How long do you stay in the parks on a given day?


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Original Poster
My wife and I are AP holders so normal rules perhaps don't always apply to us, sometimes we pop in for an hour or so and leave if doing other things that day. But if we're doing a proper 'Disney day' we always arrive at around 8.15am to make sure we're at park opening. Often we'll stay in that park till around 3 before heading off making it over 6 hours on average.

When younger I'd regularly do 8.30am - 11pm in the Magic Kingdom during my 3-4 days there each year in the Summer. Now I spend about 3 weeks a year in Haines City on holiday with my lovely wife in October/November and prefer the frequent, yet more leisurely visits :snore:


Well-Known Member
We go yearly. But when we pick a park, we are there for the day. From open to close. We don't even break for the hotel.


Well-Known Member
Get there for the opening

Take a break mid-day back at the hotel

Stay till closing

Animal Kingdom though I skip the mid-day break since you finish seeing everything by 4pm anyway. Then take the break in the room and pick somewhere else to go. Usually somewhere that involves sitting in air conditioning.


We always get to a park at opening.....we dont usually take a mid day break at the resort, but we do sometimes cut the night a lil bit short to beat bus traffic! We usually stay for 11 days, so we plan a couple days for non-park days as our resting times!


Well-Known Member
For the average trip we usually pop into a park between 5:30 or 6:00pm, and leave around 9:00pm or so. Average visit is probably 3.5 hours.

Susan Savia

Well-Known Member
We arrive at opening and stay til dark most days. AK & HS we are usually finished by noon and hope to another park. No mid day breaks.


Well-Known Member
Get there for the opening

Take a break mid-day back at the hotel

Stay till closing

Animal Kingdom though I skip the mid-day break since you finish seeing everything by 4pm anyway. Then take the break in the room and pick somewhere else to go. Usually somewhere that involves sitting in air conditioning.

This is exactly what we do.


Depending on the time of the year that we go, in the summer, generally from open to about 4, then to the hotel to swim, then back later that night. However if it's during the cooler months we stay open to close :wave:


Well-Known Member
Opening until around 5 ish I would say, as we like to go back to the hotel and freshen up a bit before ADRs, then we would probably go to a park for a few hours after we had finished dinner/


Well-Known Member
Longest ive been in 1 park is from 9:30am - 2:30am (Magic Kingdom NYE 2011). I typically leave for the parks around 10:00am and do 2parks usually every vist (Usually Animal Kingdom/DHS or DHS/MK, ect.) Most parks ive ever done is 3 (AK/DHS/MK). I usually stay till closing.


Well-Known Member
It really depends on moods. The longest I have been is 9AM to 2AM. Now that I have a DD, I go as early in the morning as possible, try to take an afternoon nap, and get back to see fireworks and night time shows. If no nap, then we leave around 5-6PM and enjoy the resort.


Well-Known Member
Always there at park opening.

Depending on the heat...we will stay until about 3 - break to swim/nap then shower and get ready for dinner at whatever park we have ADRs

When we went in March and it was cool...we stayed the whole day. Open to close.


Well-Known Member
when our son was younger, it was 9am or earlier, til around 7pm, of course we HAD to do dinner at Crystal Palace, etc at Magic Kingdom. Now that he's older, its Epcot from around 1pm til end of llluminations. And... slept like babies!!!!! :ROFLOL:
Because there is 6 people in our party we always leave early or shortly after DD is turning out to be a late night trooper so I am hoping on our next trip we will get to have just one night where her and I can go stay late at MK.


Well-Known Member
MK - open to close
Epcot - open to close
DHS - usually from 5 pm to close, not a big fan of the park.
AK - usually come in the afternoon and leave a little before closing.


Well-Known Member
We try to schedule around the EMH days that stay open the latest. We're not morning people at all, so we usually head out for breakfast around noon and then off to the parks. But we do stay out until they close (sometimes that's even 2am!). We get back to our room really late and start over again the next day! :xmas:

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