Our first breakfast is always at CP because I love, love, LOVE Pooh’s puffed French Toast!! If that was removed, that would be it for us…if the Mac & cheese and fried chicken were to be dropped from Chef Art Smith’s, that would be a game changer for us, too.
OP, just because a dish is off the menu, ASK!!
IMHO, the BEST breakfast meal on property was King Triton’s Shipwreck Al Forno, a breakfast calzone that was on the menu at Trattoria Al Forno…post pandemic, when they dropped the characters, the item disappeared…I was DEVASTATED!
We were staying at the BW and happened to see the restaurant manager standing outside and asked him why it was dropped. He said he wasn’t sure, but we can order even though it’s no longer on the menu!! We immediately made reservations and I asked VERY nicely, the chef was kind enough to make it and IT WAS THE BEST!!! Don’t give up hope!! Stop by there and ask!! If they can make it, make reservations and don’t forget the email to guest relations with compliments to the staff!! Good luck! The worst they can say is no… but you won’t know that if you don’t ask…