( just to be clear, this is only duing my busy season, I can go from working 70hr weeks, to not haveing a job for 4 months straight)
Im lucky I guess and landed a decent job, I dont mind discussing how much I make because its public knowledge if you google it... I make around $45 an hr, plus my benefit which brings it to around $80+an hr. Anything more then 7 hours in a day becomes time and a half, and during the spring and fall its not too uncommon to work 3 hours late, 3 days a week , and a saturday as well (sat. are usually 10hr days), which are also time and a half. So in one week I could have an extra 19 hours at $67 an hr...thats $1282.5 on top of my normal weeks pay $1575 ((all before taxes of course, that part is not public knowledge or anyones busines

So for me first weeks pay of the month is the mortgage, second week takes care of utilities / food. Third week savings. Fourth recreation.
Im also single ( so no kids) , and I dont drink so vacationing for me is no problem luckily. Im able to drop $5,000 without too much of an after thought but my biggest problem is finding someone else who wants to vacation down at disney as often as id like to. In 2008 I went twice in 6 months for 8 days each time, but havent been able to go back since....
( please no one take this as bragging I worked heavy construction to get to the point where I am and I will, and already do pay the price through the abuse Ive put on my body, at the moment im disabled because of an accident so im not making anything, so no trips for me for a while..no pity please, ill be fine in time

, and I also support my mother financially, so I dont have
That much extra money