How do you inform teachers of a WDW vacation?


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We are leaving for WDW in 15 days. :D We are going the week BEFORE Spring Break this year. My question is... Does anyone have a "cute" letter informing the teacher/school of an upcoming vacation or know where I can find one? I thought it would be cute for my 6 & 7 year olds teachers~


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kodiak5bears said:
I happen to like the "tough guys" response!! No, he would not march in and punch the principal... the point is...

They are MY kids. I do not need PERMISSION from ANYONE to take MY kids on vacation!

...and if you'd go back and look you'd see I'm the retired school teacher who originally told you how important family vacations are and to go enjoy yourself. This whole topic has gone on way to long!

Fill out the proper form if your school district requires one, reminder note about a week before you leave would be nice, and then go have a great time!

The "punch the principal" was sarcasm directed at a response posted way to strong IMO!
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TiggerRPh said:
If people are willing to be told by school districts what they can or can't do with their children....then they suffer the consequences.

It's not the government's obligation to raise our's the parents.

More people need to stand up and not let the government become our children's nannys.

If we're talking private schools...then it's by choice and if you have a problem with the policy...change schools.

If my school did this...I'd walk. They'd be in another school if it became an issue.
Far easier said than done!
But as has been said before, this is way off topic, and should be dropped.
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GoofyFan1 said:
Just remember that teachers, no matter what you hear, are human with real emotions and reactions. While it may seem like no big deal, the teacher is going above and beyond.

As a fellow teacher, all I can say is, "Thank you."

If one of my students (they're a bit older) came to me and said they were going to be missing classes for whatever reason, I would say, "That's great, have a great time, I love WDW." But, it's not my responsibility to do extra work so they can go on vacation.

Teachers in this country are overworked and grossly underpaid. Would it really hurt so much for someone to say, "Thank you," instead of making them an enemy? Trust us, we're dealing with the ridiculous aspects of the Powers that Be even more than you are.

I'm sorry for the rant, but I just wanted to tell my fellow teachers, "Thank you for all the hard work you do because you actually think education is important.":sohappy:
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ccchild said:
If one of my students (they're a bit older) came to me and said they were going to be missing classes for whatever reason, I would say, "That's great, have a great time, I love WDW." But, it's not my responsibility to do extra work so they can go on vacation.

It's not? Normally I'd agree with most of what you're saying in this post...but it's this attitude that ticks me off. No matter whether it's a private or public's my money that's paying your salary? If someone politely asks you for the work ahead of time...the nice thing to do would be to follow through...not "It's not my responsibility."

No one is asking you to go that much beyond the call of duty. Just get together whatever you can get together as possible.

Then I suppose you're going to tell me that it's not your responsibility to give out the make up work either then?

It's part of doing a good job.

ccchild said:
Teachers in this country are overworked and grossly underpaid. Would it really hurt so much for someone to say, "Thank you," instead of making them an enemy? Trust us, we're dealing with the ridiculous aspects of the Powers that Be even more than you are.

Normally....I'd say the overworked part the part of being the enemy are administration's fault...but after the beginning of your post I'm not so sure.

A teacher that's willing to work with me and be nice about it is going to get an explanation if asked and a nice follow up note along with maybe an email or pictures during the trip.

A teacher giving me attitude and "it's not my responsibility so you can go on vacation" is going to get a note saying we're going to be gone...period.
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So Kodiak you said you already sent the notes in now.

What idea did you go with?

I agree with those that said a cute note would be appropriate for the elem aged kids but not the middle school kid. As a teacher of middle schoolers I think they would get slightly embarrassed having to hand in a cutesy note to their teacher with all the other kids around. I know this is a moot point since you already sent the notes but just figured I would add my 2 cents anyway!

Have a great trip! I am quite jealous! I have all the way until June til we go back!
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ccchild said:
As a fellow teacher, all I can say is, "Thank you."

If one of my students (they're a bit older) came to me and said they were going to be missing classes for whatever reason, I would say, "That's great, have a great time, I love WDW." But, it's not my responsibility to do extra work so they can go on vacation.

Teachers in this country are overworked and grossly underpaid. Would it really hurt so much for someone to say, "Thank you," instead of making them an enemy? Trust us, we're dealing with the ridiculous aspects of the Powers that Be even more than you are.

I'm sorry for the rant, but I just wanted to tell my fellow teachers, "Thank you for all the hard work you do because you actually think education is important.":sohappy:

Amen. I totally agree with that. Another thing that would help is to bring back a huge present for the teacher as a way of saying thank you for going the extra mile.:animwink:
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Active Member
TiggerRPh said:
It's not? Normally I'd agree with most of what you're saying in this post...but it's this attitude that ticks me off. No matter whether it's a private or public's my money that's paying your salary? If someone politely asks you for the work ahead of time...the nice thing to do would be to follow through...not "It's not my responsibility."

No one is asking you to go that much beyond the call of duty. Just get together whatever you can get together as possible.

Then I suppose you're going to tell me that it's not your responsibility to give out the make up work either then?

It's part of doing a good job.

Normally....I'd say the overworked part the part of being the enemy are administration's fault...but after the beginning of your post I'm not so sure.

A teacher that's willing to work with me and be nice about it is going to get an explanation if asked and a nice follow up note along with maybe an email or pictures during the trip.

A teacher giving me attitude and "it's not my responsibility so you can go on vacation" is going to get a note saying we're going to be gone...period.

If you pay my salary, I would like a raise!:)

I completely understand that some families can't always go on vacation when school is out, but I had one family say to me this year that they were going to WDW the week before Christmas break because they don't like to wait in line. They also stated that I was to put together the work they will miss so that they can do it before they go because they don't want to do it while they are there and they don't want to waste their time making up a lot of work when they get back.

Think what you would say if your son or daughter came home and said my teacher doesn't like to wait in lines so he left for WDW a week early.

Teachers ARE overworked. Everyday I play "dad" to over 100 7th graders. I find it interesting that many of you want to be the parent when you get to take them to WDW, but want the teachers to make sure your students do all of their homework and pass state tests and, often on our own time, make sure they meet the time requirements in lab to sit for a state test Being the parent may mean that you have to also say "you know what , the lines are longer during the summer or during spring break, but you should be in school now". I didn't become a teacher to be rich, but I also didn't become a teacher to be told I pay your salary,so you will do what I say and give up time with your family so mine can go away on vacation.

This is supposed to be a fun time for me; the weekend, time with my WDW magic friends, But once again I find myself defending my chosen career,(which,BTW, I worked very hard to achieve) to people who think teachers do nothing but hand out worksheets and sit around waiting for summer break. I'm not coming back to this thread again. I'm now going to do my parental duty, studying with my 5th grader for her upcoming spelling bee.

As I stated before to the OP, Enjoy your trip.
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Well-Known Member
GoofyFan1 said:
If you pay my salary, I would like a raise!:)

I completely understand that some families can't always go on vacation when school is out, but I had one family say to me this year that they were going to WDW the week before Christmas break because they don't like to wait in line. They also stated that I was to put together the work they will miss so that they can do it before they go because they don't want to do it while they are there and they don't want to waste their time making up a lot of work when they get back.

Think what you would say if your son or daughter came home and said my teacher doesn't like to wait in lines so he left for WDW a week early.

Teachers ARE overworked. Everyday I play "dad" to over 100 7th graders. I find it interesting that many of you want to be the parent when you get to take them to WDW, but want the teachers to make sure your students do all of their homework and pass state tests and, often on our own time, make sure they meet the time requirements in lab to sit for a state test Being the parent may mean that you have to also say "you know what , the lines are longer during the summer or during spring break, but you should be in school now". I didn't become a teacher to be rich, but I also didn't become a teacher to be told I pay your salary,so you will do what I say and give up time with your family so mine can go away on vacation.

This is supposed to be a fun time for me; the weekend, time with my WDW magic friends, But once again I find myself defending my chosen career,(which,BTW, I worked very hard to achieve) to people who think teachers do nothing but hand out worksheets and sit around waiting for summer break. I'm not coming back to this thread again. I'm now going to do my parental duty, studying with my 5th grader for her upcoming spelling bee.

As I stated before to the OP, Enjoy your trip.
I'm a former teacher and the wife of a very hard-working teacher and I understand what you mean. As I said before, when I taught, if given enough notice I would get some work for the child to do, but you wouldn't believe how many parents have the attitude that they can send in a note or stop by when they pick up their child on a Friday afternoon, and demand the next week's work so they can go away.
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Nemo14 said:
I'm a former teacher and the wife of a very hard-working teacher and I understand what you mean. As I said before, when I taught, if given enough notice I would get some work for the child to do, but you wouldn't believe how many parents have the attitude that they can send in a note or stop by when they pick up their child on a Friday afternoon, and demand the next week's work so they can go away.

I think that is the biggest issue here.......a little consideration. I do believe most of the parents on here would be considerate and ask ahead of time. People like that (considerate ones) have a hard time realizing that there are people out there that expect teachers (and everyone else) to drop everything and cater to them. It's happened to me. Last year, a parent stopped in the Friday before Thanksgiving week during the last 5 minutes of class and TOLD me......not asked, mind you..... that they were leaving early for vacation and I need to get their child's work. I politely told them "No" as we can not give make up work for unexcused absences. I also informed them that if they had just taken a little time and written a letter to our principal, she would have gladly excused those two days, given ALL of his teachers notice (ahead of time), and they would have had the work waiting on them in the office. Oh, she was NOT happy at all, but was told the same thing by the principal when she went to complain about me. Yes, teachers are overworked, underpaid and greatly underappreciated. I give up a lot of my personal time and personal money for my students. I am about to the point where another career is looking very good.
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I completely agree with you. We do not need permission to go but it would be nice to have them support our decission in going. Our school district just had a big fight over this same subject. I told the principial I was sorry he did not support my taking the kids out of school for vacation, but we are doing it anyway. Sept 22-Oct 4. I guess he will just have to get over it. I hope you have a great vacation, your kids are lucky to have you. They will always remember these vacations, not what their teacher said about their missisig school.
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New Member
GoofyFan1 said:
If you pay my salary, I would like a raise!:)

I completely understand that some families can't always go on vacation when school is out, but I had one family say to me this year that they were going to WDW the week before Christmas break because they don't like to wait in line. They also stated that I was to put together the work they will miss so that they can do it before they go because they don't want to do it while they are there and they don't want to waste their time making up a lot of work when they get back.

Think what you would say if your son or daughter came home and said my teacher doesn't like to wait in lines so he left for WDW a week early.

Teachers ARE overworked. Everyday I play "dad" to over 100 7th graders. I find it interesting that many of you want to be the parent when you get to take them to WDW, but want the teachers to make sure your students do all of their homework and pass state tests and, often on our own time, make sure they meet the time requirements in lab to sit for a state test Being the parent may mean that you have to also say "you know what , the lines are longer during the summer or during spring break, but you should be in school now". I didn't become a teacher to be rich, but I also didn't become a teacher to be told I pay your salary,so you will do what I say and give up time with your family so mine can go away on vacation.

This is supposed to be a fun time for me; the weekend, time with my WDW magic friends, But once again I find myself defending my chosen career,(which,BTW, I worked very hard to achieve) to people who think teachers do nothing but hand out worksheets and sit around waiting for summer break. I'm not coming back to this thread again. I'm now going to do my parental duty, studying with my 5th grader for her upcoming spelling bee.

As I stated before to the OP, Enjoy your trip.

We have all worked hard to achieve our chosen career. BUT, as parents they are our children, and we have the right to take them when ever and wherever we want. YOU choose this career, you have to live with the dilemas that come with it.
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christyj said:
We have all worked hard to achieve our chosen career. BUT, as parents they are our children, and we have the right to take them when ever and wherever we want. YOU choose this career, you have to live with the dilemas that come with it.

The same could be said regarding the consequences of taking your children from school during the school year. If you decide to take them, you should not expect the teacher to do more than they already do to educate ALL of the children. While it may seem easy to many to put together something the child could do, there is a reason the child gets up every morning and goes to that big building. We don't teach like "Ditto" in the movie Teachers. Any teacher worth their salary will tell you that they don't really know where they will be in the curriculum a week or two ahead. We constantly adjust what we are doing so that every student has an understanding of the material. I could put together a packet of material for your child, but I may never do that material, depending on the students left behind. In my classes the student misses out on labs that tie all of the classwork together. But according to you, because I chose this career, and you chose to go on vacation, you would expect me to give more of my time to make up the labs after schooland you would probably be upset because I "wasted" your child's time with work the rest of the class didn't have to do.

Your fight is not with the teachers, we are just the easy targets. We do not make the attendance rules, that is done by the State and Boards of Education, (which by the way never have a problem removing their children for an "excused" vacation at my school.)however, we are expected to follow those rules.

You are also right about my career choice. I made that decision, however, I am not, and refuse to be, every parent's private employee. I don't know what your career is but just think about everyone that pays taxes thinking they own you and you must do everything that they say, when they say. Has anyone considered why most teachers leave the profession before their 5th year?

I would be willing to bet that any of the teachers on this board would be more than happy to give there time to help out any student.

I appologize to the OP and those of you that have supported reason. As you can see, from a teacher's perspective, We just can't seem to win.
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GoofyFan1 said:
The same could be said regarding the consequences of taking your children from school during the school year. If you decide to take them, you should not expect the teacher to do more than they already do to educate ALL of the children. While it may seem easy to many to put together something the child could do, there is a reason the child gets up every morning and goes to that big building. We don't teach like "Ditto" in the movie Teachers. Any teacher worth their salary will tell you that they don't really know where they will be in the curriculum a week or two ahead. We constantly adjust what we are doing so that every student has an understanding of the material. I could put together a packet of material for your child, but I may never do that material, depending on the students left behind. In my classes the student misses out on labs that tie all of the classwork together. But according to you, because I chose this career, and you chose to go on vacation, you would expect me to give more of my time to make up the labs after schooland you would probably be upset because I "wasted" your child's time with work the rest of the class didn't have to do.

Your fight is not with the teachers, we are just the easy targets. We do not make the attendance rules, that is done by the State and Boards of Education, (which by the way never have a problem removing their children for an "excused" vacation at my school.)however, we are expected to follow those rules.

You are also right about my career choice. I made that decision, however, I am not, and refuse to be, every parent's private employee. I don't know what your career is but just think about everyone that pays taxes thinking they own you and you must do everything that they say, when they say. Has anyone considered why most teachers leave the profession before their 5th year?

I would be willing to bet that any of the teachers on this board would be more than happy to give there time to help out any student.

I appologize to the OP and those of you that have supported reason. As you can see, from a teacher's perspective, We just can't seem to win.

AMEN!! This is sooooo off the OP, but what you say is sadly true. I am a high school teacher who is always willing to help students in any way, but it is very hard to know exactly what material will be covered weeks ahead of time. It is better for the student to get the work upon their return. I love my students so much that I am taking 27 of them to WDW during the Easter break. For all the teacher bashers out there....Scene: Trip #6, my Easter break, 930 miles on a school bus (one way), husband (middle school math teacher) driving the bus through the night so the kids can maximize their time at WDW, weeks of fundraising on several of our weekends (you know weekends, our family time= our family watching us grade papers into the night).......would you be willing? I think not. In the paraphrased words of Atticus Finch in To Kill A Mockingbird "Scout, you've got to walk around in another person's skin to know them." Please, get to walkin' instead of bashing. Better yet, try substitute teaching for one week. You will see "A WHOLE NEW WORLD" on that magic carpet ride!! Sorry for my rant as well. I too would like to know which letter the OP went with.

21 days until the "yellow limo" is Orlando bound (27 teens-school bus-930 miles of smiles-WOOHOO!!:sohappy: :hammer: :sohappy: )
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pintraderpayee said:
AMEN!! This is sooooo off the OP, but what you say is sadly true. I am a high school teacher who is always willing to help students in any way, but it is very hard to know exactly what material will be covered weeks ahead of time. It is better for the student to get the work upon their return. I love my students so much that I am taking 27 of them to WDW during the Easter break. For all the teacher bashers out there....Scene: Trip #6, my Easter break, 930 miles on a school bus (one way), husband (middle school math teacher) driving the bus through the night so the kids can maximize their time at WDW, weeks of fundraising on several of our weekends (you know weekends, our family time= our family watching us grade papers into the night).......would you be willing? I think not. In the paraphrased words of Atticus Finch in To Kill A Mockingbird "Scout, you've got to walk around in another person's skin to know them." Please, get to walkin' instead of bashing. Better yet, try substitute teaching for one week. You will see "A WHOLE NEW WORLD" on that magic carpet ride!! Sorry for my rant as well. I too would like to know which letter the OP went with.

21 days until the "yellow limo" is Orlando bound (27 teens-school bus-930 miles of smiles-WOOHOO!!:sohappy: :hammer: :sohappy: )

Have fun on the trip.

Several years ago we took 8th graders to WDW for an "educational" trip. The Board wouldn't let us go to Magic Kingdom because it was FUN and not educational. While it was a lot of work, those students still talk about the trip when they see me.
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Kadee said:
While I somewhat agree with you on what you said, I have to say that it is the federal government that created the compulsory school system........we don't have a choice in educating our children nor do we have a choice in turning over those parental rights. Well, we actually don't turn them over; they are taken. I happen to think that all children (and lots of adults) need an education, BUT I don't think the government should be allowed to dictate all of this. Realistically, parents can be put in jail for not sending their children to school.......even if they are on vacation. I don't agree with this, so please do not attack me; this just happens to be the law. I love my country....most of the time.....but I don't agree with many of the things the powers that be come up with. Those "powers" are only human and make mistakes......BIG ONES..... quite often. The problem is, they do not see them as mistakes.

ANOTHER TOPIC.....or subtopic, maybe: WHY are some schools against giving out work before an extended absence? This is crazy. We do it all the time at my school. It makes everything so much easier. The work is all due the day they return, not a month later, where you can't give them a zero until all those days (3 days for every day absent) have passed. Giving it ahead of time is easier on everyone. Someone PLEASE tell me the reasoning of these schools or districts that have policy against this.

Here, if your kids miss a certain number of days, you are sent to family court.
Our principal just sent a note home saying that no family vacations will be counted as excused. If you take your children out for a family vacation, then they will get zero's for everything they missed. There will be no work made up.
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GoofyFan1 said:
Have fun on the trip.

Several years ago we took 8th graders to WDW for an "educational" trip. The Board wouldn't let us go to Magic Kingdom because it was FUN and not educational. While it was a lot of work, those students still talk about the trip when they see me.

That is so bizarre. Sometimes I get the feeling that school board members should have to pass a high school exit exam in order to run for office! After reading your post I realize how fortunate I am to be in my little "back water" parish. Each year we participate in Disney's Youth Education Series where the students take a class (approx. 3 hours). Some of the best ones have been at MK. We studied American History by looking at the oral traditions of slaves (Brer Rabbit tales-Splash Mountain), had to try our hand at using a bartering system a la gold propectors, got a behind-the-scenes and up close look at the "Presidents" in the Hall of Presidents, rang the Liberty Bell a symbolic 13 times and finally all signed a copy of the Dec. of Ind. We've done Physics (MK), Cultures (EPCOT), Natural Science (Fort Wilderness), American History (MK x 2) and over this Easter break will do Production Arts (MGM). I also go before my board, show them how the programs are aligned with national standards, ask for the bus, and permission to cross state lines. I have never had a problem. Disney also has a program called AchievEARS that is for honor students. However, I've always gone with the Y.E.S. programs because they can be done at any time of the year. With Easter moving about as it does, the flexibility is nice. We've deviated from this thread so terribly:eek: I should send myself to In School Suspension:D

21 days until the "yellow limo" rolls out (27 teens-school bus-930 miles of smiles:hammer: :sohappy: :sohappy: )
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