How can people justify going often?


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
My last visit to Walt Disney World was a year ago.
If I went today other that "Wrist Straps" I can not picture seeing anything new.

I get the impression read the boards some people go more than once a year and I wonder what or anything new do they get from the the trip?

It is not cheap to go to Walt Disney World and if I am to spend a few thousand on a vacation at least I should look for something different every time.

I may go back .... if I a not dead when Avatar gets built.


Well-Known Member
Disney is easily somewhere I can (and do) go year after year. I've actually said that I could probably go twice a year if I could afford it. Every resort is different -- each is unique and beautiful and relaxing in different ways. The whole spirit of the resorts and parks is so magical that every minute of every day is perfect. The staff treat us like royalty. Every restaurant is different and delicious -- I doubt we'll ever get to all of them, but we'll try! The shopping is incredible -- especially downtown. And the feeling that we get when we walk into any of the parks -- adventure just waiting to happen -- makes every penny worth it.


Well-Known Member
We have been 11 times since first trip ever with my kids. We don't go as often as others but some think that 11 times is a lot and I guess it is. I love Disney.....I cannot deny it! We have stayed at several hotels and I admit that I love The Contemporary. When we go, we have a leisurely visit and enjoy the parks and perks at the hotel. is expensive but we always find a reason to go...something to celebrate there. We also have a Disney Visa Card and accumulate points for each trip. This year in November we will see Disney though the eyes of my granddaughter who will be almost 2 by then. I also like the fact that I know the parks so well and feel very comfortable there....if one of us wants to go to Epcot and one wants to go to the MK...that's OK...we just meet up later. Not sure I could go every year, but we have enjoyed ever trip and we hope to continue to go as we are blessed with more grands. :cat:


Well-Known Member
If you have to ask, it cannot be explained. Not being snarky, it is just something that some people cannot get enough of. I have been going for 31 years, at least once a year. 44 trips to be exact. You cannot imagine how many times I have ridden the same attraction over and over again during those years. Even members of my own family do not understand and I have stopped trying to explain it. You either feel it or you don't!


Well-Known Member
It's a matter of personal preference. Someone may go, visit all the parks, and say "been there done that." Meh.

Others may want to go back again and again to experience something new (eat a different restaurant, behind the scenes tour, go during a special event, etc.). There's always magic to be found.


Le Meh
Premium Member
My last visit to Walt Disney World was a year ago.
If I went today other that "Wrist Straps" I can not picture seeing anything new.

I get the impression read the boards some people go more than once a year and I wonder what or anything new do they get from the the trip?

It is not cheap to go to Walt Disney World and if I am to spend a few thousand on a vacation at least I should look for something different every time.

I may go back .... if I a not dead when Avatar gets built.
If someone has the means to go multiple times a year and they enjoy doing it, why is it if any importance to anyone else?


Well-Known Member
We live in FL about 2.5 hours from Disney- kids 9 and 6 are in the age range that every time we go they see/remember something now or different. We bought annual passes and have taken some heat from friends and family who don't understand why we go. I guess for my wife and I it is a chance to turn off the planet for a few days and really just be a kid again- and watching our kids makes that all the better. The tab is starting to add up with fuel, hotel, and food- but we are headed up tonight after work and I simply can't wait!


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
You know it is not like I never been to Walt Disney World, I read this board for news.
I been to all four parks seen every attraction several times.

If I had the money to go every week to Walt Disney World I would not, I want something new.

For Example Test Track, designed the car went around the neon course several times. If I was in Epcot today there be no surprise nothing new, my memory is not that bad.

I still remember Horizons and that closed over a decade ago.
Think I am with the been there done that crowd.


Well-Known Member
Because what you end up with is a relationship with the park over time. Yeah, weird but true. Everytime you visit it you may see/experience something new but you are still comfortable with it, it reassures you that things are ok. In essence- it makes you happy. So, that's why people keep going. No big mystery and I feel bad for folks who don't/ can't see that. If you go for just "new" then you are most likely missing the point of the whole place.


Well-Known Member
Been going at least once a year for 32 years and there is something different every time. Some people say AK or DHS is a half day park. Then they miss more than half of what is actually there and what going to WDW is all about. We now spend more time at the resorts than the parks. Have never run out of things to do, even if it is just trying to perfect my pool lounging technique. Now, I would not walk across the street to see it if they built Avatar next door to my house, but will go to WDW several more times before it is finished. Lots more there than WDW as well, Uni, SeaWorld, Discovery Cove, outlets, pools, shows. More than can ever be done, and so much more to the whole experience than rides.
If you go there and ride a few rides and think you have done it all, then you probably have. If you go there knowing there is new adventures around every corner, you will never see all the corners.
For example, have you ever watched the flag retreat, goodnight kiss, took part in a street performance, boogied with the Jammitors, Mo Rockin', Off Kilter ... The list is much longer. Ever watched the magician or other street performers at Boardwalk, rode bikes at Fort Wilderness? That list is long as well. So much to do, so little time. Ever rode a stick pony around WCC or been lectured at 50s for not finishing your veggies? Ever sat on the front row of La Nouba, or been to the Sunday Gospel Brunch at HOB, or just strolled quietly along the beach at Poly? So many things to do.
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Well-Known Member
I absolutely know what you're saying OP :)

We went in 2011 and 2012 and while we loved our trips....we spent the next year (2013) paying off debts and our cars and went to the Grand Tetons and Yellowstone instead. And while I missed it, I sooooo enjoyed our camping trip.

We're going back to Disney again this year, but going to Disneyland instead. We'll be going to the San Diego Zoo, Uni, and a couple days at the beach....and then 3 days at Disney. It's weird not planning a trip solely around Disney, or going back to WDW though. We'll go back to WDW when my now 3 year old can do more :)


Well-Known Member
You know it is not like I never been to Walt Disney World, I read this board for news.
I been to all four parks seen every attraction several times.

If I had the money to go every week to Walt Disney World I would not, I want something new.

For Example Test Track, designed the car went around the neon course several times. If I was in Epcot today there be no surprise nothing new, my memory is not that bad.

I still remember Horizons and that closed over a decade ago.
Think I am with the been there done that crowd.
There is nothing wrong with being in the "been there, done that crowd." Many people will never have the opportunity. Others take the opportunity and enjoy it many times. Some may go only once. Nothing wrong with any of those.


Well-Known Member
We live in FL about 2.5 hours from Disney- kids 9 and 6 are in the age range that every time we go they see/remember something now or different. We bought annual passes and have taken some heat from friends and family who don't understand why we go. I guess for my wife and I it is a chance to turn off the planet for a few days and really just be a kid again- and watching our kids makes that all the better. The tab is starting to add up with fuel, hotel, and food- but we are headed up tonight after work and I simply can't wait!

I live in FL too and when I have kids we will be doing the annual passes. Someone wrote a really nasty post on my friends Facebook page about how she spends way too much money at Disney. You bet ya I jumped right in and explained that if you go to Disney more than once a year the pass pays for itself. I really don't understand why people get down on others for things that are really none of their business. I wish I could go to WDW more often but it just doesn't work with my schedule.


Active Member
We went 4 times in 13 months. Dec. 2012 at POFQ just before Christmas (1 week), Feb. 2013 AKL on a bounceback (1 week), Aug 2013, long weekend at POP and 4 days at New Years Dec. 2013 (POP). We have annual passes and TIW. We like to do the behind the scenes tours and experience different dining. It's not all about the parks for us. One of the women at work has a cottage that she goes to every weekend from May to October and spends her summer vacation there. I know other people who go to Vegas 3 - 4 times a year and others who go down to Cuba 2 - 3 times a year. I don't get why they go where they go and they don't get why I go to Disney. It's just different strokes for different folks I guess.

slappy magoo

Well-Known Member
You know it is not like I never been to Walt Disney World, I read this board for news.
I been to all four parks seen every attraction several times.

If I had the money to go every week to Walt Disney World I would not, I want something new.

For Example Test Track, designed the car went around the neon course several times. If I was in Epcot today there be no surprise nothing new, my memory is not that bad.

I still remember Horizons and that closed over a decade ago.
Think I am with the been there done that crowd. originally wrote that you don't get why some people choose to go to WDW more than once a year. Now you write "If I had the money to go every week to Walt Disney World I would not, I want something new."

You DO know how time works, right? You are aware there can be multiple differences twixt "more than once a year" and "every week," right?

And despite the fact that you don't get why people choose to go back to WDW often, you also admit to having "seen every attraction several times." Now, do you, like, spin wildly while in the parks and assume each time you face Space Mountain is seeing the attraction a separate time? Or does it mean you've been to the parks several times? And if it's the latter, why are you dumping on people for going more often than once ever? Clearly there's enough going on at WDW that you like to keep going back. Unless you're being forced to go at gunpoint. If that's the case, type "The President has soup on his lapel" and I'll alert the authorities.

What this thread boils down to is "I can't imagine people doing things differently from the way *I* do things."

FWIW, I think there's enough to do at WDW that I could go more than once a year if I had the time and money to do so. Or spend more time in a single trip than I do. But we don't have the time or money, and we'd also like to go other places. But we do go back as much as we can. As a result, we don't try to jam as much as humanly possible into each trip, exhaust ourselves into numbness, because we know we'll be going back.
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jimbo mack

Well-Known Member
I try to go at least every 3 years. May will be my 10th trip..from memory. There's something about Disney that no other holiday can bring and there always something new to see/do/try. Plus we just don't get the same quality and dare I say..quantity..of food when dining out here in the UK. I miss buttermilk pancakes and tg lee chocolate milk days after I leave the USA ;)


Well-Known Member
i find spacing my trips over at least 2 years has helped my wallet and my desires to return. as a disney freak it would be easy for me to say that i would like to be that family that goes twice a year, but deep down i know that time makes the heart grow fonder. 2-3 in between trips has worked out perfect for me, and to get through the non-travelling years this website is a good fix :)

the last thing i would ever want is to get used to my favorite destination in the world, i never want to lose the wow factor.

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