House of Blues --- Yeah or Nay?


New Member
House of Blues made it onto my final list of restaurants for my four day vacation. Then my aunt just got back and she said the one place that was a disappointment, especially for service, was House of Blues.
I've eaten at the House of Blues in Cambridge MA and have enjoyed both the atmosphere and cuisine.

My question is...
Would you skip it?
Any must try items on the menu?
Is it near the Cirque du Soleil area? *(I think that is why my bf chose it!)

Well, I guess that makes 3 questions!

Have a Happy Day! I get to sleep in 1 more hour! (Working the graveyard shift at the hotel... zzzz :snore: zzzz)


New Member
I was wondering the same thing. I am trying to put together our list of restaurants as well. I want to add House of Blues but have not heard any comments about it.
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Well-Known Member
The only time I have been, was 2 years ago for the Gospel Brunch, and I have to say it was brilliant, in fact I am aiming to go again this year :)
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Gospel Brunch

Went with friends to the Gospel Brunch back in May. Great show, fair food, and the service was reasonable for a buffet (they only came by once to clear dishes from the table). Overall I don't know I would pay the money again for the food, but if you are into gospel music it was good.
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Liver Lips

New Member
My wife and I ate there on our honeymoon in '98. We both really enjoyed it. The atmosphere and service was great. Food was good wife loved the garlic mashed potatoes. If you go at night try to get a table on the patio outside behind the restaurant-very cool! I haven't done the Gospel Brunch but hear it's very good. For the record though, my favorite at WDW is O'Hana at the Polynesian!
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New Member
HOB is right next to Cirque de Soleil. My family also loves it there and we've eaten there the last two time we went to WDW (we also saw the SnoCore Icicle Ball in the theater last time). Definitely a cool place. If you don't go to HOB see if you can make a PS for Bongos. It's a really good restaurant, IMHO. But I like HOB better.
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Well-Known Member
The atmosphere WELL outshines the food. The service is never very good. Considering the money and the time limit, I'd go somewhere else. There are far better restaurants at WDW.

The exception is the Gospel Brunch. If you're not in one of the parks on Sunday, it is a wonderful experience. It's extremely popular... so go early.

Bongos is really nice. The food was pretty good. The music is fun... But they have a little cantina outside the restaurant. You can take a break from shopping and sit there and sample appitizers and sandwiches, without spending a fortune.
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Nurse Minnie

New Member
The House of Blues is one of my favorites. The only suggestion I have is to try not to go on a night a concert is scheduled next door. It gets really crowded on those nights and since HOB does not take PS it can make for a long wait.
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maureen ashton

New Member
We were at HOB in May, went one night but restaurant was booked for a private function, so be sure to check that the restaurant is open before you go. We returned on another night as we just had to have the Poor Boy Shrimp Sandwich. If you like seafood and especially shrimp, this sandwich is a must. We had great service, but we ate early between 5 and 6 and it was not crowded. The previous time we ate there I had the Shrimp Sandwich and my sister had the pork chops and she said they were also good.
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Well-Known Member
My wife and I enjoyed eating at The House Of Blues.:)

We found the atmosphere to be very nice and the servers to be very friendly. It's fun to try something new once in a while and HOB is just the place to do that. I say GO for it!! :animwink:

Afterwards, be sure to stop at the HOB Gift Shop. Lot's of goodies in there to buy for friends and relatives back home.:lol:
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Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
I have really enjoyed both my meals there. The service was excellent the food was good, and the portions healty. I guess its what floats yer boat. I love the music, and thought the decor was superb. Was it value for money? about as much as anything in DTD.
Will definately be visiting next summer. As for seating had greater probs at Pucks!!
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Active Member
Pretty good

I'm at Downtown Disney mostly for lunches, so can't rate the dinner menus. But what the hey, here's my ratings anyway...

* - ok ** - enjoyable *** - great **** - don't miss it

Fulton's ****
Portofino ****
Wolfgang Puck's ***
House of Blues ***
Captain Jack's **
Bongo's **
Planet Hollywood **

Coincidentially, the $$$ match the *** as well!
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Well-Known Member
I absolutley hate it. The food is nasty.

I tried several different locations(thinking only WDW would be nasty), and all of them were terrible!

I wouldn't waste time or money.
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New Member
Yea! I've been there twice (early dinner). Both times I had the ribs. They were great. I also like their garlic smashers. The ambiance is nice and the service was good both times.

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Active Member
The first time DH and I went to HOB (11/98), we loved it! Kewl setting, kewl gift shop, the BEST fried chicken I have ever eaten :slurp: and while the service was a bit slow, they gave us free beer to make up for it - nothing's ever wrong with that!

The 2nd time we went (1/00) the gift shop didn't have nearly the cool stuff it used to, the fried chicken was off the menu :cry: , and we had the RUDEST waiter I've ever encountered at Disney or anywhere else!

Sometimes I still think of going there again, but it's just because I remember the first visit...then I remember the second one, and it reminds me of why I won't go back
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Well-Known Member
We've never eaten there, so I can't help you out with that, but we saw the Cherry-Poppin' Daddies there a few years ago, and they were OUTRAGEOUSLY good! FanofDinsey1981, you're absolutely right about the smaller venue being a terrific place to see a band you like!:sohappy:
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