How can people justify going often?

Uncle Remus

Well-Known Member
The reason for such a question. Jealousy. The inability to reason. Just an all around negative person. Some other reason perhaps. The type of person I'm completely okay with not going to Disney World often.

I go twice a month. This past weekend we spent 3 days in a row at Epcot. Ate dinner three different places walked around all romantical and stuff.

Does the person who posed the question do anything repetitive in their life? Same coffee shop? Same restaurant? Same weekend hobby/activity? Why do people go golfing all the time? Why do people hangout with the same people?

I will be available until the end of the evening to answer any other insanely easy questions.
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Well-Known Member
By the time September 2014 rolls around, we would have gone 5 times this year. This is the first, and probably the only time, that we'll have APs. We knew we were going for my 50th birthday. Then our DS invited us to go with his family and him. Finally, we knew we'd be attending Spring Training. Hence, it was more feasible to buy APs and TiW. We added 2 last minute around New Year's and another to cap the year. We've had different experiences each time...and we've been going approximately once a year since 1990. There's so much to do and see.

As far as why we spend our money there, it's our choice and it's what we like to and spend time at Disney. Other people spend as much or more money in a year playing golf, drinking alcohol, etc... Everybody has their activity that they like. We don't have to understand it. Just let each person enjoy his/her thing.


Well-Known Member
The reason for such a question. Jealousy. The inability to reason. Just an all around negative person. Some other reason perhaps. The type of person I'm completely okay with not going to Disney World often.

I go twice a month. This past weekend we spent 3 days in a row at Epcot. Ate dinner three different places walked around all romantical and stuff.

Does the person who posed the question do anything repetitive in their life? Same coffee shop? Same restaurant? Same weekend hobby/activity? Why do people go golfing all the time? Why do people hangout with the same people?

I will be available until the end of the evening to answer any other insanely easy questions.
I hear you, and I admit that I have not read every post on this thread, but to play devil's advocate for a moment......I always liken it to Christmas. If you have Christmas every day, or twice a week, or twice a month, it would lose a little bit of its luster.

I went through a phase where I was going a couple of times a year, and I have to admit, I was becoming one of those jaded people who start the threads with titles like "Everything is Wrong at Disney". Although I never started a thread like that.

Everyone can and should do whatever they want with their money, but I think with Disney World, in my humble experience, it is more of an "event" and much more enjoyable when I spread the trips out.

Uncle Remus

Well-Known Member
I hear you, and I admit that I have not read every post on this thread, but to play devil's advocate for a moment......I always liken it to Christmas. If you have Christmas every day, or twice a week, or twice a month, it would lose a little bit of its luster.

I went through a phase where I was going a couple of times a year, and I have to admit, I was becoming one of those jaded people who start the threads with titles like "Everything is Wrong at Disney". Although I never started a thread like that.

Everyone can and should do whatever they want with their money, but I think with Disney World, in my humble experience, it is more of an "event" and much more enjoyable when I spread the trips out.

I can appreciate that. Just the whole indignant "justify" angle was a bit much. I understand everyone is different as are everyone's entertainment levels and appeals. We all have our favorite activities. Sometimes we go to Epcot just for dinner and a night at jelly rolls.

Jonathan Dalecki

Active Member
My wife and I were actually starting to get to the point of feeling like we were going too much. And as the years went by, we had less and less stamina for the go-go-go. We switched to the Disney Cruises, and they have just been like heaven. All the magic of Disney with SO much more relaxation. Now we do more cruises, and we'll do like a day or two in WDW just once or every other year, to see our old faves.

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
The reason for such a question. Jealousy. The inability to reason. Just an all around negative person. Some other reason perhaps. The type of person I'm completely okay with not going to Disney World often.

Is it not just a counter point to the old fan boy chant of "dont go then" to anyone not slavering in loyalty to their multi national of choice.

That said its a pointless question, cause the reason will always be about some unquantifiable imperceptible magic. Its a faith thang.

Uncle Remus

Well-Known Member
Is it not just a counter point to the old fan boy chant of "dont go then" to anyone not slavering in loyalty to their multi national of choice.

That said its a pointless question, cause the reason will always be about some unquantifiable imperceptible magic. Its a faith thang.

Very true.

Kurt Hauk

Disney is a state of mind for me more than a destination. The minute I walk into the gates of any of the parks I feel a weight lifted off of me. It is just a care free way to spend my vacation time and I really enjoy it. I used to live in Florida in my youth and we had season passes. We would go 4-8 times a year and it never got old and that is when there were only two parks. I only get to visit once every couple years now but I would go far more often if I could. I have vacationed in many places around the US and I can honestly say our Disney trips are hands down the least stressful. To me that is priceless.
Gave you your first like for your first post. So looking forward to RNR Hall of Fame induction ceremony this year. Judging from your screen name I'm sure you know what I am talking about.
Thanks! Plan on the RNR induction as well! Crazy fan! A big fan of WDW as well. Keeps me busy and happy! As my DH says happy wife, happy life


Because I love getting lost in the atmosphere. I am blessed to say I am an Annual Passholder and live fairly close to the parks.There is nothing more heart warming than grabbing a cup of coffee and sitting on a park bench taking in all the sounds of families having a good time, park music playing, the smell of whatever restaurant is nearby, and the feel of the Florida sun in my face (or rain).

The thing is, it isn't the attractions that make me come back, or the food. But the fact that while I am sitting on that park bench sipping my cup of coffee, for that moment everything is right in the world.


Well-Known Member
Not to get anything going here, but I think some of you are getting too worked up over the question. It's just a grouping of words being presented to the masses. Heck, if we lived close and I had AP's I'd be there quite frequently. Well, I'd be at Epcot more than the other parks, but I'd love to go frequently.


I'm a fan boy. I'm addicted to the "brand." It's my happy place. I spend a lot of time at Mizner's Lounge listening to the music and visiting with old friends and new faces every night. Sometimes I just stand by Pirates and just listen to the music rotation (then ride a few times). Have you ever walked along the Asia/Africa road after dark on a late-open night? Illuminations. The trains (keep the real steam!) Por favor montenganses alehado de las puertas. Now, for the second day...


Logan and Olivia's dad
Premium Member
Because we like going there. We're not the "lay on the beach/by the pool" all day type. If we go on vacation, it's to somewhere where there's a plethora of things to do. WDW fulfills that. It's also somewhere we can go and just lose yourself in the experience. No work. No driving (we've only rented a car once). No email.


Well-Known Member
I go often. I'm in Florida. I enjoy disney. Honestly, I don't see how you claim to have done "everything" multiple times. There is so much to do on Disney property, you must have gone on a 1 month trip to do everything multiple times. If you have no desire to revisit the parks, I'm not quite sure why you're even on these boards.


Well-Known Member
As someone who is the son of a CM, I find myself very lucky to have been able to have gone to WDW many, many times over. If I had to guess, I'd say I've been to WDW at least 100-125 times since 1982.

I'm now almost 40 and I STILL love going. In fact, for the sake of access, I ended up purchasing my first AP ever this year despite all of the times I've been over the course of the past several decades.

Some of my thoughts about my repeat visits:

First, let me say that my fascination with WDW is pretty much solely with the parks themselves. I'm not big on the Disney brand per se as far as the characters, movies and such, but I absolutely LOVE going to the parks. Call it fantasy, call it escapism, call it whatever you want, but going to the theme parks and soaking up the atmosphere and enjoying the attractions/rides (especially the dark rides), and all of the little details that come with the parks, is something that is nothing short of magical. It really is like being able to forget reality and be in another world--at least for a few minutes at a time. This is also why I find myself listening to a lot of audio of ridethroughs whenever I want to feel like I'm back in the parks and on the attractions.

To someone who would ask what someone might get out of going to one of the parks over and over I'd ask if they ever watch a movie more than once. Most people do buy movies they like so they can watch them multiple times because they like the mindset or atmosphere the movie puts them in. However, for me, being on a ride or an attraction at Disney is FAR FAR more immersive, mesmerizing and atmospheric than a film on a screen, and is something I enjoy experiencing each time. And with the amount of detail that is associated with the architecture of the parks as well as the attractions, there is always something new to see or that I didn't notice before.

Now, I will say that I can only justify my many return visits because up until this year when I bought a pass they have been free because of my dad working as a CM. If I had had to pay regular park tickets there is no way I would have gone to WDW nearly as many times as I have over the years, but I definitely would come back when I could afford to because the experience I have at the parks is so wonderful.

I will say that over the years the crowds seem larger, the wait times seem longer, the CMs seem overwhelmed and in general the top-notch quality and high standards of maintenance and upkeep has gone down while prices have gone up. But even with all of this into consideration, I think the cost for what you get when it comes to the parks is still a great deal. I can certainly see value diminishing if I had to pay for a park ticket each time, but I think I'd really have to go a lot for it to ever lose the special feeling it gives me every time I enter one of the parks.

I'd also say that I certainly see where it would be very difficult to return if I had to pay for park passes for a family along with hotel stays and the food and such for a family vacation. When you start talking about that kind of money I can certainly see a diminishing value, especially during a busy season when crowds are bad, lines are long and it's nearly impossible to get in anywhere to eat without a dining reservation. I always know there are those out there who can't afford to come often or come at times when it's too crazy for the parks to be properly experienced and so I never take being able to go so often for granted, especially when it seems like I hit a perfect day with low attendance, beautiful weather and can truly appreciate the wonderful parks of WDW.

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