opened up for me this summer. As in, just opened up today. I'm stoked.

I love Germany.

I love seeing people get excited over soccer... even though I don't.

I love trying to figure out how to do the Jacob's Ladder thing with Cat's Cradle - always to no avail :lol:

I love Chuck Palahniuk's book Lullaby.

I love Cars.

I love going to the library.

I love lazy days.


Well-Known Member
I love:
my family
my dogs
my friends
books that make you delay all of your other activities because you are too caught up in the story
75 degree weather
World Showcase
the idea that I may be going to Marseilles to study next May


Well-Known Member
I love:

a special someone
Walt Disney World
Country Music
My truck
Video Games
Star Wars
Harry Potter


Well-Known Member
I love long lazy days on the beach, either under the umbrella or swimming in the ocean.

I love old rockers who wear leather pants.

I love pot-stickers.

I love margaritas.

I love being random today:lol:


New Member
I love__________!

I love steak

I love SUMMER!!!

I love people

I love math

I love swmming

andn i love eveything!!!!!!!!!!


Active Member
I love my family
I love my friends
I love my cat, Frank
I love music (especially the oldies)
I love playing trivia on Wednesday nights
I love Coca-Cola (though I can't drink it anymore)
I love Splenda
I love clocking out at work
I love learning something new
I love to eat
I love to love


New Member
I love smoothies.

I love berries.

I love berry smoothies.

I love Target (but not necessarily working there).

I love The Lion King.

I love Heelys.

I love stickers.


Well-Known Member
I love being in a play.

I love opening nights that go well.

I love the entire cast and crew.

I love the opening night cast party at Perkins.

I love when all the hard work of rehearsing pays off.

I love the playwright/director, not just because she's my sister, but also because she's doing a great job on her first time writing and directing a play.

I love when somebody I don't get along with is able to set aside our differences long enough to see me in a play- and give me flowers (even if they weren't really from him).

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