Huge Rollercoasters?


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Robfasto said:
Yes, but you know for a FACT that you will not hit them.... as each train that leaves before you returns with all it's rides alive and well.

No kidding... but again, did you not catch my part where I said... you come around a turn so fast that you don't have time to think, again, yeah you know you won't die... obviously, but it is reality that you are just hanging there and being tossed around and thrown towards objects that you feel as if you're going to hit. It's not like I get on the ride "ok, I am going to just sit still and not scream or get excited because eventually I will be back at the station to get off the ride..."

its a thrill, and you dont have time to think.


excuse me? Its first drop is 160 foot drop... thats no short fall... also, it has about... 6 inversions, and your feet are dangling... AND NO YOU CANNOT SEE THE TRACK when you are headed towards a break wall... the track is above you and you're not looking up the whole time "which way do i turn next?"

again... your body is dangling... and your being propelled at things that would kill you if you dont hit them, yes... you know you won't... but its the thrill and excitement of "oh my god lookout!"

In Mission: Space you know you aren't going to mars... so why bother even riding it? in tower of terror you know it isn't REALLY haunted, so why ride it? RnRC... you aren't REALLY going to an aerosmith concert... why ride it??

you don't ride rides to get on them and go "ok im not gonna let this excite me cuz I know i'll be back here in about... 1-2 minutes.... BLAH"


New Member
That is the same with nearly every ride in the world, once you have a ride on them why ride again they are just the same. A couple of exceptions would be Tower of Terror with the random drop sequence and of all things Primeval Whirl which spins different on each ride.

I understand the thrill, I have been riding rollercoasters since the age of 4, so for 37 years I have gone for the thrill and have been on some of the biggest, best coasters in the world (130+ in 14 states).


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Robfasto said:
That is the same with nearly every ride in the world, once you have a ride on them why ride again they are just the same. A couple of exceptions would be Tower of Terror with the random drop sequence and of all things Primeval Whirl which spins different on each ride.

do you watch movies once and then never watch them again? Do you listen to a song once... and never ever listen to it again?

I'm sorry but I think your point lacks common sense... why ride something again? I was being blatantly sarcastic when i said "why ride mission: space... yada yada yada (you "yada yada yada'd over the best part..... no i didn't... i mentioned the bisque")"

Movies, songs, books, these things dont change... so why watch them a second time?

Just saying, DD should not be an overlooked RC... it's in an entirely different league than any WDW rollercoaster, and than the Hulk...

I dislike arguing about opinions though. And I slept 3 hours last night, I need to take five from working to go get a red bull...


New Member
I don't listen to songs not played on the radio and most of the time the volume is so low you can't hear the works just the music in the background.

Talking about common sense this statement is the base of each of my following replies.

"I mean you're moving at 50-60 mph and heading at objects which if you hit them... YOU WILL DIE..."

The same can be said about driving down the Interstate at 70 MPH, if you hit another car YOU WILL DIE...

On a ride you know you will not hit anything yet the body gets a rush from riding but going down the Interstate you never know what is around the next bend, what the next driver will do yet most people get no rush out of it.

Don't get me wrong I love the controlled chaos you get on rides.

Have a great day...


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Robfasto said:
"I mean you're moving at 50-60 mph and heading at objects which if you hit them... YOU WILL DIE..."

The same can be said about driving down the Interstate at 70 MPH, if you hit another car YOU WILL DIE....

You just LOVE to make things difficult don't you? :lol:

ohhhhhh man... you were a yankees fan too weren't ya? :hammer:

I see your point... I think you see mine, I know what you mean, yes you KNOW you won't hit them... but the rush of propelling towards them...

ah... i give up

you don't win though :wave:


New Member
What about Top Thrill Dragster at Cedar Point in Sandusky, Ohio it has a dragster theme to it and is one of the World's tallest roller coasters at 420 feet. I think if Disney put in some bigger rides it would eliminate some of the lines and there would not be much need for fast passes. Since Cedar Point has 16 roller coasters there is hardly any waiting time for just about two top rides. I think Disney could make some record breaking roller coasters and they do not have to be that tall or extreme. I think since they have a huge amount of land available they should go for making the longest roller coaster ever having making a ride last over 5 minutes. This would be awesome if they could pull this type of ride off.


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Mystic said:
The reason is is because Walt wanted to create a park that the whole family could enjoy together. A place with rides that the adults could ride and enjoy with their children instead of sitting off to the side and watching.
Yet they price it where most people with children can not afford to go. Now that's interesting. That's very interesting.


Le Meh
Premium Member
disneyisbest said:
Yet they price it where most people with children can not afford to go. Now that's interesting. That's very interesting.

That is a load of crap. A value resort nightly price is comprable to a hotel room out of the park once you factor in transportation to and from the park. It cost less to eat a hotdoge, coke and chips in the parks than it does at your theatre down the street.

Disney is in the business to make money, therfore the reason for being called The Disney Co. They are not a social program funded by the government.

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
cardfan32 said:
. I think if Disney put in some bigger rides it would eliminate some of the lines and there would not be much need for fast passes. Since Cedar Point has 16 roller coasters there is hardly any waiting time for just about two top rides.

I would have said attendance figures might have something to do with ait times


New Member
My guess would be that if Disney built a coaster, say the size of the Hulk and or Dueling Dragons, the size of the mountain it would take to cover it would reach the lower atmosphere. Plus they are running out of names for the mountains. Splash, Space, Big Thunder, and Everest being taken of course.


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Epcot82Guy said:
I'm gonna take a shot at this one, and if I'm wrong then I apologize, but if you are addressing Space Mountain and travelling lightyears away, that is true, but Space Mountain, by self decree, is not a roller coaster. Just read the opening sighn.

All the signs in the Space Mt. queue and entry area in WDW say that its a "rollercoaster" type ride. Also, the queue has a recorded warning announcement saying that space mt. is a rollercoaster type ride in the dark.:) When people ask what it is, we have to say it's a roller coaster.


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disneyfamily said:
My guess would be that if Disney built a coaster, say the size of the Hulk and or Dueling Dragons, the size of the mountain it would take to cover it would reach the lower atmosphere. Plus they are running out of names for the mountains. Splash, Space, Big Thunder, and Everest being taken of course.

As for real mountaints;

Fiji, Verseveus, McKinley, K2, Kiliminjaro, Popocatapetl

As for Mountains with adjectives;

Tumbling, Mysterious, Historic, Snowy, Ice, Aging, hazy, winter, summer, spring, fall, autumn, ancient, prehistoric... I mean this list can go on forever

So although I do not feel they should make a steel rollercoaster like the Hulk or DD into a MT... they should stick with the Mts for wooden rollercoasters, they fit better... however, nontheless, you could easily build like 30 more mountains without worrying of the name... the name is the least of their worries

I personally vote for a DD like ride (feet dangle...) to be put in tomorrowland... but where? :lookaroun


Premium Member
I like Disney the way it is - different from every other theme park!

Every couple years or so I'll go to Busch Gardens or a Paramount park or something to get my roller coaster fix, but the whole time I'm there I'm constantly thinking to myself how much I miss Disney's high standards. Some of the Paramount parks have the greatest rollercoasters, but they are atrocious - no themeing whatsoever, views of parking lots while on the rides, garbage everywhere you look.

To me it is more exciting to look around and be marvelled at all the small details on one of Disney's less thrilling rides, than to ride the scariest coaster in the world.


New Member
No thanks i think disney needs to apeal to a veriety of age groups, i get rather bored of Haunted Mansion and Splash mountain, granted they are full of detail and fun to ride, they get rather boring after the fourth or fifth time u have ridden them. I'm glad to see WDW putting out Expedition Everest and i plan to be there early hoping for a soft opening like Dino Rama and Stitch. However the older rides like space mountain could have some major improvments to make them still detailed but much more extreme, especially with a dark coaster.


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bigwoowoo248 said:
This has probably been asked but why doesnt disney have any huge rollercoaster like islands of adventure or like the six flags do?

because at universal the incredible hulk doesnt have a story around it, and that is a necessity for disney, it would be unheard of to have a disney attraction without a story attatched!

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