Horrible, Horrible, Ride / Attraction.


Original Poster
With AE closing, I sat back and was thinking about something.

Is there, or has there ever been a Disney Attraction that you can't stand. One that you saw once, and no matter how little the wait, or how bored you are, you would not ever see it / ride it again?

I mean a ride that when they announce that its closing you get happy?

Just wondering!

I dont have any, but the closest I come to that is Universe of Energy!



New Member
TT gets my vote. It has nothing to do w/ EPCOT. Its a sore thumb that makes a lot of noise so when people walk by they go oooo :lookaroun look at that!! than they wait in line for over an hour to go on a ride that is supposed to teach them about the saftey of GM cars?? I could learn that at my local GM dealer!! It is one ride that was a first/last ride and I would not be sorry to see it go!! my .02 cents

the end of my ranting....?


Resident Redhead
Premium Member
Actually, AE is the one ride I would never go back on. I must be especially susceptible to suggestion, but I was absolutely terrified by the "encounter". Walking out of the attraction, I was beating my husband about the head for putting me through it, because he was the one who wanted to go on it. :hammer:


Active Member
My vote goes to Astro Orbiter. I remember reading about the ride before my first vist to WDW and it sounded fun, mainly due to the location making it higher than most rides. But I rode it once and thought then and still think it's the worst ride. Dumbo is really the same ride, but to me, it's a lot better ride than AO. UGH!


New Member
Originally posted by RozFan
Indy Speedway :hurl:

What this has to do with Fantasyland or Tomorrowland I'll never know.
lol so true!

i would say the old Universe of energy....it was just so boring imo!


Well-Known Member
Sounds Dangerous, Universe of Energy, and the soon to be diffunct Alien Encounter are the ones I tend to steer clear of. Sounds Dangerous and AE just seemed really hokey to me, and the Ellen's Energy Adventure was just not funny and much too long. I wouldn't mind losing any of those attractions (as long as they're replaced by something and not just leave empty show buildings).



Food Rocks - good riddance, it could never stand up to KK

The Alladin Carnivale' Ride, Primevel Whirl - I can do this at the NJ shore.

Tarzan Rocks - NEVER!!!!!!

It's also horrible that so many rides remain closed!


New Member
actually it's AE, so thankfull it's closeing. that and anything circlevision. don't get me wrong circle vision is cool and all, but hey..INSTALL SOME SEATS :D


Original Poster
Originally posted by Sherm00
actually it's AE, so thankfull it's closeing. that and anything circlevision. don't get me wrong circle vision is cool and all, but hey..INSTALL SOME SEATS :D

YES! Thank you for also noticing this. I got tired of leaning against the damn bars!

Maybe some spinning seats, like office chairs? :veryconfu


1. Body Wars-Jerky, with a horrible video.
2. Modern Journey Into Imagination- *Eric Idle Singing Imagination*...JUST KILL ME NOW! *NEW SLOGAN* Another phase to ruin Epcot!
3. Tarzan Rocks-Umm.yeah, I get it, you can ROLLERBLADE! Oh, look, there's another, and another...
4. Fantasmic-Umm, yeah, I get it, you can PROJECT ON WATER! Oh, look, there's another, and another...
5. It's Tough To Be A Bug- I don't like the hornet that hits your spine.

Another point from me, and I'm sorry, I don't mean to offend anyone, but I think it's weird to say that yo want seats in a 360 show. How would they do that! Office chairs? If they did that, some people might complain that they have to move their feet to turn. Then, they'd want a seat with a joystick that turns you itself! Maybe I've just always been a standing-type person, I don't know.


Resident Redhead
Premium Member
How Could I Have Forgotten That One?

Sounds Dangerous--there's another one! Can you say "cheap"?
I actually resented that Disney was trying to pass that off as an "attraction".

The old Universe of Energy was incredibly boring. The new one is at least entertaining.

Tarzan Rocks--not my scene. I know some people absolutely love it, so I wouldn't wish it gone, but I won't be seeing it again. I liked the Jungle Book show that preceded it.

I love the CircleVision movies!!


Nothing comes close to being as bad as the Indy Speedway.

They should rip that abomination out of the ground ASAP.

Loud. Smelly. Waste of space.:hurl:


Active Member
AE was one of the worst attractions I've seen. I only bothered with it once during an E-Ride night.

Ellen's Energy Adventure is a very close second. I didn't go to WDW to watch Jeopardy and see an AA of Ellen Degeneres.

I would say the worst thing about both of those attractions is the idiotic dialogue. No imagination whatsoever.


New Member
I first want to say that I love Disney, and even the worst attraction at WDW is still far above any other parks! But here are some picks....

-El Rio Del Tempo....give me a break!!
-Living with the Land....educational but ZZZZZZ
-Circle Vision attractions...I lose attention to easily
-Aladdin's Flying Carpets...enough said.

Thats about it...sorry if I've offended anyone!!!


New Member
Everyone will probably beat me over the head for saying this, but for me it would be Small World. I know it will never happen, but that ride terrified me when I was a kid. I felt like the dolls were watching me. It scared me so bad, I have yet to go back on.


Active Member
Originally posted by wdwfan65
AE worst attraction on property,sorry its tied with everything in the wonders of life building.You asked my opinion!:lol:

you don't even like Cranium Command? aww

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