Hoop De Doo Bus Trip Back


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Hoping to throw this out there so others can avoid the hassle that I had to go through.

My wife & I went to see Hoop De Doo review during our most recent stay and while the show was great and I really enjoyed the food/drink, the transportation issue was a bit of a headache. to the place wasn't a big deal - we were at a park and just hopped on a bus to the Wilderness Lodge walked around and then took the boat over.

However, the trip back is where the gripe comes in. We were staying at the Beach Club as we normally do, and we were thrilled to find out upon leaving that there were a myriad of buses awaiting to take resort guests back to their end destinations. At this point I was on the fence on going to another theme park and thought maybe I'd hit up World Showcase for a bit or MK for EMH.

The CM asked me what Resort I was going to and I said the Beach Club. He tells me Bus #3. I assumed this would probably be a typical loop of Beach/Yacht, Boardwalk and maybe the Swan & Goldfish. So we hop on the bus, grab two seats and away we go.

The bus was going a way I had never seen/experienced before. First stop: Art of Animation. I realize, this is on the total opposite side of the property - and why are all these little kids on this bus? This can't be right. Then we get going and end up at the POP Century. Now I'm really confused. Am I on the wrong bus? I inquire with the driver if this does indeed take us to the Beach Club I was given a snarky reply but did confirm it would go there. Next stop: Caribbean Beach (3 stops) and then finally after what seemed like an eternity is the Beach Club.

I understand the bus has a route to follow; however, paying to stay at the Beach Club I was under the false impression we would not have to be on such a long winded journey home. Had this been made more clear to us we would have spent the money on a taxi. Obviously, if I can drop $15 on valet each day I can drop another $20 to take us back our resort or drop us off at the Contemporary and allow us to walk the rest of the way to the MK or hop on the monorail to EPCOT.

So ya, be prepared. Nothing kills an evening quite like that. I used the bus service twice while on property - Animal Kingdom and Hoop De Doo and that was twice too many.


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You were warned. Disney told you to allow 60-90 minutes travel time.

Disney busses are clean and they're free! It's a great deal if you can't (or really hate to) drive!

But, like most bus systems, they will almost always take much longer to get you where you're going than driving yourself.

This goes against what was told to me by the CM when I asked about what bus to take. Had there been signage that said bus # stops at A,B,C,D,E it would have been a lot easier to make an informed decision. And the buses are far from a good deal or pleasant. It's like flying coach. Something that should only be done under the most dire of circumstances


Well-Known Member
I always use the boat to and from MK and then the bus from there, in other words, if I was staying at the Beach Club:

- to get to the show, I'd take the bus from BC to MK and then the boat from MK to HDD, Pioneer Hall is just up the boat ramp at Ft Wilderness
- after the show, take the boat back to MK, then the bus back to BC, or walk from the MK to the Contemporary and hail a taxi. This is assuming your HDD show isn't the late one.

I do this because Ft Wilderness is huge and can take much time to navigate by car or bus.


Well-Known Member
This goes against what was told to me by the CM when I asked about what bus to take. Had there been signage that said bus # stops at A,B,C,D,E it would have been a lot easier to make an informed decision. And the buses are far from a good deal or pleasant. It's like flying coach. Something that should only be done under the most dire of circumstances
When anyone makes a reservation for the Hoop, they are told to allow 60-90 minutes travel time. Even if the person making the reservation knows you are standing in front of the place, they still have to read it to you. They tell every single person, every single time.

Some choose to believe it could take that long. Some don't. But everyone, without exception, is told.

You learned a lesson. They weren't kidding. The bus can take a long time. You learned that the bus isn't for you. But you had the experience. :)


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Something for everyone I guess. I for one do not enjoy riding in a tin-box on wheels for several hours sitting next to random strangers that bathe in axe body spray if they even know what bathing is at all. Meanwhile some man a few stone over is gnoshing down on all the combos and dorritos they brought for the flight (smacking their lips and fingers the whole time) in addition to being across the aisle from the screaming baby that doesn't understand changes in air pressure while my knees are touching the seat in front of me even.

I'd rather have the civility and comfort in the front where people still know what deodorant is and I've yet to near or see a screaming child. Sorry folks but wearing sweatpants to the airport may be legal but it sure isn't proper.


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Original Poster
Well golly-gee you sound fun. You realize that buses are meant for everyone, so just because you're staying at the Beach Club, doesn't mean us sticky fingered cowpokes over at that there Pop Century don't need a ride too.

I understand you need a ride too but from a pure logistics point of view it would have made more sense to do something like: Disney Port Orleans (maybe), Caribbean Beach, Beach & Yacht and then Boardwalk and then Animal Kingdom. It makes more sense traffic and routing wise. To have Beach & Yacht not on the same route as Boardwalk makes zero sense. It would be better off to lump the value resorts together Art, Pop,Century, All-Star.


Well-Known Member
Something for everyone I guess. I for one do not enjoy riding in a tin-box on wheels for several hours sitting next to random strangers that bathe in axe body spray if they even know what bathing is at all. Meanwhile some man a few stone over is gnoshing down on all the combos and dorritos they brought for the flight (smacking their lips and fingers the whole time) in addition to being across the aisle from the screaming baby that doesn't understand changes in air pressure while my knees are touching the seat in front of me even.

I'd rather have the civility and comfort in the front where people still know what deodorant is and I've yet to near or see a screaming child. Sorry folks but wearing sweatpants to the airport may be legal but it sure isn't proper.

WOW! This is the most pompous, arrogant, inept post I have come across. I will assume you are joking and posting this in a candid prose. However, if you are you really should think before you post something like this. I understand that we as disney historians are likely much more financially secure than others but that level of respect for all should still be there. Not all of us have a silver spoon as a child or even as an adult.


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
I understand you need a ride too but from a pure logistics point of view it would have made more sense to do something like: Disney Port Orleans (maybe), Caribbean Beach, Beach & Yacht and then Boardwalk and then Animal Kingdom. It makes more sense traffic and routing wise. To have Beach & Yacht not on the same route as Boardwalk makes zero sense. It would be better off to lump the value resorts together Art, Pop,Century, All-Star.

As well as keeping the moderates off of the monorail , and the Beach Club people out of the Yacht Club.

Please, if you want the Golden Oaks experience, either drop 1.7 Million on a property or spend a few dollars less and engage one of the VIP tour guides for a minimum of $1890.00 for six hours or if your personal finances can't swing that, learn the transit routes or how to hail a cab.

What makes sense to you obviously didn't make sense to the transportation schedulers who take into account the number of available buses, drivers, as well as number of booked guests at each location.

My wife and I have been going to WDW for 20 years and enjoy Hoop-De-Do though we always stay at either the Grand Floridian in a suite or at Shades of Green if we want to be in a structured quiet place away from the teaming public. We ride the bus because we also like to people watch.
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Well-Known Member
Yeah, not a fan of the buses either. The last time we hoop de dooed we were staying at Baylake, so transportation was less of a problem. I love the Beach Club and Boardwalk areas, but getting by bus to/from Mk or AK or Hoopy Doopy can take more time than any of us would like to take. Next time, take the boat and get creative. One problem with hoopity doopity is indeed the transportation time. I love the show, but it pretty much does take up the whole night once you're there.

And annoying co-travelers are a pain. On our last trip, we were heading back on Magical Express, and the last stop before the airport was Grand Floridian. The bus was absolutely full, so a family of four was forced to split up. Two young boys, about 7 or 8, were next to each other, and Mom wanted to sit across the aisle from them. For some reason, a snooty older woman had that seat, and refused to slide in to the empty seat next to the window. So Mom takes the seat next to the window.

Of course, one of the boys starts having a hissy fit, repeating "I want something to drink" literally about a 100 times, louder and louder each time. Mom is powerless, perhaps a stereotypical over-indulging Grand Floridian parent, perhaps just in a bad distant situation because snooty lady wouldn't slide in, thereby leaving Mom out of range for the necessary slap upside the head. Who knows, but I was real glad to get out.

The moral: It ain't just the Plebeians who annoy, the Patricians are perfectly capable of annoying as well.


Well-Known Member
I have to side with the poster here just a little. I have never encountered poor customer service until I rode the bus back from that show to the parking lot. A bus pulled up and had its out of service sign on. The driver got out of the bus and just stood there. I asked if this was the bus going to the parking lot and he said, "That's what the sign says". To which, I replied... discounting the fact that this is no way to talk to a guest, if you were to take your head out of your butt for just a second you might notice that it is not "what the sign says". He looked up and saw the out of service sign on, run up on the bus and pushed the buttons and put the proper direction on it. Never an I'm sorry or an acknowledgement of a mistake or anything. My only bad experience from all my trips.


Well-Known Member
Guys, he is trolling.

People who actually have a decent amount of money and can regularly fly first class without worrying about the cost of the ticket...they don't think of flying first class as a big deal. It's better and it's nice to sit somewhere better, but certainly not something to start bragging about, lol. "Ooh. Seven hundred extra dollars! Wow!" Lol. Not the kind of thing a person with a lot of money would be thinking. The very idea is funny.

They wouldn't brag about it...and they wouldn't be impressed by someone who did. (Not at all.)

They'd also have seen other people in first wearing jeans and sweats.

People who want the best service also don't stay in Disney hotels. Disney hotels are more expensive, but they don't care about the cost. They want the best and that's where they go, whether it's cheaper or more expensive. The cost is irrelevant.


Well-Known Member
I understand you need a ride too but from a pure logistics point of view it would have made more sense to do something like: Disney Port Orleans (maybe), Caribbean Beach, Beach & Yacht and then Boardwalk and then Animal Kingdom. It makes more sense traffic and routing wise. To have Beach & Yacht not on the same route as Boardwalk makes zero sense. It would be better off to lump the value resorts together Art, Pop,Century, All-Star.
Actually, you are just thinking about the logistics of where everything is, not the logistics of where everyone is staying. They would need more busses if they did it that way, as those resorts probably have a higher number of people attending the shows. If the majority of people are from those locations, they won't all fit on one bus, but when you spread them around with the reduced number of people from the other locations, you can balance out the busses and have a need for fewer. I am sure Disney has figured out the best logistical and financial routes and plan for leaving the show, as they have been doing it a lot longer than we have been participating in it.


Well-Known Member
I understand you need a ride too but from a pure logistics point of view it would have made more sense to do something like: Disney Port Orleans (maybe), Caribbean Beach, Beach & Yacht and then Boardwalk and then Animal Kingdom. It makes more sense traffic and routing wise. To have Beach & Yacht not on the same route as Boardwalk makes zero sense. It would be better off to lump the value resorts together Art, Pop,Century, All-Star.
Since you aren't familiar with the Disney property, you might consult a map before saying things like this. The All-Stars are down by AKL, CSR and Blizzard Beach.

Pop and AoA are close to CBR...and the Boardwalk and Beach Club are also close to CBR.


You are kidding me right!!!!! Your statements are beyond hurtful and rude. I can't even put a word to it. Wow what a pompous man you are. ( I want to say something else, but not) So are we all supposed to bow down to you because you stay at BW and ride in first classes with your Gucci suit and gator shoes. I should be so privileged to even be in the same world as you. Where is my special treatment when I stayed at Grand Floridian. Oh I guess I missed the memo! Guess what you don't deserves special treatment. sorry just a fact. Your are no more entitled then someone staying at value resort. You sound like Kayne West. In case you haven't noticed you are in Disneyworld were kids, families, couples, & also smelly people come. Perhaps they are smelly because it is so hot! Be thankful you are able to be there, enjoy the magic of the place and shut UP. If you were expecting sympathy you came looking in the wrong place!

luv couldn't agree with you more. Doesn't matter where you stay in the park b/c more then 90% you aren't in your room!

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