I'm also in a zone D, 4 houses down from a non-evacuation zone. I'm inland, and 4 blocks uphill from the St John's, so would need the river to rise about 20 ' before it would reach my bottom step. I started reviewing my old thread, and had forgotten about the sugar packets. I might take a walk to a nearby Walgreen's (no way am I going near a Publix) and pick some up. If they're out, I'll just bag some in snack bags and put them in an airtight container.
I've just finished going through, and sorting, my supplies. All will go into watertight containers, with the pre-storm stuff out - screws for attaching the plywood, sand for sandbags, rainsuits, plastic sheeting to cover clothes and linens in the upstairs closet in case the roof leaks, waterproof bags for ammo supplies, 5 gallon water containers, etc. A friend from PA jokingly said "I guess it's too late to go out and buy a water survival suit, lol." Just so happens I have two. And a couple of auto-inflate life jackets.
The next batch contains flashlights, batteries, battery powered radio and TV - all of the stuff we'll need close at hand when the power goes out.
The last batch contains cleaning supplies, contractors bags, insect stuff, damp rid, air freshener, etc. For the miserable clean-up afterwards.
I don't have to mention that I have food, drinking water, utensils, etc. Plus I've started making my ice supply, and have gas for the generator. If our garage apartment is undamaged, we can run the window A/C if we need to get a few hours of solid sleep. Not every night, but maybe every 4th or so. Or for a nice nap - someone has to keep an eye on the generators.
Last time my neighbor had gas, so we moved everything over there to cook, and took turns napping in the garage apt. We didn't need to run two refrigerators as we used one for both houses.
I'm better prepared than most, mainly because I lost power for two weeks before and learned a lot.