Jess G

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Hello everyone,
I love more intense rides and roller coasters but my fiancé does not (splash mountain is to much for him lol).. We both love the green team for mission space.. Please be honest about the intensity of the orange team, it's greatly appreciated. Thanks :)


Well-Known Member
Is your fiance's issue with scary things or nausea? There's nothing especially scary about Mission Space, but the spinning that generates the G-forces can cause nausea in those prone too it. I've only had one issue, and that was when I rode it a few times in a row.


Well-Known Member
Hello everyone,
I love more intense rides and roller coasters but my fiancé does not (splash mountain is to much for him lol).. We both love the green team for mission space.. Please be honest about the intensity of the orange team, it's greatly appreciated. Thanks :)
Could get a new boyfriend.

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
Mission:Space is kind of a weird bird. I do not do spinning. The freaking Dumbo ride will make me feel queasy. The tea cups will wreck me for the day, but I can ride M:S orange without a problem because you can not see that I am spinning.

I would give green a go first and see how he does and then make the call on orange. Green is still fun...I would put it on par with a smother version of Star Tours. Orange, if you can take it, is pretty awesome.

If he is willing to give orange a try, there are a few things you must be aware of and rules you must follow.

1. This is the most important. Keep your head back, straight and keep your eyes open. With the way it is set up your brain is fooled into thinking you are moving forward. This is because you inner ear lines up with the rotation and the video helps your brain confirm it. Where it can go wrong is if you move your head out of the upright and straight position. If you do this your inner ear is no longer in line with the arc and sends a signal to your brain that you are tumbling. If he does this, the barf bags placed in the cabin will get used and you will both have a bad time.

2. If he is claustrophobic, forget about the attraction entirely. The cabin is seriously tight with the view screen maybe 12" from your face.

3 . There are several times during the ride that you will feel positive Gs. It feels roughly like someone putting about 50lbs on your chest and it will make it just slightly harder to breathe. This will generate a panic attack for some people. If he is prone to that kind of reaction skip the orange side.

Jess G

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Is your fiance's issue with scary things or nausea? There's nothing especially scary about Mission Space, but the spinning that generates the G-forces can cause nausea in those prone too it. I've only had one issue, and that was when I rode it a few times in a row.

his issue is drops.. he hates the feeling of being dropped.. he loves test track and he'll do seven dwarfs so I think he can handle it, but I wanted to get real opinions before forcing him on and assuring it wont bother him lol

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
his issue is drops.. he hates the feeling of being dropped.. he loves test track and he'll do seven dwarfs so I think he can handle it, but I wanted to get real opinions before forcing him on and assuring it wont bother him lol
You get a little bit of air time for about 2 seconds once you hit orbit, but that is it. Other than that is is all g-forces and flight simulator type stuff.

Jess G

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Mission:Space is kind of a weird bird. I do not do spinning. The freaking Dumbo ride will make me feel queasy. The tea cups will wreck me for the day, but I can ride M:S orange without a problem because you can not see that I am spinning.

I would give green a go first and see how he does and then make the call on orange. Green is still fun...I would put it on par with a smother version of Star Tours. Orange, if you can take it, is pretty awesome.

If he is willing to give orange a try, there are a few things you must be aware of and rules you must follow.

1. This is the most important. Keep your head back, straight and keep your eyes open. With the way it is set up your brain is fooled into thinking you are moving forward. This is because you inner ear lines up with the rotation and the video helps your brain confirm it. Where it can go wrong is if you move your head out of the upright and straight position. If you do this your inner ear is no longer in line with the arc and sends a signal to your brain that you are tumbling. If he does this, the barf bags placed in the cabin will get used and you will both have a bad time.

2. If he is claustrophobic, forget about the attraction entirely. The cabin is seriously tight with the view screen maybe 12" from your face.

3 . There are several times during the ride that you will feel positive Gs. It feels roughly like someone putting about 50lbs on your chest and it will make it just slightly harder to breathe. This will generate a panic attack for some people. If he is prone to that kind of reaction skip the orange side.

He loves the green and has done it a ton of times. I think he can handle the orange side. I will have him read all your advice here and see how he feels.. I have about 2 months to talk him into it lol


Well-Known Member
He shouldn't have a problem if he can handle some roller-coasters and test track. It give the illusion of speed, not the feeling falling. I have a few respiratory problems plus excess weight. I found that when we were doing take off and the slingshot around the moon that was when the compression from the spinning was the strongest. It feels like you are in a really fast car that is taking off from a stop in full peddle to the metal mode. My respiratory problem did have me concerned on my first time around. I needed to breath through my mouth in order to get enough air to compensate for the pressure against my chest. Once I figured that out, I no longer had any problems with it at all.

As was stated, if he has a problem with inner ear issues, which are the primary cause of motion sickness, which it sounds like he doesn't since you have already ridden the green side (same capsule). The problem with the feeling of falling is a completely different thing then what is found on orange.

Jess G

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
He shouldn't have a problem if he can handle some roller-coasters and test track. It give the illusion of speed, not the feeling falling. I have a few respiratory problems plus excess weight. I found that when we were doing take off and the slingshot around the moon that was when the compression from the spinning was the strongest. It feels like you are in a really fast car that is taking off from a stop in full peddle to the metal mode. My respiratory problem did have me concerned on my first time around. I needed to breath through my mouth in order to get enough air to compensate for the pressure against my chest. Once I figured that out, I no longer had any problems with it at all.

As was stated, if he has a problem with inner ear issues, which are the primary cause of motion sickness, which it sounds like he doesn't since you have already ridden the green side (same capsule). The problem with the feeling of falling is a completely different thing then what is found on orange.

thanks so much for the info:)


Well-Known Member
I personally don't like Mission Space Orange because I don't like the pressure on my chest (I have asthma, the pressure just makes me feel like I'm having an attack) and it gave me a migraine the last time I tried. I used to be able to do it, but opt out now.

However, I will say not to let the warning signs freak you out. They are exaggerated a bit IMO.

If your fiance is prone to motion sickness, I would skip it. If he doesn't like enclosed spaces, skip it. But there aren't any major drops. It's more an issue for those of us prone to motion sickness. It definitely doesn't feel like a roller coaster.


Well-Known Member
Don't let the "intense" misnomer throw you. As much as I really enjoy Mission:Space, it's not wild or particularly turbulent. And don't let the word "spinning" thrown you either because you really don't get that kind of sensation. What you do experience are the mild G-forces generated by the centrifuges (i.e. you feel pushed back in your seat, might be a bit harder to lift your legs, that sort of thing), and as you are in a rather confined space you might feel claustrophobic (if you're prone to that). Otherwise, it's an enjoyable experience with some cool sensations and feelings, but it's hardly wild or intense.


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
I've done the orange side many, many times. I've never felt the sensation of falling. Most of the time it's feeling pressed into your seat, or when you yaw left and right. Even though I don't have any problems with the ride, what almost gets me every time is right before hypersleep, when the screen is being covered with ice and then goes dark. I can't even describe the feeling other than to say it makes me feel really dizzy for a moment. That to me is the most intense part of the ride.


Well-Known Member
I love any roller coaster, the wilder the better, but personally, for some reason I hate MS Orange, in all my trips to WDW I've only gone on it once and never again... I don't like the feeling of little "spinner" rides like teacups though, so that might have something to do with it (although I didn't feel sick or anything). It probably didn't help that the stranger two seats over from me had a panic attack on the ride and that just freaked me out.


Sith Lord
I do not do spinning.
Same here, I was on the ride when it first opened up and I think they've since slowed it down and offered non-intense seats.

I was so sick, from that ride, I'll never do it, even though there was plenty of warnings, I should have bailed while waiting in line but there I am next to an old lady who looked like she was a 100 years old, and she was going to do it, so I figured if she could I would. She left smiling, I ran to the nearest trash barrel to you know...

Chef Mickey

Well-Known Member
You don't feel just feel heavier.

People get way too detailed in trying to understand the sensation. Just ride's not going to kill you unless you have some medical condition.

It's a ride at's not that bad.
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