How intense is RnRC?


Well-Known Member
Yeah, you know what I find intense? Those friggin' spinning teacups!
HA! My kids find it hysterical that I can do most coasters, but won't touch a teacup. Something happened around 35.. I lost all ability to deal with spinning. No mission, no teacups. I've also always been fine with big coasters, but you can't get me near a ferris wheel- scares the HE() out of me! We all have our own particular fears!
My son will ride every coaster- the bigger, the better.. but don't put on anything with vampires near him!
Meanwhile, my daughter loves creepy/scary/zombies/etc... but won't even ride Dumbo!o_O

Maelstrom Troll

Well-Known Member
It's pretty intense at the beginning but really it's one of the smoothest coasters I've been on. I'm used to wooden coasters so this thing feels like riding a cloud. As far as intensity is concerned I would call it a 7. Definitely ride it, you will love it!


Well-Known Member
I hate big coasters and they make me woosey. My wife on the other hand loves them and rode RnRC five times in a row last January. I always make her a deal that I will ride on big one a day if she will sit through hall of presidents, carrousel of progress, or something dorky along those lines one per day. I will say Everest makes me way sicker than RnRC did and it wasn't nearly as bad as I had imagined. I will admit to a Dramamine at breakfast each day but don't tell my wife;).


The only ride at the World that I've never been on is RnRC. On a scale of 1-10, how intense is it? I might try it next visit. What do you guys think?

Putting a numeric rating on an attraction IMO isn't all that helpful because it's all relative (my idea of a given value will be different that someone else's), but I'd put it this way:
I suffer from what I purport to be undiagnosed moderate motion sickness and I'm able to ride RnRC without any problems. I haven't been on Hulk at Universal; but I've been told this is rather tame in comparison to Hulk (if you've been on that).There are no real big drops on RnRC, it's just the launch that's the most intense- the ride doesn't go really high [just look at the building RnRC is enclosed in], but it just goes fast in the horizontal direction and when you're inverted upside-down, you almost don't even notice it.
If you decide to go, try to get "2FAST4U" because Sweet Emotion is the best! :p
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Well-Known Member
RNRC launches off at 60 miles per hour. The ride itself is too short IMHO. I like the music, but it is loud. The ride is fairly smooth though. I guess about a 6 out of 10 for me in terms of "intensity". It's a great ride! Don't miss it!:joyfull:


A Long Time DVC Member
I guess the thing that makes this one of the best rides for me is how smooth the ride is. I was on space mountain the last trip and it is so ruff I had trouble with my neck when I got off the ride. So even with the loop and going upside down; I think Rock n Roller is a easier ride for me.


Well-Known Member
It deends on what your are comparing it to.

Comared to other coasters in WDW, it is in the same ballpark as E:E, BTMRR and SM. There are differences, RNRC is faster and has an inversions - but it is far smoother and has no drops. It does have a lot of turns though. It is depends on what (if anything) bothers you.

As far as compared to other coasters outside of WDW - it is pretty tame.


Tom 55

Well-Known Member
I was afraid to go on it the last few trips we made down there. On this September trip with just the wife and I, I told her I would go on all the rides. So I did this for the first time. I had in my mind that it would be a lot scarier than it really was. Other than the take off it was not that bad. It has enough light inside that you can see the turns coming up and I never thought it went completely upside down it only leans at a sharp angle.


Active Member
I get motion sickness and am generally a chicken with coasters. But I did this solo knowing it was a short ride. During what I assume was the final inversion I remember thinking "I don't think I like this very much" but followed that quickly with "It's almost over. It's almost over . . ."

I felt no lasting motion-related issues.

And I'll ride it again.


Well-Known Member
The worst part for me the first time I rode it was: sitting there waiting and having Steven Tyler count down your take off. I thought I was going to wet my pants. The first time scared the crap out of me. Loved it though and have ridden it several times since then. I rate it about a 7 now.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
The first time I rode it my brain was sloshy and my equilibrium was off as was my DHs. I rode it again in that spring with my young DS. This time I took some advice and followed the signage throughout the ride. No sloshy or issues with my equilibrium. I guess I'm the type of rider that needs to have some sort of center line and the signs did that for me. Never a problem again.


Well-Known Member
I'll put it this way. It feels as fast as the fast section of Expedition Everest, after you descend the big drop. It's that way the whole way through. You don't feel drops, loops, etc, you just feel speed. As for scary, the launch, the first 2 seconds of the ride is if you haven't felt going that fast so quickly. It's not as scary as Tower of Terror.


Well-Known Member
LOL, your grandchildren told you it wasn't bad? That is so funny!

How did you miss the height of it and all the steaming?! Next time, ask here first. :) If ToT freaked you put, I'd avoid RnRc. It doesn't have the kind of dropping feeling ToT does, but it's a fairly wild ride and the most intense coaster in WDW. EE is a lot smoother than RnRc and is not really a harsh ride at all, but it does have one semi-big drop. If you're considering RnRc, try EE first and see how you like that.

So funny - your grandchildren.

See I dis agree about EE being smoother. I never get off RNRC feeling woozy, no matter how many times in a row I ride. I DO get off EE feeling woozy sometimes. I wonder if it's the fact that one is outside and you can see everything versus RNRC being indoors?


Active Member
As far as roller coasters go it's not that intense. Its a lot of fun and a can't" be missed ride". My favorite in the parks. But as far as intensity, it doesn't compare to the bigger roller coasters across the country, Incredible Hulk, Dueling Dragons and Bizarro at Six Flags to name a few.

Let's put it this way, both my sons rode RnRc when they were 8. Which they loved BTW.


Well-Known Member
I have never been big on roller coasters and found myself looking at forums like this one before I rode RnRC for the first time but now it is one of my favorite rides in all of Disney World. As for the 1-10 scale I'd give it a 7 just for the take-off and initial inversions but after that it is not "scary" at all even to a coaster chicken. Only downside is that just when you realize you love the ride the first time it's over and you have to go wait in line again :( lol So I would say GO FOR IT and get a fastpass to ride again after you get over the uncertainty of the first ride!


Well-Known Member
For me the launch is a 9, the coaster itself a 6. I don't ride it anymore just because of the launch. I hate not being able to breathe for 2 seconds. I'll ride anything else at wdw, nothing else bothers me.


Well-Known Member
It's pretty intense, but rather short. If you can avoid a long wait, by all means do so. You'll enjoy it more. The theming is very nice too. Similar in all those ways to ToT. Definitely worth checking out in any event.


Well-Known Member
On a scale of 1 to 10, I'd put it as a 7. The launch is the most intense part. If you don't like inversions, I wouldn't suggest doing it, but otherwise it's a pretty fun coaster.

I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks that the music on Rock N' Roller Coaster is wayyy too loud. I usually don't like to be deaf when I get off rides...
If it's too loud, you're too

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