And I said at the outset that it likely was a grass is greener situation. THAT SAID, DAK is genuinely my favorite Disney park in Florida and I've expounded on this at length in several threads in the last several months. There are certainly plenty of legitimate critiques with DAK, and you have certainly been there more frequently to experience them. BUT DAK's lineup works better for what I personally desire in a park (similar reasons to why you prefer DCA), and to me the animals provide a level of repeatability. The level of theming to me makes it a more desireable place to be than DCA; so far as I'm concerned, DAK only has one truly bad area (Dinoland) and DCA, for my money, has one I think everyone would agree on (Hollywoodland), others that might be more debateable (Avengers, Pixar Pier), one that kinda just exists as a result of "Pixar Pier fallout", for lack of a better turn, and one that's being changed right now. So for my money, a gorgeous park with E tickets that I value more and only one bad area wins out over a park that has portions that are nicely themed, with E tickets that are mostly ok from my perspective (and many of which have been, for me and others, devalued over the years) and arguably three bad areas. As I've said before, and as evidenced by
@Professortango1's post, those changes post-2015
did impact people's enjoyment of the park, even if they don't necessarily seem like huge changes from afar.
Perhaps I'm overrating fun table service restaurants, OG TOT, which I still think is one of their best efforts ever, and RNRC, which isn't high art but I honestly would prefer to have over Incredicoaster (almost certainly a minority opinion), but yeah, I'd probably still take it over DCA. As I've said, it's one thing to hypothesize over a computer screen and I might well get there and hate it. But until then, yes, I probably would take DHS over DCA.
@Henry Mystic you likewise did not experience DCA pre-2016 (coincidentally, you and SplashZander visited the same years, and at least this last year in a very, very similar timeframe). That doesn't mean your opinion has no merit, but it does mean that, because you weren't there, your frame of reference isn't the same as those of us who did experience the way things used to be. Nothing necessarily wrong with that, but when people say "No! It can't have been better because I, a person who never experienced the way it was before, am right, simply because I believe I'm right," it becomes more of an issue. Neither you nor anyone else needs to take the opinions of those who were there as gospel, but it would be nice if people didn't just dismiss them entirely out of hand because they're fine with what's there now, or don't feel the changes/differences in the same way that we do.
At any rate, isn't it interesting that only the DLR forum gatekeeps, when I was essentially just told that my preferences for DAK or potentially DHS over DCA weren't valid because I hadn't been to WDW frequently enough to have the "correct" opinion? I think we're all doing a little gatekeeping, frankly.