Well-Known Member
Ok so if I'm totally honest and you have my feet over hot coals, I'll admit, traveling with me is like riding Cleopatra's barge. I am a chronic overpacker and I really believe women who go to Europe for a week and only take 2 pair of shoes are alien pod people, never to be trusted. 
my next trip to the world is mid April and I'm trying to get down to a very light carryon. I'm there for 4 days so I think I can do it.
For a week in the world, how many bags do you usually pack. even if you are driving but especially for those who fly?

my next trip to the world is mid April and I'm trying to get down to a very light carryon. I'm there for 4 days so I think I can do it.
For a week in the world, how many bags do you usually pack. even if you are driving but especially for those who fly?