How many days do you spent in Disneyworld?


The longest I've stayed was 16 nights at POR. This upcoming trip, however, will be 18 nights at POP...for free dining :)

Then I plan another 7 night trip in January and a 9 night trip in May and then another 2 week or so trip next September........ It will have been 16 months since my last trip by the time we get there in September.


8-9 days - Saturday to Saturday or Saturday to Sunday...

Day1 - Animal Kingdom
Day2 - Magic Kingdom
Day3 - DTD/ Off day to recharge
Day4 - Disney Studios
Day5 - EPCOT
Day6 - Rest again - Maybe a character breakfast or Dinner
Day7 - Magic Kingdom
Day8 or Day 9 head home

We go once a year with roughly the same agenda each time. Have fun!


Well-Known Member
We just got back from a trip where we went up from 8 days on our last trip to 15 this time. I don't want to ever go shorter than that again but as we all know it gets expensive.

Truthfully, since we've been home I've mentioned a couple of times that you really need a full month there :)


Original Poster
I am so jealous! 3 weeks! But then again it makes sense to stay that long since you are traveling from Ireland. We live in Philadelphia and have stayed anywhere from 5 to 10 days! We usually do shorter trips to get our Disney fix before a longer stay. Have a wonderful time. I have heard good things about the Hard Roack Hotel from several friends of mine who have stayed there.

Yes, it's along way to Florida. It's a nine hour flight from Dublin to Orlando and then there is a five hour time difference on arrival. It takes a few days to get into the time zone. The first few days we are usually in bed by 7pm (12am to us). Looking forward to my next trip, only another 30 days to go!

Crush Dude!

Back from WDW!Counting down to DLP in November!
yeah wer in ireland too, we went 4 two weeks last year and decided it wasnt long enough, so wer headin der 4 3weeks on 4th july, cant wait :sohappy::sohappy::sohappy: only 46 days to go :sohappy::sohappy::sohappy:


8-9 days - Saturday to Saturday or Saturday to Sunday...

Day1 - Animal Kingdom
Day2 - Magic Kingdom
Day3 - DTD/ Off day to recharge
Day4 - Disney Studios
Day5 - EPCOT
Day6 - Rest again - Maybe a character breakfast or Dinner
Day7 - Magic Kingdom
Day8 or Day 9 head home

We go once a year with roughly the same agenda each time. Have fun!


Original Poster
yeah wer in ireland too, we went 4 two weeks last year and decided it wasnt long enough, so wer headin der 4 3weeks on 4th july, cant wait :sohappy::sohappy::sohappy: only 46 days to go :sohappy::sohappy::sohappy:

We'll be there for the 4th July too! At least Aer Lingus have a direct flight from Dublin to Orlando now, saves on the travelling time by hours. Hope you enjoy your trip. I am looking forward to sunny Florida as I listen to the pouring rain outside at the moment.


New Member
Our trip is 8 days but since we got free dining I changed it to 10 days. I still wish it could be longer but I have to be happy that we get to go at all. When DD gets older a dream vacation of mine is to go to Ireland maybe you can let me know good places to go and how long of a trip to plan.


Well-Known Member
8-9 days and then 4-5 days driving up and back. I want to stay longer we never get to see it all. It will be our third time and I really want another 2 days to see if we can hit every little cubby or nook in all the 4 parks. But mostly get to see Epcot. Every time we have gone we do it toward the end and are too tired to walk it and then leave. So this time we hit it on the first day and then go back again to see it all.So 14 days gone but not in the parks


Well-Known Member
We are going from Saturday to Saturday and I can see now that it will not be enough time (our first trip). No way for me to get to DTD :(


Well-Known Member
when I started my solo trips in 2004 it was about 4-5 days..After that I'd add another day to it..Now I'm at my 7th solo trip and I'm at 11 days.


Well-Known Member
No, wdwNooby it won't. When are you going and will they have long day hours. We went in Dec and are going again, the parks close so early at night so you don't get a break. Just break and run....Our first time 2 years ago we spent alot ot time in character lines and ate a big chunk of our park time up. The last year we did some of that even standing for 70 minutes to get into the fairies. If you don't have little ones and or don't have to stand in those lines long you probably can do it all. If you are going in the HOT summer I would say No.I do not see how anyone can enjoy theirselves in 90+ weather with 90+ humidity. Dec is perfect time but like i say they shut down way to ealy for the amount of people out there. It is not a slow season the first part of Dec like they say.

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