How many people lose their glasses?


Active Member
Original Poster
I've got this awful fear of losing my glasses on rides, particularly Space Mtn, BTM, RnR, and Everest. How often does this happen? Do I even really need to wear glasses on those rides? I can see with them, distance is just a little tough for me to focus. Should I just stash them away?

Note: My dad once lost his glasses on the giant wooden coaster in Six Flags over Texas, but he'd put them in his shirt pocket. :rolleyes: You know, the one that the lady fell out of last year?


Well-Known Member
I take my glasses off usually but my brother wore his glasses on Duelling Dragons at Uni and when he got off the frames were completely bent in due to the force of the ride lol Had to go without the rest of the trip.


Beta Return
If they fit properly, it's unlikely that they'll fall off. Rides like ToT would be the exception. Given how much you pay for glasses, I would always error on the side of caution and put them away (in something other than a shirt pocket - especially on ToT) on thrill rides.


Well-Known Member
I do one of two things: take my glasses off and secure them in my shirt ( I usually just drop them down the front of the shirt) or pants or better yet, get a eyeglass strap called a "Croakie". It's a neoprene strap that holds your glasses tight against your head so they can't fall off.


Well-Known Member
Also never an issue on any ride in Orlando, multiple times:)

If nothing else get one of those straps that holds the glasses on your head :)


Well-Known Member
The only time I ever noticed any movement was on the outside track of Test Track. Other then that... no problems at all. Even that wasn't a big problem. I just felt them lift up a little.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't worry. I wear my sunglasses at Busch on all the coasters and have never had a problem. Even staring straight down on Sheikra hasn't been an issue. As for Disney, since the majority of the coasters are indoors I usually just hang my sunglasses on my shirt. Lenses inside my shirt if I feel they need to be a little more secure.


Well-Known Member
I've never lost my prescription glasses on a roller coaster, and I don't wear them with any sort of strap on any Disney ride (including all the ones you mentioned). I used to work Splash and Everest...must have ridden each hundreds of times while wearing my glasses...never an issue. Guests were FAR more likely to lose them when they put them in the pouch on Everest. Not because they'd fly out, but they'd forget them. Happened pretty much every. single. train. The number ONE way people truly lost their glasses on the ride? Holding them in their hands. They'd drop them getting in or getting out of the trains, and they'd fall in the gaps in between the cars. Happens a lot more often than people think.

Honestly, for all Disney rides - the safest place for all glasses is right on your face where you normally wear them.


Well-Known Member
In all my years of trips to WDW... never worried about my glasses and have had no problems.

However, probably 11 or 12 years ago I was holding my 2yo(at the time) daughter at Gatorland. She must've thought it would be funny to grab Daddy's glasses and throw them in with the alligators. Actually... she was laying her head on my shoulder and in one swell move she popped up and hit the side of my head and they were gone. A trip to the mall was now in order... luckily I had separate sunglasses to wear. Though it was fun wearing them at night for 2 days until they came were ready.:cool:


Marching along...
Premium Member
Just to add another voice of total agreement. Make sure they are properly adjusted and fit snugly. I've worn my prescription glasses on every ride in DW a few times each. I even wear them on most of the water rides (where they allow them) without a strap. Heck, I wear them without a strap to play soccer each week in an adult league and when I swim in the ocean, never have had any issues (except the obvious one of being completely blind without glasses).


Well-Known Member
My husband lost one lense on TofT. They told us to come back in the morning and if they found it we could get it back. They did find it thank goodness.


Resident Redhead
Premium Member
My hubby, who is quite blind without his glasses, has just worn them as usual on every WDW ride. Never lost them yet.


Well-Known Member
I would take them off. Can't be too careful with prescriptions. If you need them for comfortable clear vision and something happens when you are miles from home, your goose is cooked.


Well-Known Member
Lost a pair of sunglasses on Dinosaur once. Made the mistake of just putting them up on my head when we got inside the building.


Well-Known Member
Non-prescription sunglasses are not as crucial as prescription glasses. As I stated earlier, I have never had a problem on any ride other then TT. I suggest if they don't fit snugly on your face that a strap might be what the doctor ordered. Then you don't have to worry about it at all.

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