I didn't expect...(share your experiences here)


New Member
Original Poster
Hi everyone, new WDWMagic user here (escapee from another Disney forum). I thought I'd dive right in with a question / poll for y'all. Hope you don't mind and that you'll share your thoughts. :)

Inspired by all the other lists out there, I was wondering if anyone would be willing to share their "oh, that was unexpected!" moments from WDW. Did your feet not hurt as much as you thought after walking all day? Were the crowds not as ginormous as you expected? Did you truly enjoy a ride, like Stitch's Great Escape, that you were positive you'd hate and never ride again?

I'd love to hear about the unexpected experiences, good and bad, that you had while in WDW. I'll hope you'll share those stories of unexpected magical moments, as well as those that are funny, touching, sad, or bad (for example, getting run over by a tour group when you least expect it).


Well-Known Member
I didn't expect that I would enjoy going back to the resort in the middle of the day to take a nice break like relaxing at our resort, or visiting a deluxe resort and having lunch.


Stayed on my last trip with my 2 friends from High School with no parents. (It was our HS graduation gift...really couldn't ask for anything better with the way I am) Anyway we stayed at the Wilderness Lodge (liked it although I prefer the Beach Club Villas!) but I didn't expect how much I loved the late night food that was open there!!!


Well-Known Member
I hate SGE but my first time I definitely didn't expect the smell that came with it. I also didn't expect the time consumed getting to the MK from the hotels.


New Member
For me, the most magical and unexpected moment I have ever had in Disney happened in early October 2005. I had taken my kids to Disney about four times previous and I had been going for years. We all loved it, but it was just a cool place to vacation.

On August 29, 2005, our lives were changed forever. My kids and I lost everything we owned when Katrina's eye came ashore in Bay St. louis, MS where we lived. All we had left after evacuating and thinking we may come back to a little flood, was a SLAB. Literally three days of clothes and a slab.

My company transferred me to Mobile, AL and we got there and were in total shock still. It was so hard for me to hold it all together for my three kids, (I was a divorced single mom), but I did. After we had been there a few weeks, my old boss from years ago who I had remained friends with, tracked me down and said he wanted to do something for us. He had heard about us losing everything.

He told me to let my boss know I was leaving town for a few days and that he had booked and paid for a room in Disney for the kids and I and there were park hoppers and spending money waiting for me at the front desk and I was leaving the next day to get away from it all.

He had actually already arranged it with my boss. I was so amazed and went home and packed the kids up while they were at school. They did not know where we were going until it was time to get in the car!

We drove all night practically, and when we got there and walked into the MK and I saw my babies faces light up, there is no way to describe that feeling. For weeks they had been very quiet, not eating well, not smiling much etc. They had literally been ripped from their home and friends overnight and placed in a new town and new schools etc. with no notice. It was pretty traumatic for them.

Everything changed in Disney. They interacted wth the characters and we watched every fireworks show and every parade and cherished those four days so very much. I literally felt like my kids came back to life on that trip. I remember sitting by PotC and seeing my two youngest sword fighting and smiling and it just made me cry.

For four days, we didn't think about insurance battles, worry about where our old friends were, feel like the whole world knew we were refugees, etc.

Ever since that trip, Disney holds a place in my heart SOOOOOO special, that NOTHING and NO PLACE could ever compare. Our life has been so amazing since then and we are so blessed now, and we go every year and I still get emotional that first time entering the MK remembering hteir little faces that day.

That was a magical life changing and unexpected experience for us.


Active Member
Erin - I grew up in Bay St. Louis too. Also lost everything in Katrina.

For lack of a better (or worse) phrase, it's a small world!



New Member
Erin - I grew up in Bay St. Louis too. Also lost everything in Katrina.

For lack of a better (or worse) phrase, it's a small world!


Small world indeed!!! I lived off Dunbar. Remember where Pete Fountain lived? I was on the next street over. Disney was a huge turning point for my kids! Hope you are doing well now too. Are you still there? You need to look at the link at the bottom of my signature since you are from the Bay.


Well-Known Member
For me, the most magical and unexpected moment I have ever had in Disney happened in early October 2005. I had taken my kids to Disney about four times previous and I had been going for years. We all loved it, but it was just a cool place to vacation.

On August 29, 2005, our lives were changed forever. My kids and I lost everything we owned when Katrina's eye came ashore in Bay St. louis, MS where we lived. All we had left after evacuating and thinking we may come back to a little flood, was a SLAB. Literally three days of clothes and a slab.

My company transferred me to Mobile, AL and we got there and were in total shock still. It was so hard for me to hold it all together for my three kids, (I was a divorced single mom), but I did. After we had been there a few weeks, my old boss from years ago who I had remained friends with, tracked me down and said he wanted to do something for us. He had heard about us losing everything.

He told me to let my boss know I was leaving town for a few days and that he had booked and paid for a room in Disney for the kids and I and there were park hoppers and spending money waiting for me at the front desk and I was leaving the next day to get away from it all.

He had actually already arranged it with my boss. I was so amazed and went home and packed the kids up while they were at school. They did not know where we were going until it was time to get in the car!

We drove all night practically, and when we got there and walked into the MK and I saw my babies faces light up, there is no way to describe that feeling. For weeks they had been very quiet, not eating well, not smiling much etc. They had literally been ripped from their home and friends overnight and placed in a new town and new schools etc. with no notice. It was pretty traumatic for them.

Everything changed in Disney. They interacted wth the characters and we watched every fireworks show and every parade and cherished those four days so very much. I literally felt like my kids came back to life on that trip. I remember sitting by PotC and seeing my two youngest sword fighting and smiling and it just made me cry.

For four days, we didn't think about insurance battles, worry about where our old friends were, feel like the whole world knew we were refugees, etc.

Ever since that trip, Disney holds a place in my heart SOOOOOO special, that NOTHING and NO PLACE could ever compare. Our life has been so amazing since then and we are so blessed now, and we go every year and I still get emotional that first time entering the MK remembering hteir little faces that day.

That was a magical life changing and unexpected experience for us.

That's a tragic but beautiful story. That made me tear up.


Active Member
For me, the most magical and unexpected moment I have ever had in Disney happened in early October 2005. I had taken my kids to Disney about four times previous and I had been going for years. We all loved it, but it was just a cool place to vacation.

On August 29, 2005, our lives were changed forever. My kids and I lost everything we owned when Katrina's eye came ashore in Bay St. louis, MS where we lived. All we had left after evacuating and thinking we may come back to a little flood, was a SLAB. Literally three days of clothes and a slab.

My company transferred me to Mobile, AL and we got there and were in total shock still. It was so hard for me to hold it all together for my three kids, (I was a divorced single mom), but I did. After we had been there a few weeks, my old boss from years ago who I had remained friends with, tracked me down and said he wanted to do something for us. He had heard about us losing everything.

He told me to let my boss know I was leaving town for a few days and that he had booked and paid for a room in Disney for the kids and I and there were park hoppers and spending money waiting for me at the front desk and I was leaving the next day to get away from it all.

He had actually already arranged it with my boss. I was so amazed and went home and packed the kids up while they were at school. They did not know where we were going until it was time to get in the car!

We drove all night practically, and when we got there and walked into the MK and I saw my babies faces light up, there is no way to describe that feeling. For weeks they had been very quiet, not eating well, not smiling much etc. They had literally been ripped from their home and friends overnight and placed in a new town and new schools etc. with no notice. It was pretty traumatic for them.

Everything changed in Disney. They interacted wth the characters and we watched every fireworks show and every parade and cherished those four days so very much. I literally felt like my kids came back to life on that trip. I remember sitting by PotC and seeing my two youngest sword fighting and smiling and it just made me cry.

For four days, we didn't think about insurance battles, worry about where our old friends were, feel like the whole world knew we were refugees, etc.

Ever since that trip, Disney holds a place in my heart SOOOOOO special, that NOTHING and NO PLACE could ever compare. Our life has been so amazing since then and we are so blessed now, and we go every year and I still get emotional that first time entering the MK remembering hteir little faces that day.

That was a magical life changing and unexpected experience for us.

Wow.........thanks for making a grown man cry.......


Well-Known Member
Erin - We also lost our home and everything we owed in BSL during Hurricane Katrina. We managed to pull ourselves together and wouldn't want to live anywhere else. It was amazing the generosity of people during this time.


New Member
Original Poster
Wow, what great stories already. And yes, I'm already choked up.

Here are things I didn't expect, so far:

~ I didn't expect DH to agree to a WDW trip, let alone be excited about it. The man is a hermit who hates to go anywhere. I'm not sure who this guy is and what he did with my real DH, but hey - we're going to Disneyworld! :sohappy:
~ I didn't expect our family vacation for seven to mushroom into a family reunion for 12! And I also didn't expect to be the one "driving the bus" in terms of planning. Hope they like getting up at the crack of dawn...
~I didn't expect our kids to seem like they're NOT excited at the prospect of Disney. We did the GAD program and on the way home from our Meals on Wheels service, we decided to tell the kids. We broke the news and waited for the shrieks of delight...and kept waiting. I don't know if they were stunned or what, but the expected OMGWE'REGOINGTODISNEY explosion didn't happen. :veryconfu

I'm sure there will be more as we get closer, but so far, that's it.


New Member
Erin - We also lost our home and everything we owed in BSL during Hurricane Katrina. We managed to pull ourselves together and wouldn't want to live anywhere else. It was amazing the generosity of people during this time.

I'm sorry for your loss. I unfortunately had to leave due to my job being with the port and the port of Gulfport was really destroyed. But we have made a great new life here in Mobile and get back to see friends as often as we can. It really isn't that far away! And yes, people were so very kind and generous. i will never forget many of them EVER.


New Member
Wow.........thanks for making a grown man cry.......

Sorry Matt. I didn't mean to! I actually got emotional writing it, but I am a sentimental sap anyways! I actually still get a weird feeling everytime I am standing in front of Japan, by the cart that sells the shaved ice....that is where I was with the kids when my insurance company called me to tell me my claim was denied. For so long i had to look away as we walked past there. Silly huh? But last Christmas, I went and sat on that bench and DEALT with it! Its all good now!!

Worst thing to ever happen to me turned into the best! Our life is AWESOME now!


New Member
Wow, what great stories already. And yes, I'm already choked up.

Here are things I didn't expect, so far:

~ I didn't expect DH to agree to a WDW trip, let alone be excited about it. The man is a hermit who hates to go anywhere. I'm not sure who this guy is and what he did with my real DH, but hey - we're going to Disneyworld! :sohappy:
~ I didn't expect our family vacation for seven to mushroom into a family reunion for 12! And I also didn't expect to be the one "driving the bus" in terms of planning. Hope they like getting up at the crack of dawn...
~I didn't expect our kids to seem like they're NOT excited at the prospect of Disney. We did the GAD program and on the way home from our Meals on Wheels service, we decided to tell the kids. We broke the news and waited for the shrieks of delight...and kept waiting. I don't know if they were stunned or what, but the expected OMGWE'REGOINGTODISNEY explosion didn't happen. :veryconfu

I'm sure there will be more as we get closer, but so far, that's it.

WOW will this be your first trip??? HOW EXCITING!!!!


Well-Known Member
For me, the most magical and unexpected moment I have ever had in Disney happened in early October 2005. I had taken my kids to Disney about four times previous and I had been going for years. We all loved it, but it was just a cool place to vacation.

On August 29, 2005, our lives were changed forever. My kids and I lost everything we owned when Katrina's eye came ashore in Bay St. louis, MS where we lived. All we had left after evacuating and thinking we may come back to a little flood, was a SLAB. Literally three days of clothes and a slab.

My company transferred me to Mobile, AL and we got there and were in total shock still. It was so hard for me to hold it all together for my three kids, (I was a divorced single mom), but I did. After we had been there a few weeks, my old boss from years ago who I had remained friends with, tracked me down and said he wanted to do something for us. He had heard about us losing everything.

He told me to let my boss know I was leaving town for a few days and that he had booked and paid for a room in Disney for the kids and I and there were park hoppers and spending money waiting for me at the front desk and I was leaving the next day to get away from it all.

He had actually already arranged it with my boss. I was so amazed and went home and packed the kids up while they were at school. They did not know where we were going until it was time to get in the car!

We drove all night practically, and when we got there and walked into the MK and I saw my babies faces light up, there is no way to describe that feeling. For weeks they had been very quiet, not eating well, not smiling much etc. They had literally been ripped from their home and friends overnight and placed in a new town and new schools etc. with no notice. It was pretty traumatic for them.

Everything changed in Disney. They interacted wth the characters and we watched every fireworks show and every parade and cherished those four days so very much. I literally felt like my kids came back to life on that trip. I remember sitting by PotC and seeing my two youngest sword fighting and smiling and it just made me cry.

For four days, we didn't think about insurance battles, worry about where our old friends were, feel like the whole world knew we were refugees, etc.

Ever since that trip, Disney holds a place in my heart SOOOOOO special, that NOTHING and NO PLACE could ever compare. Our life has been so amazing since then and we are so blessed now, and we go every year and I still get emotional that first time entering the MK remembering hteir little faces that day.

That was a magical life changing and unexpected experience for us.

Very sad story, but at the same time a very beautiful one. Thanks for sharing it with us. Helps put things in perspective.


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
What part of AL unkadug?? I love this area!!!

Montgomery. Straight up I-65 from you. But that is one long, boring ride. I love the Mobile area, just not the ride down. I'll be passing though Mobile in a few weeks on my way to N.O. for a long weekend.

WDW Vacationer

Active Member
Erin,that was quite an amazing story that brought tears to my eyes. It really shows what the magic of Disney can do. I'm happy that you were able to enjoy that time.

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