How often do you dream of disney?

I don't think I've ever had a dream of Disney, but I do have a funny Disney dream story:

When I was a child, each year my mother would write down our "Favorite things at age X". You know, things like favorite color, best friend, favorite food etc. But she had a few weird "Favorites" on the list, one of which was "Favorite Dream. " I thought this was ridiculous, even at a young age, so starting around age six, I invented a dream - "We all went to Disney World and stayed there for two weeks." I figured maybe she would make my dream come true.

Every year, I would tell her the Disney dream was my favorite dream. I remember her thinking it was strange that I so vividly remembered this dream, especially by age 12 or so.

It was only a year ago (as we were discussing whether I would collect "Favorite Things" now that I have children), that I finally fessed up and told her the Disney World dream was a fabrication and a ploy intended to get her to take me there. You should have seen the look on her face when she learned just how deceitful her sweet little child with the Disney dream truly was...

Ellen Ripley

Well-Known Member
i too have had weird disney dreams...though i think they have some great symbolic relevence that i don't get (stress? not believing i can accomplish some goal? the unfairness of life?). like many others here, they are usually dreams where disney is quite different. all i ever want to do is get to the haunted mansion but usually can't make it there because i get lost in the park. sometimes i arrive at 5:30pm and only have until 6pm to get to the mansion. i hadn't been to the kingdom since 1992 (although i went this past april) . that is why i think the place looked so different in the dreams. since my last visit tho', i haven't had any of these dreams (that i can remember).


New Member
Re: Dreams of WDW

Originally posted by Elaine
I have never had a regular dream of WDW but constantly daydream of it. Some days it's the only way I make it through the day. It takes me back to a place of no stress, beauty and pure happiness that I sometimes need in a stressful day. I can place myself on Main Street in the MK or next to Spaceship Earth in an instant depending on the situation. Do you think that the Disney company really knows the power that they have and don't really know of the good that they do. I don't!!! I think that the current in charge only see $$$$ but the MAGIC lives in spite of them. I don't think that they can kill it even though it seems that sometimes they are trying to.
Very well put Elaine! :sohappy:
Originally posted by FourFourSeven
I don't think I've ever had a dream of Disney, but I do have a funny Disney dream story:
Speaking of funny stories, I was at parent's house and my Mom was going through some of my old drawings from when I was kid.

One of them was a drawing of Walt Disney when I was probably like 10 (guessing). I guess I was a Disney fan even when I didn't realize it!


New Member
The strange thing is, I normally don't dream about the parks themselves. What I dream about is driving around in the Florida everglades that surround the parks, moving through the cypress trees. STill, if everything goes to plan, I'll end up back at Disney soon, and will stage my take over of the company. And then I'll get rid of these F**king snowflakes! Aggh, those are distracting!

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
Never dreamed of Disney ( in the true sense) perhaps its because I spend so much of my waking time planning and working to ensure that things that would be a dream are actually a reality. 236 days to go.:)



I'm with MKingdom25, I buy books and pamphlets and everything I can get my hands on. I know this park like the back of my hand but I still buy these things like I don't!!! I think it's for my daydreaming insanity that I get it. I can never stop thinking or daydreaming about it. I want to retire some day and live in the castle>...........wouldn't that be the greatest!!!! Fantasy 365 days a year. I'm so glad there are other obsessed Disney fans out there, it make s me feel like I'm not such a freak after all!!!! I'm not a big dreamer, but I am a BIG daydreamer. Sometimes I think I need help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL:lol:


New Member
I usually only dream about dreaming about Disney. My mind is so cluttered with real life.

Actually now I'm dreaming about Two Towers, which I'm gonna see in 32 1/2 hours.


New Member
I guess I'm kind of against the mold when I say that my dreams are usually pretty realistic...the parks are always just like I remember them and they make a lot of sense so far as walking through them. The only strange thing is that I always end up walking wherever I go, and I think the parks are much closer in my dreams than they are in real life. I see myself walking along World Drive or I-4 and all of a sudden the park will be staring me in the face. Very strange, but then, who's complaining?



New Member
Re: daydreaming......................ahhhhhhh

Originally posted by kennyj29
I'm with MKingdom25, I buy books and pamphlets and everything I can get my hands on. I know this park like the back of my hand but I still buy these things like I don't!!! I think it's for my daydreaming insanity that I get it. I can never stop thinking or daydreaming about it. I want to retire some day and live in the castle>...........wouldn't that be the greatest!!!! Fantasy 365 days a year. I'm so glad there are other obsessed Disney fans out there, it make s me feel like I'm not such a freak after all!!!! I'm not a big dreamer, but I am a BIG daydreamer. Sometimes I think I need help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL:lol:
Or maybe you are a freak and you have a bunch of other cool fellow freaks that hang out on the forums! :lol:
i disney dream like atleast 3 days a week. just last night i was at this resort and under your pillow was a letter and u get a prize for it but no one would let me get my prize so i went to mk and i wanted to go on splash and i had to do a rope obstacle coarse above i 95 and swim across a pool to get to a dock that had those little paddle boats that your supposed to take on the ride. it was messed up cause this lady kept yelling at me and the cm at splash asked me if i wanted to swim the ride. it was really weird since there were alot of lifts in the ride and there was one like 40 foot drop and after that it turned and i just got off and walked the rest of the ride till i got back to the place u get off at.and a while ago i had one where i went on mr.toads whild ride but it was pitch black and u had to swim it since there were no vehicles and i say kevin and we were acting like boyfriend and girlfried. yuck!:hurl:

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