
Well-Known Member
Mission:Space is kind of a weird bird. I do not do spinning. The freaking Dumbo ride will make me feel queasy. The tea cups will wreck me for the day, but I can ride M:S orange without a problem because you can not see that I am spinning.

I would give green a go first and see how he does and then make the call on orange. Green is still fun...I would put it on par with a smother version of Star Tours. Orange, if you can take it, is pretty awesome.

If he is willing to give orange a try, there are a few things you must be aware of and rules you must follow.

1. This is the most important. Keep your head back, straight and keep your eyes open. With the way it is set up your brain is fooled into thinking you are moving forward. This is because you inner ear lines up with the rotation and the video helps your brain confirm it. Where it can go wrong is if you move your head out of the upright and straight position. If you do this your inner ear is no longer in line with the arc and sends a signal to your brain that you are tumbling. If he does this, the barf bags placed in the cabin will get used and you will both have a bad time.

2. If he is claustrophobic, forget about the attraction entirely. The cabin is seriously tight with the view screen maybe 12" from your face.

3 . There are several times during the ride that you will feel positive Gs. It feels roughly like someone putting about 50lbs on your chest and it will make it just slightly harder to breathe. This will generate a panic attack for some people. If he is prone to that kind of reaction skip the orange side.
LOL Excellent give us one for the Railroad:hilarious:


Well-Known Member
I can ride the tallest and scariest roller coasters but cannot do any ride that utilizes a simulator with a screen.


Everest (coaster) - Yes
Space Mountain (coaster) - Yes
RnR (coaster) - Yes
New Skyplex coaster being built in Orlando (coaster) - Oh yeah
Dinosaur (simulator w/no screen) - Yes
Mission: Space (simulator w/screen) - No
Star Tours (simulator w/screen) - No
Spiderman (simulator w/screen) - No
Escape from Gringotts (coaster/simulator w/screen) - No

Etc. It must have something to do with my eyes not agreeing with my brain and what's happening to me. So it all depends on the person I guess.


Well-Known Member
I can ride Orange, but take off and descent is just on the edge of being too much. I have never left that ride feeling sick or dizzy. However, I tried Green just for kicks, and it does the same back and forth tilting to go around the moon and maneuver down on Mars. If Green works fine for you then I would just stick with Green. To me the story and the action are why I go on it, not to feel the G-Force push me into my seat. But everyone has their own kicks.


I think he would be okay. There is no sense of a drop like on a roller coaster, and I've had friends who are afraid of thrill rides be okay on MS because they felt totally safe in the cabin due to how firmly they were restrained in the harness. As many have said, if he's prone to motion sickness or claustrophobic, that's the real issue here. I do not eat before I ride it as it can make me feel queasy if there is food in my stomach, but otherwise, it's great and a very unique experience.


I love rollercoasters and most thrill rides. I do not love MS: Orange. I can handle it, but I don't love it. The heaviness on my chest and the lightheadedness I felt were interesting. Now my rollercoaster hating DH loved it. To each their own. I agree with the others though. If you have motion sickness issues or inner ear issues it may not be for you. Looking straight ahead is a definite must!


Well-Known Member
I've never had issues with intense roller coasters and LOVE rides that spine. What got me on MS where I will never, ever ride it again is that the G-forces ruptured blood vessels in my eye. At the time, only the "orange" version was available. Too bad because I love the "green" version. I just can't bring myself to try the orange version--although this was when it was first out and I've heard they've "slowed" it down?? Regardless--no more bloody eyes for me!


Well-Known Member
Having never been on MS, I have to ask: are the G forces/pressure you experience on the Orange version similar to the Gravitron carnival ride that you always used to find at local fairs (see pic)

I use to love this ride, and never had any issues with it. If anyone isn't familiar with it, when you go inside, along the walls are spots you stand and lean against. When the ride starts spinning, it eventually spins fast enough to push you back so you can barely move, but pressure is never intense enough to make you feel like you can't breathe, and the section you are leaning on slides up off of the floor a few feet.
Being somewhat claustrophobic, I think I would be ok with the tight space when the ride is in operation, but if it broke down and I had to spend 10 or 15 minutes sitting still like that, I might panic a bit.


Well-Known Member
Intensity is subjective to the individual.

I have found this to be the case with M:S. Some people (who like other thrill rides) get headaches all day. Other people who don't normally tolerate rides well do fine with it.

I think it has to do with the spinning, but you are tricked into thinking the spinning is a different feeling, along with the close space, and the really (in my mind) small video screen. I myself think the ride is pretty tame, but how other people perceive it varies wildly.


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