Well-Known Member
Not sure I see what connection it has to position of power and superiority. What it does do is express the willingness to let others live their lives different than someone else and not attempt to pass judgment on them. In recent times we have seen an increase in people that do not tolerate and they are all not only not powerful, but also a long way from being superior.Aye! Tolerance isn't quite the happy fun word it is often mistaken for.
To tolerate implies disapproval from a position of power and superiority.
A productive means to a functioning pluriform society, to be sure. But not to be confused as synonymous with acceptance, or indifference, or embracement.
Your description really say that you feel that people do not have any freedom in observation of differences and saying it is my job to determine what is moral and what isn't and act upon it in a mistakenly self righteous manner. What tolerance really is would be... "OK, they are different then mine but, it isn't my concern as they will be judged by a much higher power so at this point we have no dog in this fight. Someplace in that Bible everyone quotes it also says the we "not judge, lest we be judged". The Bible has become a book of convenience it is used to find any trace of approval for our own behavior and ignoring the ones that are in opposition to what we do as humans.