how do you book ur disney vacation


just curious to see how the majority books their vacations..

and if you want post a message too stating whether you think the way you do it was cheaper than another way..

I do it all on my own. I book the room and watch for codes on, I search expedia and other sites for cheap airfare tickets however I do purchase the park through Disney. With our last trip between 2 families I ended up saving about $800 from what Disney would have charged. Its more fun this way as well.
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The previous two years we went I used a travel agent. But with how easy it is to book your own vacation these days, I did everything myself this time - all of it online too.
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Kingdom Konsultant

WDWMAGIC Board Sponsor
Premium Member
I book my own since I am a travel agent. I also have booked quite a few forum members trips to WDW. I use the discount codes and I offer discount park tickets through my website.

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Well-Known Member
I look for discounts (such as my annual pass stuff/Mousesavers) and book on my own. You definently save a lot of money if you take the time and snoop around.
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New Member
We do all of our own travel, not just walt disney world. With all the new websites, why pay a $5 fee for a travel agent to book your flight when you can book the same one yourself. I have even stopped using an agent at work.

No offense Pam, I'm sure some people have a need.
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Active Member
We use a very good friend who happens to be a very good travel agent. She has taken care of all but one of my WDW trips. The one she didn't arrange was because she was only 21 at the time and still in college. We call her "Magic Marlene". When the Disney store in Schaumburg used to have a travel service, we talked to them and they told us that the hotel we wanted (the Poly) was booked solid. We came home and called Marlene and voila, we had rooms at the Poly.
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It's HarmonioUS, NOT HarmoniYOU.
I do it all myself.. usually thru the web... I keep a keen eye on

If I find a good "room only rate" online at I will book it online. Depends on what Disney Club discounts are avail. to.. then I will call.

Or if Expedia has a better WDW package, and a great price... I will book it thru them (usually w/o park hoppers).

As, far as park hoppers go, I usually go to my local disney store... flash my disney club card.. and get them there before my trip. :)
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