I don't like this CoP rumor. . .


Le Meh
Premium Member
Jerm said:
I don't understand the hate for Jim Hill. He is one of the main people that give us rumors to talk about on here and his record is not bad. You listed ideas that he even said were "blue sky projects" or "in the planning stages." While Jim has never been dead on he has given more interesting stories then any other web site IMHO. While he did disagree the Grizz he stated his facts for the things and offered ideas on the same subject.

I have been a fan of Jim for as long as i can recall, but I don't read all his stories and say "oh my god they can't do that" and bash him. He is just passing along info that he gets from people he knows. I do know that he will not print a story unless he has, I believe, 3 different sources back up the info. I don't want to see CoP go but in the end it is not ours call nor is it Jim Hill's or Al Lutz's fault. They just report info they get as 2 of the leading Disney info/rumor fan sites.

I think we have learned one thing over these past few years it is Disney does what it thinks best for the parks, not for the die hard Disney fans. We have been screaming and yelling about balloons for how many months now, when we should really be screaming about a clone of a "ok" at best attraction from DCA of all places being dropped into The Land. We can not win every fight, hell if you look at our (Disney geeks of the world) track record we have not really won any, but we have to keep supporting everyone that helps us along the way. Jim Hill, Al Lutz, and Grizz are 3 names that seem to be on the top of the list of people who give us info about the fights we go after.


P.S.-- I don't want to hear anyone say anything about "we saved" Great Moments with Mr.. Lincoln. Because that was way before the internet and the world was a much smaller place.


Thanks for the input Jim.....wait, sorry, Jerm.... :wave:

You do have a point though, but anyone who has been around the scene for any length of time will have their moments, both correct and incorrect.

DisneyFan 2000

Well-Known Member
Jerm said:
I don't understand the hate for Jim Hill. He is one of the main people that give us rumors to talk about on here and his record is not bad. You listed ideas that he even said were "blue sky projects" or "in the planning stages." While Jim has never been dead on he has given more interesting stories then any other web site IMHO. While he did disagree the Grizz he stated his facts for the things and offered ideas on the same subject.

You've got me all wrong. I love reading his articles. It just seems tho, that his more recent rumors have all proven to be miserably wrong. I mean, the Pirate concept pic was someone's personal piece of work... How could you get so mixed up? He has lost my trust but I still read his articles ;)


Well-Known Member
I read Jim Hill's articles, as well as the other authors who contribute to the site. Do I assume everything is correct? Nope. But I take things with a grain of salt. You'll find many more sites like Jim's covering different topics, different genres. Reader beware I suppose.


New Member
General Grizz said:
Care to follow up on that Carousel of Progress story? :D :lookaroun

On this issue, I know just as much as the rest of you. Not sure I could offer you much in the way of a follow up. I would say that you shouldn't be too upset Grizz. From the way Jim worded the article you can tell this is hardly a done deal.

General Grizz

New Member
Original Poster
CoryMitchell said:
On this issue, I know just as much as the rest of you. Not sure I could offer you much in the way of a follow up. I would say that you shouldn't be too upset Grizz. From the way Jim worded the article you can tell this is hardly a done deal.
Indeed -- 2008 is far off. By then, we may have a drastically different Spaceship Earth, Universe of Energy, and Living Seas. Not to mention, Everest will be about as old as Mission Space!


Well-Known Member
DisneyFan 2000 said:
And then we had the Pirates park, a Pocahontas Splash Mountain for DLP, a renewed Swiss Treehouse with Jack Sparrow for DLP.. :rolleyes:
These are still possibilities. I mean, Bald and Fire Mountain haven't been announce but we still consider those possible attractions.

And as far as the Scott Sherman thing, I can understand the mistrust created. However, did you think it would be possible that Scott Sherman himself sent the info... but did not let Jim know it was already on his site?

There are too many variables involved in one story for you to bad mouth everything the man says. I still say, "if you think you can do better... do it."


New Member
General Grizz said:
Indeed -- 2008 is far off. By then, we may have a drastically different Spaceship Earth, Universe of Energy, and Living Seas. Not to mention, Everest will be about as old as Mission Space!

Plus, you have to consider that it might not go into the carousel.

"Toy Story" 's little green men will mostly likely be moving into Tomorrowland's theater-go-rounmd building"

That doesn't read to me like Jim's source is getting ready to rip the family out of the carousel next week. I think its early to start talking protest.

DisneyFan 2000

Well-Known Member
Legacy said:
These are still possibilities. I mean, Bald and Fire Mountain haven't been announce but we still consider those possible attractions.

And as far as the Scott Sherman thing, I can understand the mistrust created. However, did you think it would be possible that Scott Sherman himself sent the info... but did not let Jim know it was already on his site?

There are too many variables involved in one story for you to bad mouth everything the man says. I still say, "if you think you can do better... do it."

I haven't bad mouthed everything the man has said. All I said was that I won't trust this rumor because it isn't the first to be incorrect. In my opinion, Jim has some great articles that get my imagination working. I have nothing personal against the man, I just won't trust a rumor that hasn't been confirmed by others here. :wave:


Well-Known Member
DisneyFan 2000 said:
I haven't bad mouthed everything the man has said. All I said was that I won't trust this rumor because it isn't the first to be incorrect. In my opinion, Jim has some great articles that get my imagination working. I have nothing personal against the man, I just won't trust a rumor that hasn't been confirmed by others here. :wave:
Okay, I understand more of where you are coming from. I think I just took beef with you discrediting two attractions that might have been planned for DLP. Considering we do not really have people on this board who could confirm rumors of the Paris park, I feel it unfair to use them as examples when we as a board don't know.

But if you know people, I will rescind my statement.


New Member
Legacy said:
Okay, I understand more of where you are coming from. I think I just took beef with you discrediting two attractions that might have been planned for DLP. Considering we do not really have people on this board who could confirm rumors of the Paris park, I feel it unfair to use them as examples when we as a board don't know.

But if you know people, I will rescind my statement.

The two Paris rumors you site come from authors on our site other than Jim.


Well-Known Member
Even the way Jim Hill wrong that piece doesn't have any conviction in it. I'll believe it when I see it. Jim may get alot right, but he also gets alot wrong.

If you throw up enough fly paper, eventually something is gonna stick. I can make 10 billion predictions and some are bound to come true. Doesn't mean I know what I'm talking about. :D


Well-Known Member
DisneyFan 2000 said:
You've got me all wrong. I love reading his articles. It just seems tho, that his more recent rumors have all proven to be miserably wrong. I mean, the Pirate concept pic was someone's personal piece of work... How could you get so mixed up? He has lost my trust but I still read his articles ;)

I am being picky now...did I miss the info that it was someones personal work? Also one of the things about his "recent" rumors they are all a few weeks or days out. Like someone said we still talk about two attraction ideas that started as someone saying how cool this attraction would be with no proof at all of anything. Atleast the things Jim states he backs up by just being a "well respected" news man.

I am sorry if I am coming off like the Jim Hill butt kisser here...heck I don't think I have posted more then like 2 things on his boards and I am always on this one. I just have gotten sick of the "oh my GOD how can someone post that story" post on here when (forgive me if I am wrong I don't know Disney fan 2000) we don't know anything more then what we read. And it has been showen that Jim and people like him do have ties to WDI.

Not meaning to come off attacking DisneyFan2000 just a post that got my mind going.



New Member
KevinPage said:
Even the way Jim Hill wrong that piece doesn't have any conviction in it. I'll believe it when I see it. Jim may get alot right, but he also gets alot wrong.

If you throw up enough fly paper, eventually something is gonna stick. I can make 10 billion predictions and some are bound to come true. Doesn't mean I know what I'm talking about. :D

Well, I have to say that I take slight offense to the idea that Jim and the other authors on the site are just throwing stuff into the air until it sticks. I have a behind the scenes view of how Jim and our other authors work and I can say without doubt, that ideas are not being just thrown against a wall until something sticks. To say that would be to demean the hard work done by all our authors. When you deal with an industry that has many ups and downs in the development of a concept, you are bound to have varying levels of accuracy in prediction. Not to mention when someone occasionally throws you false information under false pretenses.


New Member
This is coming from a kid who saved his Buzz Lightyear backpack, danced around the movie theater with glee when he found out about Toy Story 2, was depressed when he found out they weren't making any more new episodes of Buzz Lightyear of Star Command (then happy when he found out they survived on Toon Disney at his cousins' house), concerning the possible CoP closure. If they go through with this,:





(However, I wouldn't mind if they moved CoP into Epcot. Then they could do whatever they liked with the theatre.)


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
if it is going to happen, please make it in TK. i think TK is doomed anyway. sorry nine-eye (sp)

Cory, how are the shins feeling? i hope they are better. did you bring your shin protectors before jumping into this thread? :lol:


New Member
jmaxwell007 said:
if it is going to happen, please make it in TK. i think TK is doomed anyway. sorry nine-eye (sp)

Cory, how are the shins feeling? i hope they are better. did you bring your shin protectors before jumping into this thread? :lol:

Shins are doing ok. I always like coming in here and talking with you guys. Even if I do get attacked.


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
CoryMitchell said:
Shins are doing ok. I always like coming in here and talking with you guys. Even if I do get attacked.
WELL, just wear the shin guards and possibly a helmet and i think you'll survive. :wave:

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