How often do you dream of disney?


New Member
Original Poster
I know this is a silly question but this week, I have had dreams of disney 4 times. Each dream, I am at a disney resort and go to each of the four parks. Sometimes I am alone, other times with my family. Im starting to think that Im obsessed with disney like my husband says :) How often do you dream about disney?


If you mean just dreams that occur in your sleep I have had several. In each dream I'm at WDW, but it does not look anything like it. Plus I always find something secret with the park. Last dream I remember I realized that the Universal property actually runs right into Disney property, but that the area is very secured and off-limits. Hey - you can't control your dreams.


New Member
Originally posted by tmp
If you mean just dreams that occur in your sleep I have had several. In each dream I'm at WDW, but it does not look anything like it. Plus I always find something secret with the park. Last dream I remember I realized that the Universal property actually runs right into Disney property, but that the area is very secured and off-limits. Hey - you can't control your dreams.

Usually when I dream about it (often) the park lay out makes no sense and I usually can't get to (or maybe find) the rides I really want to go on. Usually there is a big lake in the Magic Kingdom ??? And often there is Mission to Mars and Dreamflight (from childhood I guess). A lot of times different rides from all the parks are in the same park too. I'm usually alone, but not always.

A lot of time Roller Coasters from other parks are there too. :lol:

Dreams. :hammer:


Active Member
I've had a few dreams about disney. Of course, some things are exactly how they should be, and others are not. that's just the case with dreams. But I can definitely say that i have had disney dreams before.


New Member
I frequently dream of Disney World, but like other posters the place I am at never looks like Disney, I just know it is. The dreams are always the same... I can't seem to get into the park!


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by MKingdom25
I sometime daydream about Disney. Does that count? :D

The amount of time I spend daydreaming, or as I like to call it "planning", is scary. Just recently I began planning our trip for next September, and I think about it, probably way too much!!!:hammer:


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by gjpjtj
The amount of time I spend daydreaming, or as I like to call it "planning", is scary. Just recently I began planning our trip for next September, and I think about it, probably way too much!!!:hammer:

Hey - its nice to know I'm not alone.


New Member
Originally posted by gjpjtj
The amount of time I spend daydreaming, or as I like to call it "planning", is scary. Just recently I began planning our trip for next September, and I think about it, probably way too much!!!:hammer:
Same here. I buy all the guides even though I haven't even made official plans yet.

But even if I don't go (which I hope to do every year), I enjoy reading the guides anyways. :D


New Member
Hi everybody,

I had thoughts about posting the same question. I have been to WDW twice in my lifetime. Once in Christmas of 1988 then again ten years later in 1998. I am now 20 and half years old. I was six years old when I went to WDW in 1988. I have had dreams for years now about that experience. My first visit to WDW began a little bit differently than some people. My Grandparents treated my family to a trip to WDW as a Christmas present. We drove to WDW and checked into our hotel and ate dinner. We stayed off disney property near Kissisimine (or whatever the heck you spell it) at a Ramada Inn. We had dinner and then we burned up the time on our first day's ticket and went to WDW at night. Now mind you, we could have saved a full day's use out of it, but we used it up anyway. I have had dreams about being on the monorail and seeing Cinderella Castle lit up in blue, which is exactly the way it all happened. I remember that night almost exactly even though I was only six years old. We rode Mr. Toads Wild Ride, which I have had many dreams about. The amount of color used in that ride is so wild, including the colors on the actual cars and the layout. It had a 70ish or 80ish feel to it. And I have had many dreams about Spaceship Earth and the neat colors it has on it at night. Does anyone know what kind of light system they use in order to light up Spaceship Earth? When I was there at that time, it was a neat Purple, Red, Orange look to it. I have also had dreams about the ride World of Motion. It is really neat to go to to digital disney's web site and download the video of it. It's funny because when I went to WDW in 1998, I have had no experiences whatsoever with dreams about that trip. I only have dreams about the trip in 1988. I hope that these dreams return whenever I die. You know how people see that tunnel of light whenever they are about to die, I hope I see Spaceship Earth or Mr. Toad.

Enjoying the post.



New Member

I will honestly say that I am obsessed with Disney and both daydream and have dreams about Disney. Usually the dreams come during stressful times in my life, and I dream of staying at the resort hotels and seeing shows and riding rides, but mainly being with my family. Of course, they resemble my real life experiences, but there is always something different, just like everyone else has said.

As far as daydreams :rolleyes: I have spent many a business meeting either planning my next trip or recollecting my last one.

33 days and counting!!!!


Pioneer Hall

Well-Known Member
I have had Disney Dreams before...and like others have said nothing ever seems like it is in real life.

I have had some wierd dreams about Disney before. The strangest was when I was for some reason at one of the All-Star Resorts. Now I know that sounds normal, but they were having a space shuttle lasunch right in the resort. Don't Ask how it happened, but it did. There were also electronic signs on each building telling you how occupied the building was.


New Member
Me again,

I have to wonder as many babies and little children (toddler age) that go to WDW what kind of dream experiences they have. I know that a ton of babies go to WDW, because the last time I went there, I swore up and down that the next stroller that hit the back of my feet, I was going to turn around and take the wheels off of the stroller and yell some words. It gets so annoying.:hammer:

I know when I took a Psychology class in college we talked about how a big experience in a child's life can last lifetime.

I love it when I wake up and can't figure out where I am. Or have any of you wakened up and have no feeling in your arms. Thats weird.


New Member
Dreams of WDW

I have never had a regular dream of WDW but constantly daydream of it. Some days it's the only way I make it through the day. It takes me back to a place of no stress, beauty and pure happiness that I sometimes need in a stressful day. I can place myself on Main Street in the MK or next to Spaceship Earth in an instant depending on the situation. Do you think that the Disney company really knows the power that they have and don't really know of the good that they do. I don't!!! I think that the current in charge only see $$$$ but the MAGIC lives in spite of them. I don't think that they can kill it even though it seems that sometimes they are trying to.


Well-Known Member
I dream many times about (Walt) Disney (World). Usually, the highest peiod of dreaming activity occurs right after a vacation thre, needless to say. However, I've also had some scattered Disney dreams as well. As for daydreaming, fugettaboutit! Every waking hour is filled to the brim with the delight of this "planning". As for the real dreams, they are often confused and make no sense, or very little. That's just the way dreams are. Speaking of dreams, they influence me so much and are so surreal that I live in a State of Surrealism!

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