I have a bone to pick with a MVMCP "rule"

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Original Poster
So I just got in this morning from WDW (Sigh) Everything was great. ZERO crowd, great weather, good service all around - you name it. EXCEPT for one thing which REALLY agitated me. Now, I'm not one to get upset over small, foolish issues. Not the type at all to stomp my feet when things don't go my way, but I couldn't help but get upset when me and my girlfriend were denied use of the restrooms last night on our way out of MK.

We were finishing up our day at the park and were trying to squeeze in as many attractions as possible before MVMCP got underway. We did not have tickets to the event, but were aware of MK's regular hours and of the fact that they would seal off the attractions from us regular folks, which is all well and good. No issue with that whatsoever. We were able to jump from the Haunted Mansion over to Space Mountain before the event got underway to end our night on a high note, but once we exited SM and attempted to use the restrooms near-by we were stopped.

"Do you have a wristband?"

Huh?! We need wristbands to in order to use the restrooms? Seriously? Are you kidding me?!

Neither one of us gave the woman an attitude, but we did tell her how ridiculous it was that we were being prompted for a wristband...unless, of course, the restrooms were filled with snow. :lookaroun All she could muster up was that the normal park hours had ended (by a mere 10-15 mins) and sent us off with a half-hearted "Have a nice night" Ugh.

Like I said, I'm on board with Disney reserving the attractions for an event for those who paid the extra dollars, but the restrooms? Come on. Would they deny a parent with a small child? How about an elderly man or woman? I was just baffled and extremely annoyed by the whole thing.

hpyhnt 1000

Well-Known Member
Huh?! For the restrooms???? Really?????? :dazzle:

Yeah, I gotta agree there. Thats a little strange. :veryconfu


Well-Known Member
They weren't denying you use of the restrooms just because you didn't have a wristband. When the event starts, there is a very specific way the park has to be "cleared" of non-event guests to make sure everyone makes their way out. It's the same as closing at the end of the night, except the park still has guests. Chances are they had already passed the point of clearing that area and were making sure no one else entered. There are other restrooms you could have used, but there are also options such as having an extra CM to stay with you rather than making you find another one. Was the CM rude to you? Whether they were or not, I would suggest sending a comment to Guest Communications. Sometimes Disney doesn't realize these things happen until someone says something. That way, the operation can be adjusted to accomodate for these issues.


:shrug: Did they tell you you couldn't use ANY restrooms on the way out, or just the ones there in Tomorrowland (which, by your account, was closed to regular day guests by then)?
The CM was doing her job. If she let you go to the restrooms, who's to say you wouldn't have gone on one or two more rides on the way out? (WE realize you wouldn't but SHE didn't know that.) If she was rude about it, that would be worth telling guest relations/guest communications, but if she was doing her job politely, I don't see the problem.
Did you try the restrooms next to City Hall on Main Street?


Well-Known Member
Sounds more like a CM coming up with their own interpretation of the park-clearing rules and their own procedures on how to carry out that mis-guided interpretation...



Original Poster
Chances are they had already passed the point of clearing that area and were making sure no one else entered.

Like I said, it couldn't have been more than 10-15 minutes after the park's original operating hours, so the area was still pretty crowded with people either coming off the ride or just making the rounds, be it people who had tickets to the event or those who didn't like myself.

:shrug: Did they tell you you couldn't use ANY restrooms on the way out, or just the ones there in Tomorrowland (which, by your account, was closed to regular day guests by then)? The CM was doing her job. If she let you go to the restrooms, who's to say you wouldn't have gone on one or two more rides on the way out? (WE realize you wouldn't but SHE didn't know that.) If she was rude about it, that would be worth telling guest relations/guest communications, but if she was doing her job politely, I don't see the problem.
Did you try the restrooms next to City Hall on Main Street?

Yeah, she did mention that all of the restrooms in the park were closed to ''regular'' guests. She did say that there was one available, but I didn't catch which one. Good thing it wasn't an emergency, eh? Sheesh. As far as her being rude, yes, she did brush us off but we didn't bother making it into an issue. It was our last night before driving home the next morning and we didn't want to blow it up into something bigger than what it was.


Well-Known Member
You were fully aware of the park hours and trying to take advantage of them.
When the park closes or switches to MVMCP Christmas hours, you should be out of the park. I don't see the problem here.
I'm sorry if castmembers didn't want you to use the bathrooms. It's their jobs to get you out of the park if you don't belong there.

People try to get away with a lot at Disney World. Not a day goes by where people don't pool hop or use Disney Transportation when they're not supposed to.

You abused the system and you got caught.
Are we, the ones who pay a hefty price for MVMCP and/or othere special Disney Events supposed to feel sorry for you?
Sorry..I don't think so


Original Poster
People try to get away with a lot at Disney World. Not a day goes by where people don't pool hop or use Disney Transportation when they're not supposed to.

You abused the system and you got caught.
Are we, the ones who pay a hefty price for MVMCP and/or othere special Disney Events supposed to feel sorry for you?
Sorry..I don't think so

So...We were trespassing is what you're saying? Oh, and sorry if non-MVMCP ticket holders using the restrooms on "your" time is causing you to lose any sleep. :rolleyes:


Original Poster
I'm not losing any sleep.
But maybe it's because I don't try and cheat the system.;)

Good then. You do make it seem like I just lurked in the shadows for hours after closing when I was out within a half hour of the start of the festivities. :lookaroun

Whatever the case is, I just don't think it's right for Disney to tell you if you can or can't use their bathrooms unless A) you're being unruly or B) the ENTIRE park is being/has been closed off for the evening.

Captain Hank

Well-Known Member
Technically, yes, the CM was in the right--the park needs to be cleared as quickly as possible. However, as a courtesy, the CM should have directed the OP to a restroom that would have been on their way out of the park, such as the one between the Tomorrowland Terrace and Plaza Restaurant. I find it hard to believe that all restrooms were closed to non-party guests--likely a miscommunication to the CM.

I think saying that a guest wanting to use the restroom after park closing is "cheating the system" is a bit much. If they were trying to get on an attraction or into a restaurant--then, yes, by all means they should have been turned away; but we are talking about a basic human need, here.
The CM should have asked the question "Number 1 or Number 2". Obviously number 1 would have been quicker, whereas Number 2 could have taken longer and by your own addmission you were illeagally trespassing during a paid evening event to begin with. Next time just wear an adult diaper like Astronauts do.


You were fully aware of the park hours and trying to take advantage of them.
When the park closes or switches to MVMCP Christmas hours, you should be out of the park. I don't see the problem here.
I'm sorry if castmembers didn't want you to use the bathrooms. It's their jobs to get you out of the park if you don't belong there.

People try to get away with a lot at Disney World. Not a day goes by where people don't pool hop or use Disney Transportation when they're not supposed to.

You abused the system and you got caught.
Are we, the ones who pay a hefty price for MVMCP and/or othere special Disney Events supposed to feel sorry for you?
Sorry..I don't think so

disney transportation is for all day guests at wdw I believe.


New Member
You were fully aware of the park hours and trying to take advantage of them.
When the park closes or switches to MVMCP Christmas hours, you should be out of the park. I don't see the problem here.
I'm sorry if castmembers didn't want you to use the bathrooms. It's their jobs to get you out of the park if you don't belong there.

People try to get away with a lot at Disney World. Not a day goes by where people don't pool hop or use Disney Transportation when they're not supposed to.

You abused the system and you got caught.
Are we, the ones who pay a hefty price for MVMCP and/or othere special Disney Events supposed to feel sorry for you?
Sorry..I don't think so

While I too, appreciate the frustration of ticket holders who would be annoyed by straggling day guests I also seem to remember Disney allowing party goers in at 4 pm for tickets that are for 7 pm! Going by that reasoning I do think that 15 min. past park closing is a bit soon to be restricting bathrooms. Rides I can understand, bodily functions are a different matter. :wave:


Technically, yes, the CM was in the right--the park needs to be cleared as quickly as possible. However, as a courtesy, the CM should have directed the OP to a restroom that would have been on their way out of the park, such as the one between the Tomorrowland Terrace and Plaza Restaurant. I find it hard to believe that all restrooms were closed to non-party guests--likely a miscommunication to the CM.

I think saying that a guest wanting to use the restroom after park closing is "cheating the system" is a bit much. If they were trying to get on an attraction or into a restaurant--then, yes, by all means they should have been turned away; but we are talking about a basic human need, here.

The OP said the CM told them of a restroom which was open.

Many times last year I was on door duty making sure guests didn't get it. Yes it was in the shops but the main reason for it it to make sure that the park is clear of day guests. I know you were just trying to go to the bathroom but there are some guests who will hide everywhere to stay and enjoy the parade and fireworks without paying for the party ticket.


Well-Known Member
Maybe the CM wasn't in the very merry christmas spirit and was playing the part of scrooge....you know they are good at staying in character.:D


Well-Known Member
That is absurd. A bathroom? C'mon, it's not like the OP was trying to go back onto Space Mountain? I wonder if they would would have objected had you wanted to purchase something at a gift shop? I would voice your concern to guest relations.


They were probably starting to clear the whole area of day guests. It's actually a common thing used in seasonal parks to close the bathrooms in the park and offer the ones outside of the exit turnstiles as your option. Bottom line is that on party nights they do put out signs that say the park closes promptly, and they mean that. They have to quickly clear the park of day guests to the party guests don't feel crowded and so they can get the party going. Don't forget it's not just the ride but also things going on around the park too. As far as feeling brushed off you mentioned the area was still full of day guests so there's a good chance that the cast member didn't realize you were wanted more out of the conversation and she moved on to directing the other guests out. And yes, on party nights they also usually direct you to the exit from the stores as well.


That is absurd. A bathroom? C'mon, it's not like the OP was trying to go back onto Space Mountain? I wonder if they would would have objected had you wanted to purchase something at a gift shop? I would voice your concern to guest relations.

Yup. At 7 CMs are posted at doors to make sure Guests without bracelets don't enter.


Sorry, I agree with the CM. You were aware of when the park closed for the day and you were "trying to squeeze in as many rides as possible" and were already still in the park 15+ minutes after closing time. When closing time was approaching, you should have begun to move toward the exit and if using the restroom was such a priority, used it at that time instead of trying to squeeze in just one more ride.

It is the responsibility of the CM's to clear the park of day guests at closing time and he/she was just doing their job. I do agree the CM might have mentioned a restroom that could be used on your way out of the park but asking you to go ahead and leave the Tomorrowland area that long after closing should not have been a problem.

As far as your mention of party guests being allowed into the park prior to the stated entry time, I do agree with you on that. The times stated on the ticket for the event should be adhered to. But, possibly those individuals being admitted early had park hopper tickets and had been at another park and were just arriving at MK for the party.
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