I didn't expect...(share your experiences here)


Well-Known Member
I wasn't prepared for the tears I shed when my then 5 yr old daughter ran up to her first character and hugged him. It was Captain Hook.

LadySiren....The last couple of times we went our daughter just didn't seem excited. She doesn't like to watch the planning DVDs. We were a little dissappointed. But once we got there, she was flipping out with excitement. So don't worry, they will be excited!!:wave:


New Member
Original Poster
Thanks much, Raven66 - it was just...I dunno, weird! The five kids all kind of looked at one another and remained quiet. DH and I were quite :confused: over their reaction. They're getting excited now but we truly expected them to go bananas and it was more "meh".

Erin, that certainly was a beautiful story. Thanks for sharing it. This isn't my first trip, but it is the first time for DH and the kids. I can't wait to see their faces when we hit MK for the first time as a whole family unit. I *do* expect to cry, LOL.

I wasn't prepared for the tears I shed when my then 5 yr old daughter ran up to her first character and hugged him. It was Captain Hook.

LadySiren....The last couple of times we went our daughter just didn't seem excited. She doesn't like to watch the planning DVDs. We were a little dissappointed. But once we got there, she was flipping out with excitement. So don't worry, they will be excited!!:wave:


New Member
your posts are always so amazing to read. Disney really did wonders for your family! You are such a great mom for being able to keep it together and keep your kids smiling!! I am so happy that life has turned around for you!!!:sohappy:

For me, the most magical and unexpected moment I have ever had in Disney happened in early October 2005. I had taken my kids to Disney about four times previous and I had been going for years. We all loved it, but it was just a cool place to vacation.

On August 29, 2005, our lives were changed forever. My kids and I lost everything we owned when Katrina's eye came ashore in Bay St. louis, MS where we lived. All we had left after evacuating and thinking we may come back to a little flood, was a SLAB. Literally three days of clothes and a slab.

My company transferred me to Mobile, AL and we got there and were in total shock still. It was so hard for me to hold it all together for my three kids, (I was a divorced single mom), but I did. After we had been there a few weeks, my old boss from years ago who I had remained friends with, tracked me down and said he wanted to do something for us. He had heard about us losing everything.

He told me to let my boss know I was leaving town for a few days and that he had booked and paid for a room in Disney for the kids and I and there were park hoppers and spending money waiting for me at the front desk and I was leaving the next day to get away from it all.

He had actually already arranged it with my boss. I was so amazed and went home and packed the kids up while they were at school. They did not know where we were going until it was time to get in the car!

We drove all night practically, and when we got there and walked into the MK and I saw my babies faces light up, there is no way to describe that feeling. For weeks they had been very quiet, not eating well, not smiling much etc. They had literally been ripped from their home and friends overnight and placed in a new town and new schools etc. with no notice. It was pretty traumatic for them.

Everything changed in Disney. They interacted wth the characters and we watched every fireworks show and every parade and cherished those four days so very much. I literally felt like my kids came back to life on that trip. I remember sitting by PotC and seeing my two youngest sword fighting and smiling and it just made me cry.

For four days, we didn't think about insurance battles, worry about where our old friends were, feel like the whole world knew we were refugees, etc.

Ever since that trip, Disney holds a place in my heart SOOOOOO special, that NOTHING and NO PLACE could ever compare. Our life has been so amazing since then and we are so blessed now, and we go every year and I still get emotional that first time entering the MK remembering hteir little faces that day.

That was a magical life changing and unexpected experience for us.


Well-Known Member
I didn't expect DH to enjoy it so much that the "trip of a lifetime" "the only time we will ever go" has turned into 4 trips (in 5 years) so far and I can happily say there will be more!!


Well-Known Member
That is why we love it so much. You can literally forget every care in the world once you step into one of the parks.

That's why I love Disney so much. You get to focus on the importance of the family and friends, have fun and forget about all your stress and cares at home.

Erin your story is heartbreaking and lovely at the same time. I can't even begin to imagine how difficult that must have been for you.

I've shared my story of my mother and I on here before. I didn't expect our seven day trip in 2008 to become as important to me as it is now. We went so I could get away and have my first vacation in three years. The two of us had a blast doing MVMCP and the Food & Wine festival. A few months later, she was diagnosed with breast cancer and underwent a very stressful year last year. Thankfully today she is a survivor and doing very well. But that trip now means more to me then I could even put into words. I'm extremely lucky to have a wonderful relationship with my mother and were already very close as it was. But that trip is something I will have forever now...7 days of having fun, being big kids and enjoying not only being mother and daughter, but best friends as well.

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