How many people you think move to FL to be near disney?


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
I'm planning to move to Florida and work for Disney. I just can't see myself doing anything else other than helping others love it as much as I do and making their vacations fabulous. And then I can go enjoy it myself in my spare time! If I want a "Disney" vacation, I can head to Disneyland.


Well-Known Member
Be sure that you want to live IN FLORIDA and not just "near Disney." The thrill of going to theme parks wears off quickly and then you're just living your life.

I honestly think it would be a mistake to move to Orlando just to be closer to Mickey. It is nice to live near the parks!!! But it's not like being on vacation or being a CP kid. It is regular life, in a place that has hot, humid, rainy summers and fires in the winter. There are tolls to be paid on all the highways except I-4 (and they're constantly threatening to add tolls there, too.) Car insurance is wacky-ridiculous. And, again, the summers get rough.

If you don't live a decent distance from the parks, you are constantly - all of your life - dealing with tourist traffic and stores that have merchandise catered to tourists.

Just be sure. :)

And then do it!!


Well-Known Member
There are tolls to be paid on all the highways except I-4 (and they're constantly threatening to add tolls there, too.)

And then do it!!

Speaking of I-4, we rented a car for a little while on our trip. Seems like exits are few and far between on I-4! What's up with that? We missed one of our exits and it took forever to get off that road! I was telling a coworker about that and he informed me that Texas (where I am) and LA are the only states that have U-turns, feeder roads, and lots of exits! Who knew!


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
Be sure that you want to live IN FLORIDA and not just "near Disney." The thrill of going to theme parks wears off quickly and then you're just living your life.

I honestly think it would be a mistake to move to Orlando just to be closer to Mickey. It is nice to live near the parks!!! But it's not like being on vacation or being a CP kid. It is regular life, in a place that has hot, humid, rainy summers and fires in the winter. There are tolls to be paid on all the highways except I-4 (and they're constantly threatening to add tolls there, too.) Car insurance is wacky-ridiculous. And, again, the summers get rough.

If you don't live a decent distance from the parks, you are constantly - all of your life - dealing with tourist traffic and stores that have merchandise catered to tourists.

Just be sure. :)

And then do it!!

I did consider going to college in Orlando, so I've looked at the surrounding areas and FL in general. Those tolls are awful! I'm also moving down there partially for health reasons. I can't handle the MD winters anymore. I need the warmer winter temps and I can handle the humidity. Temps are higher in MD during the summer than in FL. I've looked at it from a lot of angles and thought it through. I just realized one day that Disney consumes so much of my life that I might as well make a career out of it! We'll see. I'm getting a business administration degree, so I can use it in a variety of careers.


Well-Known Member
See though? When you combine everything in NJ, then add in all the +'s of living in FL, it makes sense to me.

The people are nasty, the mood is stressful, it's expensive, the job market is no better than FL, if not worse! The weather is awful

FL, Disney, gorgeous weather (yes, the summers are brutal, but I'll trade no snow for the brutal summers), people are friendly, lower cost of living.

I'm sure there are tons of people out there who hate their place of living and/or hate their job so much and that they would leave and move to FL or elsewhere without hesitation. But other priorities need to be first, however. We may hate the entire environment as a whole and want better lifestyles but the decision to move or even change jobs needs to be well-thought out and realistically possible and not left to chance. btw, feel free to see these links below.


Well-Known Member
Oooo someone mentioned their hair...yes, mine gets super wavey! WTH? My hair is normally/naturally pin straight! I get to FL and I look like I spent all day in the ocean!!

However, the trade off, my skin always looks amazing in FL! It just soaks up all that moisture after coming from dry CO, so it looks all glowy and of course the FL tan! I could handle the tan and glowy skin!


Well-Known Member
I can't handle the MD winters anymore. I need the warmer winter temps and I can handle the humidity. Temps are higher in MD during the summer than in FL. quote]

I actually like Florida weather. It's usually runs about 10 degrees cooler than in Texas. For example, according to my phone it is a nice, cool 75 in Orlando, while in Austin, TX, it's 90! The humidity does a number on my hair, but it helps to not feel as hot. I also love all the rain! After it rains, I think it cools down nicely.


Well-Known Member
can't say I haven't thought about it. But if I was going to live near a Disney park, I'd actually choose Disneyland. More stuff goes on their throughout the year

Marc Gil

Well-Known Member
Back in 1986 my parents visited Fl and fell in love with WDW. Soon they came back with my grandparents. My grandparents bought a house in FL right away while on vacation! Soon enough most of my family migrated down to Fl. Then my parents made the decision to move in 89, but more towards Miami. So you can saw that WDW influenced my family a lot!


Well-Known Member
Hair and skin are Florida bonuses for me, too! :D
Speaking of I-4, we rented a car for a little while on our trip. Seems like exits are few and far between on I-4! What's up with that? We missed one of our exits and it took forever to get off that road! I was telling a coworker about that and he informed me that Texas (where I am) and LA are the only states that have U-turns, feeder roads, and lots of exits! Who knew!
I don't spend much time on I-4. Very little, in fact. But I haven't noticed that there are fewer exits in Orlando than where I hail from. Some stretches have more exits than others, just like where I used to live. We had no tolls, though. You could just drive on the highways. We had lower speed limits there. Love going 70 and being legal. :)

I did consider going to college in Orlando, so I've looked at the surrounding areas and FL in general. Those tolls are awful! I'm also moving down there partially for health reasons. I can't handle the MD winters anymore. I need the warmer winter temps and I can handle the humidity. Temps are higher in MD during the summer than in FL. I've looked at it from a lot of angles and thought it through. I just realized one day that Disney consumes so much of my life that I might as well make a career out of it! We'll see. I'm getting a business administration degree, so I can use it in a variety of careers.
Sounds like you've thought it all through! Good luck!


Well-Known Member
Our winters are awful, snow in april and October. If we get 2 nice months a year during summer, it's a good year.

And lately it's been raining
About 3 weeks ago, no joke, it rained for about 10 days straight. It was miserable!

And hurricanes have been kicking up here too. In 2011 we had Irene, 2012 obviously we had Sandy.
Move to the middle of Long Island on the north side... We had no rain except for 1 passing shower and 2 thunder storms within the past month, itself get 5-7 months of nice weather, add in 9 if you don't mind the crisp sweatshirt autum weather. And once you get pass the subarbs the people arrant all that bad. You just have to deal with tourists every once in a while. Not to mention we didn't loose power during Irene and only lost power for 5 days in sandy and got the least effected from the 2. I'm not bragging, we just luck out :).


That's exactly what I did. Completed my masters and found a job close to Disney World. I've been here 3 years, bought a house, found the woman I will marry, made better friends than I have ever had. I live 48 miles from my driveway to the Magic Kingdom and on some days it's too far. :). I have been to the World more times than I can count, but staying the whole day really doesn't happen anymore. It's nice to go for 3 hours and then go somewhere else for the rest of the day. A little bit of the Magic can disappear but you appreciate the details more because you aren't running around the parks like an idiot trying to cram everything in within a week. I can't imagine living anywhere else. :)

Darth Tater

Well-Known Member
I couldn't handle the heat. No thank you.

With that being said, FL will always be my special home away from home. I cherish the memories I've had on vacations past, and look forward to future adventures. It truly is a beautiful state, and some of my happiest moments have been driving under the WDW entrance gates. But I have no desire to move down there.


Well-Known Member
There are tolls to be paid on all the highways except I-4 (and they're constantly threatening to add tolls there, too.)
They are talking about making a toll fast lane, not tolling the entire highway (every article from the Orlando Sentinel, etc.. even points this out)...federally, they by law have to have free lanes remain on I-4 since it was created under the eisenhower system and not taken over by the implementation of that system...


Active Member
I moved to Florida for a summer internship but will only be going to Disney for the first time this year tomorrow. Just not enough time.


I'm in the Tampa Bay area which is plenty close enough to drive to the parks for the day. Housing, affordable, everything else fairly comparable to up north where i'm from. does loose it's magic when you can go on a whim. The weather I have to stick up for however! I think Florida gets a bad wrap with the heat. Yes..summer is hot. BUT..summer's were pretty hot in northeast PA as well. It's summer. The rest of the year seriously makes up for it. Trust me. It's basicly like the seasons are reversed. People just tend to spend more time indoors during the summer months down here rather than the winter ones. My development looks like a ghost town on particularly hot days...but people are walking, bbq'ing, pets are out, and kids are playing tag until dark in the dead of winter. Considering winter/fall lasts a heck of a lot longer than overly hot summer months..I consider it a very fair trade. Disney had nothing to do with our move, it's just an awesome perk, but overall..I have no regrets at all. And really love my area. But YES..job market is tough. Have a plan before ya just do it.


Well-Known Member
I'd love to move to the Orlando area one day. I just love everything about it, it's so different to what I'm used to. People underestimate how much the weather can effect your mood. The whole setting just looks exciting to me.

I love the places you can go and eat, you just don't get the quality, portions (OMG the portions) and variety of the restaurants in England like you do in America.

And that's without mentioning the parks which are obviously amazing. I would certainly move there to be the park or work at the park. Would I move just for the parks? Probably not actually, it's got other things going for it. I wouldn't move to Japan if they had an identical version of WDW there. I like speaking English. I would probably move to California but that's because I quite like the idea of that place as well.

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