
Well-Known Member
Hello everyone,
I love more intense rides and roller coasters but my fiancé does not (splash mountain is to much for him lol).. We both love the green team for mission space.. Please be honest about the intensity of the orange team, it's greatly appreciated. Thanks :)

Enough to make me puke my guts out. I'm extremely sensitive to motion sickness and have had a few bumps to the head.

Chef Mickey

Well-Known Member
Unless you close your eyes or think to yourself "I'm spinning I'm spinning I'm spinning I'm spinning." Honestly the ridiculous warnings over and over again in the queue probably do more to induce nausea than the spinning itself.
Closing your eyes is literally the worst thing anyone can do on that ride, besides annoy me by talking, throwing up, or wiggling.

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
Unless you close your eyes or think to yourself "I'm spinning I'm spinning I'm spinning I'm spinning." Honestly the ridiculous warnings over and over again in the queue probably do more to induce nausea than the spinning itself.
Flash back to the ride opening...they had a normal and adequate amount of warnings which people summarily ignored. Guests thought "It is Disney. How bad could it be?"

Those same guests went straight to guest services when their 6 year old puked all over everything screaming "I had no idea this attraction spins! You need to refund our entire vacation!"


Sith Lord
Flash back to the ride opening...they had a normal and adequate amount of warnings which people summarily ignored. Guests thought "It is Disney. How bad could it be?"

Those same guests went straight to guest services when their 6 year old puked all over everything screaming "I had no idea this attraction spins! You need to refund our entire vacation!"
I was one of those riders who ignored the warnings but I didn't complain Disney as it was my own foolishness :)


Well-Known Member
Flash back to the ride opening...they had a normal and adequate amount of warnings which people summarily ignored. Guests thought "It is Disney. How bad could it be?"

Those same guests went straight to guest services when their 6 year old puked all over everything screaming "I had no idea this attraction spins! You need to refund our entire vacation!"
I have no sympathy for Disney in that regard. "I'm sorry m'am. We have several warnings posted at the entrance of the ride, and I'm afraid there's nothing we can do to help" should be a perfectly valid guest relations line. Giving in to crazy guests enables them, like paying off a blackmailer or a frivolous plaintiff. To reward idiotic behavior is to encourage idiotic behavior.


Well-Known Member
I do a "Drinks Around World Showcase" tour finishing with a tequila flight and a burrito right before hoping on MS! No problems. Eating anything 1/2 hour before bed and I wake up yaking.

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
I have no sympathy for Disney in that regard. "I'm sorry m'am. We have several warnings posted at the entrance of the ride, and I'm afraid there's nothing we can do to help" should be a perfectly valid guest relations line. Giving in to crazy guests enables them, like paying off a blackmailer or a frivolous plaintiff. To reward idiotic behavior is to encourage idiotic behavior.
Disney is in a no win situation with stuff like this. They gave away the farm and were still crucified in the press.

This attraction is the reason that I don't think they will ever go extreme thrill again in WDW.


Well-Known Member
I have done the orange and never the green. I can't do spinning rides and this one bothers me a little when it first starts. After that you can't tell you are spinning. However, I leave with a funny headache and because of that I don't ride it very often.

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
Im more bothered by the exploding cabin and being roasted like a chicken on a spit in that small tight enclosed space, the consul burning would be like being grilled with the the fat spitting and the stench of burning flesh, it would certainly spoil the snack and beverages of the F&W


Well-Known Member
the ridiculous warnings over and over again in the queue probably do more to induce nausea than the spinning itself
THIS!!! We went over 10 years ago and I had a 6 year old at the time. She was smaller than your average 6 year old but tall enough to ride. I don't even recall there being an option for green/orange at THAT time. We rode the one with the barf bags...the heavy feeling in the chest, etc. and she was fine! Fast forward to our last trip. I again have a 6 year old...bigger than your average 6 year old. The warning signs posted all over made me internally freak out and switch to green at the last minute. I was all of a sudden terrified that he can't even. I AM a spaz take that for what it's worth :)


Well-Known Member
In terms of intentsity....


Well-Known Member
It made every single person in our spaceship (3 of our group and 2 strangers) feel nauseous - so much that afterwards my husband had to sit out a couple of rides until he recovered. It wasn't scary as others have said, but if you or he have motion sickness, I'd recommend doing green. Green doesn't bother us at all. Orange - never again.


Well-Known Member
I am prone to motion sickness (don't stick me on a 15 ft boat in the ocean with high surf) but I have never had a problem with it. I do make sure that I am breathing at a good rate during the launch and landing, but I have still avoided the brown sack. Can definitely feel your cheeks being pushed back.


Well-Known Member
Intensity is subjective to the individual.

I couldn't even handle green, nor star tours.

It's not like i don't want to enjoy them!, my head just starts spinning... :hungover::hungover::hungover::hungover::hungover:


Well-Known Member
If he is claustrophobic, forget about the attraction entirely. The cabin is seriously tight with the view screen maybe 12" from your face.

I couldn't agree with this more! I didn't have the slightest trouble with the spinning. I had a HUGE problem, however, with the tightness of the cabin. When it all collapses into ride mode, that panel is right in your face. Combine that with the fact that you have a shoulder restraint on and it adds up to total panic for the claustrophobic (me!).


Well-Known Member
I have BPV (Vertigo) and I cannot do rides that spin in a close circle like teacups. I can do Orange but only if i look straight ahead during launch and slingshot. After that I am OK but it takes me a few moments after the ride to feel normal again so I just do the green now.

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