How come we don't get that!


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Original Poster
Tokyo Disneysea has one of the best ride's ever "Journey into the Center of the Earth" It is fantastc!. Does anyone know if we will get it someday.


Active Member
If you mean WDW. They already have Mission:Space and E:E is going to open next year. One just can't ask for too much I guess. Both rides costs around 100 million dollars which is similar as Jounery into center of earth's price tag. Another big ride like this would be impossible for the current state of WDW. After a few more years they are going to announce another big ride, and the possibility that it would be JITCOE is rather small. Because by that time a more innovative or original idea would probably come up and the last thing they would do is to copy anything somewhere.

If you mean HKDL I guess not in the near future. HK government has no money left for any such an expensive ride. Probably won't happened til next decade. This ride costs nearly 100 millions and the most expensive ride in HKDL is Space Mountain which is around 17 millions. Buzzlight year is the second expensive which is around 14 millions.

Right now they can't even afford it's a small world/Pirates of Caribbean. Journey into Center of Earth is way more expensive than both. You will get Autopia next summer and probably it's a small world in next few years. But hey you pay a lot less than in TDR.


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If i recall correctly, Journey uses the Test Track ride system - in short we already have the better version of the ride.


Active Member
mousermerf said:
If i recall correctly, Journey uses the Test Track ride system - in short we already have the better version of the ride.

If you mean Test Trak is the better version I will actually agree with you. I like TT better than Journey. However I have to tell you not a lot of people agree with you.


Park History nut
Premium Member
Remember TDL is funded by The Oriental Land Company; WDW & DLC are funded (almost) directly by TWDC. BIG difference. TOLC ask Imagineering to design their attractions, then they pay for them. Big bucks.


New Member
jaredliu said:
If you mean Test Trak is the better version I will actually agree with you. I like TT better than Journey. However I have to tell you not a lot of people agree with you.
I guess I'm one of them. I prefer Journey with its far superior story and theming. While the Test Track "track" is fun, I find the whole testing theme pretty blase. But Journey is wonderful from walking into the caldera, to taking the elevator to the cavern, to the ride itself, with the Lava Monster and the awesome acceleration. To me, it is to Test Track what Indy ride is to CTX/Dinosaur.


Well-Known Member
There was a rumour earlier in the year that JTTCOTE could be on the horizon for DAK just north of Camp Mickey.
The "people in the know" on this board (who I trust) didn't know if it would just be JTTCOTE or 20K as well.
Personally I think a giant smoking volcano in a jungle atmosphere would look great. Some people didn't think JTTCOTE belonged in DAK.

I also think that putting it in the MK where the speedway is would be a great idea as well.


New Member
jaredliu said:
If you mean WDW. They already have Mission:Space and E:E is going to open next year. One just can't ask for too much I guess. Both rides costs around 100 million dollars which is similar as Jounery into center of earth's price tag. Another big ride like this would be impossible for the current state of WDW. After a few more years they are going to announce another big ride, and the possibility that it would be JITCOE is rather small. Because by that time a more innovative or original idea would probably come up and the last thing they would do is to copy anything somewhere.

If you mean HKDL I guess not in the near future. HK government has no money left for any such an expensive ride. Probably won't happened til next decade. This ride costs nearly 100 millions and the most expensive ride in HKDL is Space Mountain which is around 17 millions. Buzzlight year is the second expensive which is around 14 millions.

Right now they can't even afford it's a small world/Pirates of Caribbean. Journey into Center of Earth is way more expensive than both. You will get Autopia next summer and probably it's a small world in next few years. But hey you pay a lot less than in TDR.

How u get that information, that HK government has no money left for expensive ride?? i read from the newspapers in HK that they still have at least $1 billion left unused.


Active Member
hong kong government made an unfair deal with Disney. They spent more than 230 millions dollars while disney spent only 23 millions. But they share almost equally amont of revenu (hk government 53%, disney47%). Right HK government has to see how well HKDL is going to profit to decide which attractions they could build in the future. I could assure you that HK government are not holding any money back. To build Disney they had made the biggest risk ever to make such a deal with Disney. The reason to do that is back to 1997 HK suffered from Aisan financial crisis and they gave the hope to Disney to save their horribly dropping economics. It's too early to determine it's the rigt choise or not, but so far the number of tourists does not reached their expectation at all. If you know what kind of finicial crisis HK government is facing you would know. I read lots of local newspapers(in chinese) and they are all apprehensive about it.


Active Member
by the way the average number of people attending HKDL is about 2000~3000 each day. It is FAR less than HK's estimation wich is about 10000~12000 each day. Believe me or not, HKDL is not as a huge hit as they think. Please don't get me wrong, I love this park. But there is a long way to go for HKDL.


New Member
jaredliu said:
hong kong government made an unfair deal with Disney. They spent more than 230 millions dollars while disney spent only 23 millions. But they share almost equally amont of revenu (hk government 53%, disney47%). Right HK government has to see how well HKDL is going to profit to decide which attractions they could build in the future. I could assure you that HK government are not holding any money back. To build Disney they had made the biggest risk ever to make such a deal with Disney. The reason to do that is back to 1997 HK suffered from Aisan financial crisis and they gave the hope to Disney to save their horribly dropping economics. It's too early to determine it's the rigt choise or not, but so far the number of tourists does not reached their expectation at all. If you know what kind of finicial crisis HK government is facing you would know. I read lots of local newspapers(in chinese) and they are all apprehensive about it.

i have read more than just the local newspapers...including papers published by the hk governments...if you had read those papers u would have known why they came up with that split of 57% and 43%. it is still to early to drawn an immature conclusion that HKDL is a failure. as fas as attendance is concerned, typically October and November are low tourist season. They haven't released any figures on attendance yet...but from what i have seen at the Park..they have predicted correctly that more people did show up on Saturday and Sunday. Most people avoided going to HKDL because they were really worried that it would be crowded. and as such, attendance fell short of their expectation during the Golden Week. More people were seen at the park after the Golden Week and thats a good sign. Asia-World Expo (near the HK International Airport) will be opened shortly at the end of this year, it will definitely bring crowds to HKDL....


New Member
jaredliu said:
by the way the average number of people attending HKDL is about 2000~3000 each day. It is FAR less than HK's estimation wich is about 10000~12000 each day. Believe me or not, HKDL is not as a huge hit as they think. Please don't get me wrong, I love this park. But there is a long way to go for HKDL.

how u get that number? 2000-3000 each day? they haven't released any figures yet...but i have been to the park more than a dozen times...
definitely more than the number u quoted....

by the way, the Chief Executive of Hong Kong made a comment on 15th October that Disneyland, in which the Hong Kong government has a 57 percent stake, has gotten off to a "very successful start."


Active Member
Yeah I was wrong you are right. it's 57 v.s 43. The average number is an estimated number by reporters/survey people from this industry. I also heard a lot from website that most people went there pretty much agree that the crowed is light and did not suffer from long lines at all. The resort does has a profitable start but it is still lower than their estimated gross. The good news is, the review from vistors are basically very good and people are willing to come back when HKDL expends. I think what HKDL needs is time to grow. But I kind of doubt that they are planning any huge attraction like "Journey". This is really too expensive for now. What their bigger plan is to build more rides than bigger rides. After they profit from the resort enough, they would consider bigger projects like the lastest version of Pirates of Caribbean (the plan is the combination of POTC+splash mountain drop+new visual skeleton effect that would debut at DL's potc June 2006). Rumor has it that it would come out 2009/2010. Before that, "raging spritis" from Tokyo DisneySea could(not sure) be the biggest addition.


Active Member
HKDisneyland said:
how u get that number? 2000-3000 each day? they haven't released any figures yet...but i have been to the park more than a dozen times...
definitely more than the number u quoted....

by the way, the Chief Executive of Hong Kong made a comment on 15th October that Disneyland, in which the Hong Kong government has a 57 percent stake, has gotten off to a "very successful start."

The issue is that would they build bigger attractions like Journey? And the answer IMO is no, not in the near future. Based on how poor hk government so far. Their plan for the future has basically set up and there is no any indication there would be any E-ticket ride in the next 3 years. The number that I quoted is not the official numbers but I found it pretty accurate.Everyone I know inculding me who went to HKDL(even in the weekends) or any trip reports from websites experience a light crowed in HKDL. The really challenge is AFTER the golden week since the heat has cooled down. If you knew the reason behind this deal you would agree with me that HK government is taking a big risk and Disney simply WON'T care. The officials will not comment any negative issue of HKDL but trust me HKDL is not perfect. Compliants from cast members/too small/many people from China could not afford the tickets/ Disney's confrontation with local tourist company) They will not release any figures casue it's their secret. I never say it is a failure. Just don't hope they will have as many and as huge rides/attraction as TDL. HK government is not rich enough to be like that.


New Member
jaredliu said:
The issue is that would they build bigger attractions like Journey? And the answer IMO is no, not in the near future. Based on how poor hk government so far. Their plan for the future has basically set up and there is no any indication there would be any E-ticket ride in the next 3 years. The number that I quoted is not the official numbers but I found it pretty accurate.Everyone I know inculding me who went to HKDL(even in the weekends) or any trip reports from websites experience a light crowed in HKDL. The really challenge is AFTER the golden week since the heat has cooled down. If you knew the reason behind this deal you would agree with me that HK government is taking a big risk and Disney simply WON'T care. The officials will not comment any negative issue of HKDL but trust me HKDL is not perfect. Compliants from cast members/too small/many people from China could not afford the tickets/ Disney's confrontation with local tourist company) They will not release any figures casue it's their secret. I never say it is a failure. Just don't hope they will have as many and as huge rides/attraction as TDL. HK government is not rich enough to be like that.

of course HKDL is not perfect, IMO, none of the DL are perfect. lol
regarding affordability, i don't think the ticket price is the main issue for mainlanders. If they could afford to cross the border, the price tags of Gucci, Prada, LV, Ferragamo, Fendi, ......why would they care just for the ticket?

>>>>HK government is not rich enough to be like that<<<<<
i don't think this is an issue....HK government plans to invest more than HK$100 billion, just on infrastructure, so in comparison, the investment in HKDL is minimal.


New Member
Rumors had it that we would get Journey to the Center of the Earth as well as Beastly Kingdom. I have rode on it in Tokyo many times and I think it is one of the best rides ever built.

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