Hey all! I know I'm starting this a day early, but technically we're on our honeymoon already, just haven't left on the trip yet.
If anyone is wondering, we had a small, courthouse ceremony. We didn't see a point in making it all a big deal really. And all my wife asked of me was, Can we do it on Halloween? And can I have a black dress?
Both of which I agreed to. Why not right?
(just a cute pic of me and the Mrs. after the ceremony)
Today we're going to have our reception, which we made a costume party too! (I'm going to be a Sith Lord)
Then we leave early tomorrow to take our 7 hour flight from Cleveland to LAX!
And I can't even start to explain how excited I am to go! I've been to WDW 8 times in my life, but never went out to see the original.
So I'm sure I'm going to be comparing anything and everything for the next week, but thats probably pretty normal. Especially since I just went to WDW a few months ago. (or was it a lifetime ago? it sure feels like it!)
I have two extra phone batteries, and two wireless chargers that I'm going to carry with me all week, so I shouldn't have a problem with keeping my phone running. I just need to remember to tell you guys everything!
Well, thats what I got so far, I'll put some more up in the morning. I got a long flight and a wifi pass on the plane, so I'll be on here roaming the forums between netflix movies.
Talk to you soon!
P.S. Thank you to everyone that sent congrats and well wishes! My wife and I appreciate every single one of them!!!
If anyone is wondering, we had a small, courthouse ceremony. We didn't see a point in making it all a big deal really. And all my wife asked of me was, Can we do it on Halloween? And can I have a black dress?
Both of which I agreed to. Why not right?

(just a cute pic of me and the Mrs. after the ceremony)
Today we're going to have our reception, which we made a costume party too! (I'm going to be a Sith Lord)

Then we leave early tomorrow to take our 7 hour flight from Cleveland to LAX!
And I can't even start to explain how excited I am to go! I've been to WDW 8 times in my life, but never went out to see the original.
So I'm sure I'm going to be comparing anything and everything for the next week, but thats probably pretty normal. Especially since I just went to WDW a few months ago. (or was it a lifetime ago? it sure feels like it!)
I have two extra phone batteries, and two wireless chargers that I'm going to carry with me all week, so I shouldn't have a problem with keeping my phone running. I just need to remember to tell you guys everything!
Well, thats what I got so far, I'll put some more up in the morning. I got a long flight and a wifi pass on the plane, so I'll be on here roaming the forums between netflix movies.
Talk to you soon!
P.S. Thank you to everyone that sent congrats and well wishes! My wife and I appreciate every single one of them!!!