How your Park Preferences have Changed


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Original Poster
Hey All!
I was just thinking about how over my life as a WDW fanatic, my park preferences have changed somewhat. I'll go back ten years ago, but if you've been a huge disney fan for a long time you can go even further:slurp:

10 Years ago:
1. Magic Kingdom
2. DHS
4. AK

1. MK
3. AK
4. DHS

MK is just too magical to drop from the top spot, and I am sure the additions in fantasyland will just further this. As I've gotten older, I really understand the Genius behind EPCOT. Though it doesn't have my favorite rides, the combination of its rides and world showcase are 1st class. Expedition Everest really bumped AK up for me. It's my favorite ride at WDW. And while I LOVE a few rides at DHS, TSMM is not one of my favorites so that park is now my number four. Though of course I love them all:D

How have your tastes Changed and why?


Active Member
Very interesting!

To be honest my list is pretty constant, though I also agree that in the past two years or so Animal Kingdom has risen in my like for it.

1. MK
2. Epcot
3. DHS
4. AK

1. MK
2. DHS
3. AK
4. Epcot

I know I'll probably be butchered, but Epcot is the only one that hasn't really improved or changed much over the years, besides the addition of Soarin' (which is awkward to have the California ride in Florida, much prefer it at DCA). It definitely needs some TLC, and just because it's last doesn't mean I don't like it, I just think it needs to be returned to it's former glory. In 2000 it was so cool with the Millenium stuff and they still had BodyWars and what not, but it's really just been neglected since then. :shrug:


Active Member
EPCOT was always my favorite, until they started ripping out the original attractions and kiddie-fying it. Now, I like it least after MK and DHS. I've only been to AK once, didn't enjoy it much, and don't intend to go back until it gets a whole DCA-style expansion.


Well-Known Member
In 2001:

1. MK
2. AK
3. D-MGM
4. Epcot

In 2011:

1. MK
2. AK
3. DHS
4. Epcot

I guess my tastes really haven't changed much. Epcot has really never appealed to me, with the exception of some of the restaurants. The DW likes it to an extent, but if I didn't make it there on one of our trips, it really wouldn't bother me.


Ever since my first trip when I was 7, EPCOT has been my favorite park. When I was younger this was because of Future World; however, with the replacement of my three favorite pavilions, Wonders of Life, Horizons, and World of Motion, my favorite part of EPCOT has shifted to World Showcase.

My first trip (1993)
2. MK
3. DHS

2. MK
3. DHS.
4. AK (still love this park, just not quite as much as the others)

Computer Magic

Well-Known Member
1) DHS
2) MK
3) Epcot

1) AK
2) Epcot
3) MK
4) DHS

DHS has become stale in 15 years. AK wasn't around 15 years ago. We don't have children.

Although for me MK has the most history and magic feeling because it was the first.


Well-Known Member
My last trip to WDW was in 2000, and I ranked the parks then as:

And now in less than 589 Days I will be returning to WDW in December 2012 and I have placed my rankings as this:

If you notice that the ranking in 2000 did not include AK, because to me this is just a ZOO with a few attractions.(my opinion) and I can go to a zoo locally for free or small price.
Now with my ranking for 2012, you will notice that I have only ranked 2 parks and left AK out the the running for the same reason I stated above, BUT I left out DHS because the Studios NEEDS some major TLC/expansion added to it. DHS was a great place when it was a working studio park, but now it is just a hollywood themed park. I feel as thought the magic of a working studios park made it much more enjoyable.

Ah, the good 'ol days!


Well-Known Member
10 years ago:
1. Epcot
2. MK
3. DHS
4. AK

1. MK
2. Epcot
3. AK
4. DHS

I didn't realize it, but mine have changed a lot. I miss too many things at Epcot for it to still be my favorite, but I still love it there. I lost my interest in thrill rides, and picked up an interest in photography - so AK took over DHS.


Well-Known Member
1 - Magic Kingdom
2 - Epcot
3 - Disney MGM Studios
4 - Animal Kingdom

1 - Magic Kingdom
2 - Epcot
3 - Animal Kingdom
4 - Hollywood Studios


Well-Known Member
Disney MK
Hollywood studios
Disney MK
Animal Kingdom
Hollywood Studios
Im not much of a fan of epcot I only really go to go on Soaring and test track and eat @ mexico besides that I could live with out seeing the countries for the 100th time.


Well-Known Member
This one is tough


1.Magic Kingdom
2.Disney MGM Studios
4.Animal Kingdom


2.Magic Kingdom
3.Hollywood Studios
4.Animal Kingdom

I think its pretty sad that both DAK and DHS have dropped on my list, but neither of those parks have really done much to grab my attention. Everest was a temporary grab for me at DAK, but that didn't last...especially with the ride in it's current state. That, and the fact that the park REALLY needs more to do and more stuff INDOORS, it continues to sit in the basement spot on my park list.

pretty sad comparing my overall Florida theme park list:


1.Universal Studios
2.Magic Kingdom
3.Islands of Adventure
4.Disney MGM Studios
5.Busch Gardens
7.Sea World
8.Animal Kingdom


1.Islands of Adventure
2.Universal Studios
4.Busch Gardens
5.Magic Kingdom
6.Hollywood Studios
7.Sea World
8.Animal Kingdom

We've seen quite a bit of progression at Busch Gardens and Universal Studios over the past decade, and small improvements to Sea World(one large one too!) as well as one big improvement to IOA and some here and there every few years at Epcot, in Future World at least, but not much to speak of in the Magic Kingdom until just recently, and hardly anything worthwhile at DHS or DAK aside from Everest and Toy Story.

WDW just isn't at the top of their game anymore. :(


1. Epcot
2. Magic Kingdom

1. Epcot
2. Magic Kingdom
3. Disneyland Park
4. MGM/Hollywood Studios

1. Magic Kingdom
2. Epcot
3. Disneyland Park
4. Hollywood Studios
5. Animal Kingdom
6. California Adventure

2007 until Present:
1. Tokyo DisneySea
2. Magic Kingdom / Epcot (tied)
3. Disneyland Park
4. Tokyo Disneyland
5. Hollywood Studios
6. Animal Kingdom
7. California Adventure

Ever since visiting TDS in '07, it has reigned supreme on my list of any Disney-owned piece of land. Words cannot sum up my love for that place.

MK and Epcot kinda flip-flop each other from time to time. Back in the days of Horizons and the Jeremy Irons version of SSE, Epcot edged out MK. But now that those two are gone, it's hard to decide. Still love 'em both and are always day 1 or day 2 on any given WDW trip.

DHS would probably be higher on the list if there had been more serious updates/changes over the past decade other than TSMM. Other than that, pretty much the same park we've known for so long...only no longer a working studio.

DCA will always come dead last as long as that ridiculous Paradise Pier is in existence. Considering the fact that carnival rides, games of skill, tilt-a-whirl's, etc were what Walt hated MOST, and inspired him to build Disneyland in the first place....yeah. Not my cup of tea as far as Disney parks go. A cleaner Six Flags with Mickey Mouse on it? Sure. But not Disney's level by far.


Well-Known Member
1. Epcot
2. Magic Kingdom
3. Typhoon Lagoon
5. Blizzard Beach
6. Animal Kingdom

1. Typhoon Lagoon
2a. Epcot
2b. Magic Kingdom
3. Animal Kingdom
4. Blizzard Beach
5. DHS

I know most people aren't including the water parks, but Typhoon Lagoon REALLY did become my favourite WDW park this past trip. And the funny thing is we only spent a few hours there the whole 10 days we were down there. I just realized that I loved it THAT much this trip, especially Crush N Gusher. Became one of my favourite WDW rides this trip, hence why TL probably jumped up my list. :sohappy:

Realized that I was starting to like Magic Kingdom just as much as Epcot this past trip too, so they became 2a and 2b since I can't really choose which one I like better now. :shrug:

And finally...can't believe that DHS fell to the bottom of my list and AK actually climbed up it, but they did. I still wouldn't say I "love" Animal Kingdom or anything, but I like it a bit more than I used to for sure. And DHS just doesn't do anything for me anymore. With Star Tours being closed this past trip and me chickening out on RnRC at the last second :eek:, I really found our day there quite boring. In fact, I think we only spent a couple of hours tops there the whole trip. :snore:

Walt Disney1955

Well-Known Member
Magic Kingdom
Disney Hollywood Studios
Animal Kingdom

First of all, the order hasn't really changed. I will forever keep MK at the top, it is impossible to replace that anywhere in the world as far as I am concerned although I've never been to Disneyland yet.

The next three flip flop from time to time. I can be talking about Epcot and all of the sudden it's #2. Then I remember Everest, Dinosaur etc. and Animal Kingdom jumps up. Then the Tower of Terror, Hollywood Blvd., Great Movie ride etc. and DHS takes the #2 slot. Bottom line here, those three parks are extremely close together and it's very hard to choose.

However, I went to Epcot when I was 15 in 1995. I was "meh" about it. It had it's moments but as a teenager it didn't intrigue me as much. Then I go in 2009 and I appreciate it more. So 15 years ago Epcot wouldn't have even been in the running for #2, now it is for sure since I can appreciate the architecture and the different countries and such.


New Member
Here's my list, not much has changed...
10 years ago....
1. MK
2. DHS
3. AK
4. Epcot

1. MK
2. AK
3. DHS
4. Epcot

Epcot will most likely be at the bottom of my list since I've seen many of the changes over the years, and as much as I try to find things that interest me there, I still can't find myself being too interested in it. Magic Kingdom will always be my number one spot. For me it's where the true essence of Disney is. I love animals and work with them, so AK is a ton of fun for me, DHS is fun, but it definitely needs some refreshing :)


Well-Known Member
1. MK
2. MGM
4. AK

1. MK
2. DHS
3. AK
I think AK got bumped up because we have kids nowand don't get to really enjoy World Showcase like we used to. I'm sure in the future this will change again when the kiddies grow.

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