How to complain to Disney about a meal after returning home?


Speaking from personal experience, it is so important to notify them while you are still in the park.

We had a situation a couple of years ago where our family photos with Mickey were lost. My DH and I literally spent 2 hours going through every digital image taken that day of Mickey and guests...trying to find our picture. My in-law's were visibly upset and we were exhausted by the end of the 2 hour search. We spoke to a guest relations manager and he said...tell me what make your family happy. He suggested a personal tour of Mickey's house in Toon Town by Mickey, a cd full of candid and portrait photos, and my 12 year old SIL opened Toon Town for the day by sprinkling fairy dust.

Disney surpassed any expectation that we had of righting their wrong. They gave us a truly magical experience that we won't ever forget.


Well-Known Member
To the OP: even tho you have TiW and the gratuity was automatically added to the check when it was brought to you doesn't mean you were obligated to pay it. Too many TiW folks don't know this. If you get poor service and don't feel that 18% is warranted you CAN have it reduced or taken off completely by speaking with a manager about it. Will your server know something is up? Yeah, but isn't that the point? They need to know that YOU aren't a sure-bet 18% of the over-inflated price just because you use the TiW card. They still have to EARN that 18%.


I agree with the original post. I think that they should NEVER have been treated that way no matter what. You are in Disney World at the MAGIC KINGDOM. These CMs are trainined to be courteous and attentive. There have been a few bad experiences that I have had and I complained each time. I am not one to let things go when I pay GOBS of money to be at a place. The least they can do is be NICE and RESPECTFUL to the customers. I think you should write in and let them know what happened.

A couple months back I was talking to a CM on the phone about our December trip and he was so rude and he hung up on me at the end so I couldnt take the survery. So I called back, talked to someone and they were very apologetic and gave me an email address to write to. They said to explain everything and include the date, time, etc in my email. I wrote a page long email and 2 days later received a call from Disney. They were very aplogetic and took care of us. I didnt ask for anything. I just wanted them to know how their CMs are treating people. You need to be nice and understanding to work at WDW.

I think you should take the time and write to them and just explain what made you unhappy. At least you can say you did something.

Monkee Girl

Well-Known Member
When it comes to poor service in a restaurant, you're free to lodge a complaint after-the-fact, but please understand that it's going to be difficult for anyone to "investigate" the incident so long after it occurred. You've pretty much tied the hands of anyone who could correct the issue, since it's now in the past and the servers and staff involved likely won't remember much of anything about it. Not only that, but at the end of the night, you got what you wanted -- prime seating, at a prime time, at the expense of other patrons who might have been waiting longer for it. I think it will be a "tough sell" to convince someone in corporate that you were mistreated, and complaining about the service on travel review websites -- before giving them a chance to make it right -- is a poor way to gain their sympathy.

That's a great point! Another thing I believe happens is if a customer waits until the end of the trip, then that issue festers and builds in that person's mind. Soon, all facts regarding the case are gone and all that is left is the person's side of the events blown out of proportion.

If the issue is addressed at the time it happened, then management has a chance to get all sides of the story and is able to remedy the issue. To wait means witnesses are gone, stories are altered and nothing can be done. So to me, if you wait until the end of your trip, then you need to let it go unless it is some sort of life altering situation.

Monkee Girl

Well-Known Member
I agree with the original post. I think that they should NEVER have been treated that way no matter what. You are in Disney World at the MAGIC KINGDOM. These CMs are trainined to be courteous and attentive. There have been a few bad experiences that I have had and I complained each time. I am not one to let things go when I pay GOBS of money to be at a place. The least they can do is be NICE and RESPECTFUL to the customers. I think you should write in and let them know what happened.

I have no issue with someone complaining if service is really bad or mistreatment occurs. We all pay tons of money to go to Disney, everyone does and should expect to be treated respectfully. And it IS the cast members jobs to serve the guests. However, I do believe that people mistake service for slavery; down to the point to where guests get a power trip by wanting to humiliate the cast members knowing they can do nothing about it. It's times like that that I get really annoyed at people and I have no sympathy for them.

Can there be some not-so-magical employees? Sure, though I have never seen one, but I think a majority of complains could be avoided if the customer gave the same amount of respect and courtesy to the cast member that they feel they are themselves entitled to.


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
I agree with the original post. I think that they should NEVER have been treated that way no matter what. You are in Disney World at the MAGIC KINGDOM. These CMs are trainined to be courteous and attentive. There have been a few bad experiences that I have had and I complained each time. I am not one to let things go when I pay GOBS of money to be at a place. The least they can do is be NICE and RESPECTFUL to the customers. I think you should write in and let them know what happened.

A couple months back I was talking to a CM on the phone about our December trip and he was so rude and he hung up on me at the end so I couldnt take the survery. So I called back, talked to someone and they were very apologetic and gave me an email address to write to. They said to explain everything and include the date, time, etc in my email. I wrote a page long email and 2 days later received a call from Disney. They were very aplogetic and took care of us. I didnt ask for anything. I just wanted them to know how their CMs are treating people. You need to be nice and understanding to work at WDW.

I think you should take the time and write to them and just explain what made you unhappy. At least you can say you did something.
I have no issue with someone complaining if service is really bad or mistreatment occurs. We all pay tons of money to go to Disney, everyone does and should expect to be treated respectfully. And it IS the cast members jobs to serve the guests. However, I do believe that people mistake service for slavery; down to the point to where guests get a power trip by wanting to humiliate the cast members knowing they can do nothing about it. It's times like that that I get really annoyed at people and I have no sympathy for them.

Can there be some not-so-magical employees? Sure, though I have never seen one, but I think a majority of complains could be avoided if the customer gave the same amount of respect and courtesy to the cast member that they feel they are themselves entitled to.

Gas costs a lot also but people don't complain about the attitude of the convenience store employees.


Well-Known Member
I say if you really feel that strongly, I would contact them via letter. I agree it probably would have been best to discuss the situation with a Manager that day, or at least during your visit, but if you are that upset I'd let them know. Speaking as a Manager in Customer Service, I can tell you that without specific information, like CM names, it will be very hard for them to address the issue directly.

We had an issue on our Honeymoon I have always wished I had addressed. We were at 50's Prime Time, sitting next to another couple on their Honeymoon. We shared the same waitress, and she asked us if we had the dining plan, which we did not. The other newlyweds did. She spent the entire rest of our meal saying how smart the other couple was for getting the dining plan and how we were missing out. She went on and on basically saying how stupid we were because this couple was saving money and we weren't. What she didn't know is that my husband and I were pretty poor when we got married, and paid for everything ourselves with what little money we had. Our Disney trip was made possible by our hard work, and a wedding gift of park tickets and spending money from my parents. We did not have the extra money at the time to pay for the dining plan. So I know she wasn't aware of this, but it just felt like she was rubbing it in our faces that we didn't have as much money as they did. Not to mention that it was rude to begin with, but it just stung a little extra. Not to mention that whether or not I choose a dining option is really no one elses business, and, I get she's trying to 'sell it', but enough! I always wish I had complained...Not for anything for free, just so management would be aware. So I suggest that you do it while you can and it is still fairly fresh. And I hope your next experience is great.

Todd L

Well-Known Member
Speaking from personal experience, it is so important to notify them while you are still in the park.

We had a situation a couple of years ago where our family photos with Mickey were lost. My DH and I literally spent 2 hours going through every digital image taken that day of Mickey and guests...trying to find our picture. My in-law's were visibly upset and we were exhausted by the end of the 2 hour search. We spoke to a guest relations manager and he said...tell me what make your family happy. He suggested a personal tour of Mickey's house in Toon Town by Mickey, a cd full of candid and portrait photos, and my 12 year old SIL opened Toon Town for the day by sprinkling fairy dust.

Disney surpassed any expectation that we had of righting their wrong. They gave us a truly magical experience that we won't ever forget.

well said and a great example of how much they are willing to do for Park Guest!!

We had a situation last year where my f.i.l was having a medical issue and we had to leave the park. My m.i.l. called a few days later and explained the situation and were given 2 day free passes with No expiration date. They live in Tampa for part of the year so They will use them over the Holidays !!

...Disney has always done the right thing by us anyway and Im sure they handle these situation daily!!

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