How old should kids be to roam the parks alone?


New Member
Yes, I've got teenagers chomping at the bit to be let loose and free! I also have 7 year old to take around, which puts a crimp in what they want to do, and what he wants to do.

I am not sure if this is the right place to post this. I apologize if it's in the wrong area.

We are staying at a Disney Resort in Magic Kingdom.

Thanks for your opinions.


Well-Known Member
How old are your teens? Last year was the first that we let Lil'mermaid go to the parks alone (she had just turned 16). She has a cell phone and checked in during the day. It was really the first time she showed any interest in venturing out alone.
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I've got a 14 and 16 year old.

They both have cellphones, and are fairly responsible. I figure we will let them roam for a couple of hours, and then meet up for lunch somewhere. Then, like it or not, they will stay with us. This is, after all, a "family vacation".

PS. What about at night with extra magic hours? Should I let them roam or not roam?

PPSS. My friends have been enjoying themselves telling me that Disneyworld is the capital of heisting kids into slavery. The bathrooms seem to be a prime target for abducting children. I have very sick friends.
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Well-Known Member
How comfortable are you with letting the kids go off on their own? Chomping at the bit or not, if you're going to spend your trip worrying about where the offspring are and what they're doing, it isn't worth it!

That said, though, we let our two have some freedom when they reached their middle teens. The deal was that they had to stick together - and they did - and they had to be back at our pre-arranged meeting time on the dot, or no more freedom for the rest of the trip.

You can ease into the freedom thing by heading as a family to one park in the morning, and then choosing a meeting place and time for that same park in mid-afternoon. If the kids prove reliable on a short leash, you can lengthen it just a bit each day. By the time the kids were in their late teens, we were comfortable handing them their passes and agreeing on a meeting time back at our Disney hotel - usually before dinner, because we did NOT want the kids on their own after dark! (The 7-year-old is another matter, though. I'd hang right on to him/her.)

Here's the funny thing, though - we saw almost as much of our kids when they were "on their own" as when they were officially "with" us, because we all loved the same rides and shows! :lol:

Go with what you're comfortable with, and have a good time! :wave:
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Well-Known Member
maryg said:
PS. What about at night with extra magic hours? Should I let them roam or not roam?

Sorry to double-post, but we both posted our replies at the same time!

The Magic Kingdom, in my personal opinion, is VERY DARK at night during those extra magic hours, and I would have been too nervous to let the teens stray too far. I'd stick together at night. ;)
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New Member
is it odd that I'm 17, never left my family on a trip to WDW and love it that way?? :lookaroun .... my parents would let me, heck, I spend most of my weekends with my friends wandering around NYC (ok so plays, museums and shopping isn't wandering), but for some reason WDW is always a family place for me. A place where it's noce to be around them because for once, we're not usually all yelling at each other but we actually thouroughly enjoy each other's company.
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Original Poster
It was pretty funny, but the more the family discussed things, and the more "leash" I started giving, the more the teens started to back track.

The last thing they said was that they are just glad to be going, and that they want to stick around with us old geezers. I'm surprised because everytime we go to the mall or the beach, they can't wait to be on their own.

I told them that I think the hotel we're staying at has a game room. If they need some time alone, they can go and play games.

I appreciate your input. I'm just surprised at their response about wanting to stick around their parents. It made me feel really good. That made my day.
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Well-Known Member
We have been letting our kids go to the game room and snackbar on their own for the last few years. They are not gone that long and its really just them waiting for my DH & I to finish getting ready. Are you staying onsite?
You may want to give them charging privileges (with specific ground rules) so they can get themselves a quick bite to eat.
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maryg said:
It was pretty funny, but the more the family discussed things, and the more "leash" I started giving, the more the teens started to back track.

The last thing they said was that they are just glad to be going, and that they want to stick around with us old geezers. I'm surprised because everytime we go to the mall or the beach, they can't wait to be on their own.

I told them that I think the hotel we're staying at has a game room. If they need some time alone, they can go and play games.

I appreciate your input. I'm just surprised at their response about wanting to stick around their parents. It made me feel really good. That made my day.

We had the same experience with our kids. We stayed onsite for the first time this year and I thought a really big advantage for them would be that they could come and go as they please (16 and 18). They never once wanted to. And we're glad they didn't! The most they ventured was to go swimming one day while we did laundry. I suppose the whole familly gathered in the laundromat was just too much togetherness!
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For my 13th birthday my parents let my two friends and I go around the parks for a bit alone. We never journeyed too far though. I'm 16 and I'll take my 10 year old sister with and we'll go around the parks. Hey I know those parks better than I know my house I think sometimes!
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Well-Known Member
I think I was allowed to take the monorail around the resort loop (we were staying at the Poly at the time,) and I stopped in at each resort and browsed the gift shop, and rode back after a while, and I was probably about 15 or 16. Other than that, I never went off on my own (especially since the only other "kid" with me was my sister, who is a few years younger than me.) I would have felt a little lonely, and while I did consider getting off the monorail at the MK stop and going to the MK alone, I ultimately decided that I'd rather be there with my family anyways.

That said, if there's more than one teen and they've got a cell phone and they're required to check in from time to time, I don't think letting them go off for a couple hours alone would be too risky - as long as it was during the day, they are responsible, and that they stay where they are supposed to (I have a friend who had a BIG problem keeping her teenage brother from hopping on the WDW buses and going wherever he pleased without telling anyone!)

Of course, as someone already said, if it's going to stress you out a LOT to let them go off on their own, then it's not worth it. After all, this is WDW we're talking about, so it's not like they are going to be the only teens travelling with their family, so they likely won't feel like they're being treated like babies if you do want them to stick with you.

Happy planning! :wave:
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Premium Member
It depends on their maturity level. At Busch Gardens the other week a brother and sister were left on their own and were going through the line being HORRIBLE. They kept hitting each other and yelling at each other and budging in the line and just being hellions. But I'm guessing your kids don't act that way. :) I think you know your kids better than we would.
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New Member
I guess I must just be odd because I am 19 and have never had the urge to go off on my own at the world. I like being with my family and I enjoy experiencing everything with them, whether it be the first or hundredth time on something. The only time I ever venture off is at DTD and that's because my mom doesn't like to know how much I actually spend! If your kids are mature and promise to check in, then let them try it, they might find they like being with you better!
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New Member
Me and my sisters (we're triplets) were first allowed to roam the park alone at thirteen... but we have always been sorta kinda just a bit mature. It really depends on how much you trust them, but if their trust-worthy than WDW is the PERFECT place to let them loose. It really is very safe and sometimes teens need breaks from their parents...:wave:
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Premium Member
nmj91385 said:
I guess I must just be odd because I am 19 and have never had the urge to go off on my own at the world. I like being with my family and I enjoy experiencing everything with them, whether it be the first or hundredth time on something. The only time I ever venture off is at DTD and that's because my mom doesn't like to know how much I actually spend! If your kids are mature and promise to check in, then let them try it, they might find they like being with you better!

You're not weird - I always liked being with my family too. They would try to get me to go off and do something without them but I never wanted to.

But I was also married with a kid by the time I was your age so I wasn't still with my parents at that point. I'm more talking when I was 14-15 years old.

But I still do enjoy going to the parks with my parents whenever we get the opportunity to go together.
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New Member
Well, my 2-year-old thought she should go on everything by herself this last trip...

But seriously, when I was 14 or 15 my father would take my younger sister (who was crazy for thrill rides), my mother and I would go together (we both tend toward motion sickness) and my older brother (18) would go on his own. We didn't have cell phones but we did set up meeting places and times so that we usually ate together and there were many things we did all in a group. I don't know if some type of modified split like this would work for you.

If your teens want to go off by themselves I'd say let them try it a few hours at a time. And by all means, give them a phone, though probably more for your sake than theirs.
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Well-Known Member
I think it really depends on the teenager. This past February, I let my 13 year old have a bit of freedom as a) he suffers from anxiety and 12 members in our party was too much stimulation for him b)I realize that I need to give him a little bit of growing room c)he is a loner and likes it that way I just had to pick and choose my battles. He always arrived at the designated time and I really think it helped his self esteem. I know some feel sixteen or seventeen might be a good age to start; and it just has me thinking--------at sixteen, I was working full time, and at seventeen was planning my trips on my own (and financed on my own). My, have times changed.
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New Member
rentNdisney said:
is it odd that I'm 17, never left my family on a trip to WDW and love it that way?? :lookaroun .... my parents would let me, heck, I spend most of my weekends with my friends wandering around NYC (ok so plays, museums and shopping isn't wandering), but for some reason WDW is always a family place for me. A place where it's noce to be around them because for once, we're not usually all yelling at each other but we actually thouroughly enjoy each other's company.
I'm 19 & still go around the parks w/ my parents don't feel alone.
As for letting them roam, the first day test it out for a few hrs to see how responsable they are w/ the freedom, checking in via cell phones ect. Then for the rest of the vacation decide from there. One rule that is a must(sorry if it was mentioned already) They MUST stay together at all times even going to the restroom together(if poss.) for safety reasons.
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New Member
it all depends on their maturity. how old? my son is 16 and taking a friend. we also have cell phones. they are going where they want to. i am going to have them meet me for certian meals. i made sure the home resort(not on property) has a shuttle to universal as I am not going to go there or drive them. i also have a 5 and 8 year old. my son is very responsible and i trust him.
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