how many more days for you?

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Active Member
we are down to 174 oops 173 days till our first visit home. still don't know what resort to reserve yet. thinking either saratoga or wilderness lodge. we are going sept 13-18. still looking for a good deal in airfare from philly to orlando


New Member
Hi all....well it is only 20 short days to wait!! Can't wait...went shopping today for some more shorts and tops! whoo hoooo......keep sounting them days down everyone!! :wave: :sohappy: :wave:
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New Member
4 days left...HELP!!!

Hi Gang. Please help us. My wife and 3 children have a once in a lifetime trip planned for WDW in 4 days (9-28 thru 10-8) and we need advice on planning. We have read all the books but need to hear from the people who really know...YOU! My wife and I went to WDW in 1988 when we were married, but it has only been a dream for our children (7, 9, and 11). They can't believe we are actually going. This will be the only time we will go so we did it right...11 days / 10 nights at AKL with the best view, 8 day pass to MK, EP, MGM, and AK, 5 day pass to DQ and water parks, and a pocketfull of money to waste on souveniers. Total trip..about $8000...true value...priceless. Anyway, please share your thoughts on things to make sure to NOT do (waste of time), when to do other things, what to look for...extra magic hours...good thing, or avoidable thing? ANYTHING WILL HELP!!! Thanks to all for your help.
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Well-Known Member
ONE more day to go! Woo-hoo! By this time tomorrow morning, my wife and I will be heading down to the airport to get off to our whirlwind WDW vacation. Ahhh, the times we'll have! The new rides and attractions......the ones we get to do this time that we couldn't the last time....beating my wife silly at Buzz Lightyear, over and over and over. Joy! Rapture!
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New Member
Whoo Hoooo I am out of the 20's and into the teens down to 19 days now!! Can't wait for the magic to begin again...hang in there everyone who is on the countdown for the day to leave and head for WDW will come to all of us! Disney Dreams!!
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Well-Known Member
I've found that the new trip countdown feature doesn't work very well. I entered in my upcoming trip information quite a while ago and it's still not showing up on the list. We'll be at the Poly from 9/25 (tomorrow) until 10/2.
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