Well-Known Member
The toughest part (for me) of this ordeal is the non-stop work. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind hard work, it is just that every 4 hours there has to be something done. Starting at 8 in the morning he has to have his meds, flush the catheters, measure the output, weight, blood pressure, tempurature, glucose test, change his dressings, clean up, and then try to fix breakfast.
At noon we do everything all over again.
4 o'clock is just the flushes, 6 o'clock is dinner and glucose test, and eight o'clock is the morning routine all over again. His last meds are at 10 o'clock. Then I head to bed. He does the flushes through out the night. Only to wake up and do it all over again.
Then because of the risk of infection he can't really do anything so I end up doing the dishes, laundry (and there is plenty because of the constant changes and washing), and cleaning around the house.
It is a lot to do on your own. I shouldn't complain. I am sorry you all have to hear this.
Do not apologize.
We want to hear. It's all we can do to help.