Huge Expedition: Everest Photo Update


I especially like the shots that show the top of the mountain close-up and in the clouds. Those make it look like it really IS Mt. Everest!


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Magicot said:
Everything looks amazing! But does anyone agree that these silver light fixtures would look maybe more suitable in Tomorrowland rather than leading to Everest?
Those light fixtures are not part of the everest area. They are in Dinoland and are part of the Theater in the Wild. The lights around the everest area fit in perfect. Those are no different then how you can see main street light posts with Space Mountain in the background.


Peter, would you mind if I posted a link on the DIS. I'll give you credit. I am asking only since I don't want to STEAL these from you :animwink: :animwink: (Inside joke - if you recall).They are GREAT photos and it is truly appreciated!


New Member
Wow. Those are really some amazing pictures! The more I look at them, the more I want this thing to open so I can ride it... as I'm sure everyone else here would like to do. :D

Anyways, keep up the great job!

Sergeant Tibbs

New Member
Peter, i remember when i asked you a question a couple months ago how i thought the mountain didnt look wide enough and you said it would look wider in time...well you were absolutly right. I just thought i'd remind you about that:D


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GrimGhost said:
Peter, would you mind if I posted a link on the DIS. I'll give you credit. I am asking only since I don't want to STEAL these from you :animwink: :animwink: (Inside joke - if you recall).They are GREAT photos and it is truly appreciated!
Lol, I do remember that thread. :lol: Although my pictures are no where near as interesting as those from Yen_Sid1. Also I would have no problem with a link on the DIS. Mostly because you asked me first. :animwink:


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Sergeant Tibbs said:
Peter, i remember when i asked you a question a couple months ago how i thought the mountain didnt look wide enough and you said it would look wider in time...well you were absolutly right. I just thought i'd remind you about that:D
Well, Thank You. It is amazing how few times you hear the words "you were right." :lol:


To me, it just doesn't even look real! Especially the fifth pic down in the first post. Looks like a painting.

Can't wait! Though I was hoping for a soft opening during my late Nov-early Dec trip. That probably won't happen I guess...


Well-Known Member
Awesome pics!!! :sohappy:

This eases the pain of not making my annual December trip.....we are planning on Spring Break and Everest should be open!!


New Member
Peter, you should send these to WDWMagic. Then they can post it on their E.E construction section and you would get credit! These pictures really are wonderful!


New Member
E.E forced perspective

its amazing how disney uses forced perspective perfectly, if i had to guess i would say EE is about 2 stories tall maybe a little more, but when you look at it it looks huge, they do that with the hotel in the canada pavilion and the magic kingdom castle


Well-Known Member
hockeykid4 said:
its amazing how disney uses forced perspective perfectly, if i had to guess i would say EE is about 2 stories tall maybe a little more, but when you look at it it looks huge, they do that with the hotel in the canada pavilion and the magic kingdom castle

Everest is probably closer to 20 stories tall (almost 200ft high total) :) But I definetely agree with you, the use of forced perspective is incredible on Everest, especially in person. It makes the mountain look even taller than it really is, which is pretty tall. In fact, with the new landscaping going around, it is helping make the mountain look that much taller and wider.

Welcome to the boards btw :wave:


New Member
the length of E.E

Does anybody know the official length of E.E. Would it be counting the forward track and backward track? If I'm correct, would it be around 5000 ft.?


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animal_king1990 said:
Peter, you should send these to WDWMagic. Then they can post it on their E.E construction section and you would get credit! These pictures really are wonderful!
Steve is welcome to post my images on the main site. That would be no problem at all, although he already has some more recent photos on the site.


New Member
peter11435 said:
Steve is welcome to post my images on the main site. That would be no problem at all, although he already has some more recent photos on the site.

Can you tell him to add it on the E.E construction page. He doesn't have to say it's new.

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