Hollywood Studios: What Works and Doesn't Work


Original Poster
Mary Poppins already has a scene in The Great Movie Ride. And, when it comes with Toontown and Meet and Greets, The Animation Building needs a slight makeover, but not too much but enough to see a big improvement.


Active Member
I've lately seen threads about what they want to see in a new Hollywood Studios, but some of those are left as ideas. I decided to compile a list of things that people have said that either works or doesn't works. I'll start with what works.

  • Pixar Place Expansion
  • More Family/Dark Rides
  • Marvel/Incredibles/Super Hero Themed Attraction
  • Reimagine The Backlot Tour
  • Backlot Expansion
  • Radiator Springs Racer
  • Monsters Inc. Dark Ride
  • Lucas Themed Land
  • Defined Lands
Now I'll go with what doesn't work.

  • Muppets Land
  • A Thrill Ride or Two
  • Carsland Expansion4
  • Toontown
Let me explain: Most, or probably all, of what doesn't work are new lands, Plus, they are far fetched. However, the ideas that actually do work are either necessary or very plausible.

Is there anything missing or have something to say, then please respond, I'd like to see.

Ok.I do have some issues with this,LOL.

What works, and doesn't works contradicts itself. Pixar Place would contain a Monsters Inc. attraction , and at least one attraction from Carsland ( Radiator Springe Racers ), and other attractions based on pixar films , including a M&G .This would be located on the backlot of muppets ,and streets of america,stunt show.

Indiana Jones, needs to go and replace wih the RnRC - it could be a double coaster, one for LA , and the other Vegas.

Relocate the Hat , and Transform the Chinese Theater into an actual indoor Broadway theater- featurng the Golden Mickey's ( a small version of Mary Poppins the musical for the 50th anniversary in 2014) , movie premiers,conventions presentations.

Sunset Blvd- Tear down the shops , and start fresh .The first section of shops located on the right ( pin station, villians merchandise, muppet store ). The secound section on the right would be the new Muppet Theater attraction , and Muppet Labs. B&B theater would be replace with a full size Carthy Circle Theater home of the GMR , and the American Film Institute Showcase. Left side - The Storytellers Statue near the info board. The Hollywood Egyptian Theater - home to the Sci-Fi Drive Dine -In.

RnRC - becomes Mickey's ToonTown - featuring Mickey's neighborhood, and Toontown. Attractions besides M & G's , would include Goofy's Barnyard Dance ( Mators Junkyard Jamboriee from Carsland) . Toontown Hall - Disney character M&G , Silly Symphony Theater - ( Mickey's Philharmagic) ,The Jolly Trolly ( think Suess Trolly High in the Sky), and Roger Rabbit's Car-Toon Spin ( designed like the traditional Mr Toad attraction that was at the MK at WDW).

Studios Backlot - The ABC*Disney Commisary , Disney Animation would be replaced with the One Man's Dream ( wich would include animation ) and the Main Entrence would be the Big Hat . The Studio Showcase, Streets of America, and stunt show. The Bone Yard ( for picture taking).No more Tram Tour .

Catastrophy Canon themed area - Indy Jones attraction , Star Wars themed area , and a water attraction based on the Canon.

World of Color - would perform at the Hollywood Hills Theater, when Fantasmic was not performing.

But this is my Imagination gone wild,lol.

Thrill Seeker

Well-Known Member
What doesn't work: The Hat, the current lack of theme for the park.

DHS has been going through an identity crisis for years now. The studio theme is being removed and replaced with... nothing. The park needs a cohesive theme. That's it's biggest problem. Adding more rides comes in a close second.


Original Poster
What doesn't work: The Hat, the current lack of theme for the park.

DHS has been going through an identity crisis for years now. The studio theme is being removed and replaced with... nothing. The park needs a cohesive theme. That's it's biggest problem. Adding more rides comes in a close second.

DHS is a movie theme park. This includes going behind the scenes of your favorite movies as well. With what I got as themed lands, makes it a more cohesive themed park, imo.

Ok.I do have some issues with this,LOL.

What works, and doesn't works contradicts itself. Pixar Place would contain a Monsters Inc. attraction , and at least one attraction from Carsland ( Radiator Springe Racers ), and other attractions based on pixar films , including a M&G .This would be located on the backlot of muppets ,and streets of america,stunt show.

Indiana Jones, needs to go and replace wih the RnRC - it could be a double coaster, one for LA , and the other Vegas.

Relocate the Hat , and Transform the Chinese Theater into an actual indoor Broadway theater- featurng the Golden Mickey's ( a small version of Mary Poppins the musical for the 50th anniversary in 2014) , movie premiers,conventions presentations.

Sunset Blvd- Tear down the shops , and start fresh .The first section of shops located on the right ( pin station, villians merchandise, muppet store ). The secound section on the right would be the new Muppet Theater attraction , and Muppet Labs. B&B theater would be replace with a full size Carthy Circle Theater home of the GMR , and the American Film Institute Showcase. Left side - The Storytellers Statue near the info board. The Hollywood Egyptian Theater - home to the Sci-Fi Drive Dine -In.

RnRC - becomes Mickey's ToonTown - featuring Mickey's neighborhood, and Toontown. Attractions besides M & G's , would include Goofy's Barnyard Dance ( Mators Junkyard Jamboriee from Carsland) . Toontown Hall - Disney character M&G , Silly Symphony Theater - ( Mickey's Philharmagic) ,The Jolly Trolly ( think Suess Trolly High in the Sky), and Roger Rabbit's Car-Toon Spin ( designed like the traditional Mr Toad attraction that was at the MK at WDW).

Studios Backlot - The ABC*Disney Commisary , Disney Animation would be replaced with the One Man's Dream ( wich would include animation ) and the Main Entrence would be the Big Hat . The Studio Showcase, Streets of America, and stunt show. The Bone Yard ( for picture taking).No more Tram Tour .

Catastrophy Canon themed area - Indy Jones attraction , Star Wars themed area , and a water attraction based on the Canon.

World of Color - would perform at the Hollywood Hills Theater, when Fantasmic was not performing.

But this is my Imagination gone wild,lol.

I can see that it's your imagination, but, imagination or not, you're talking about a complete park overhaul, an entire park plastic surgery. Let's start with Pixar Place: I agree with everything you're saying when it comes to the rides, nothing more or less. However, when talking about how big to expand, it would not work to entirely replace the entire backlot. The backlot does need work and equal care and attention, but taking it out is a no go. Here's what I'm thinking with that area: Leave Streets of America alone, put something in the Premier Theater, take out LMA and replace it with more rides and shows that are family friendly, and totally redo the tour by gutting it all out and rebuilding it from scratch. Now onto Indiana Jones: That's a tricky attraction to deal with, it works while it doesn't work. It works by having it themed to movie magic, but it doesn't work since it's old. If one would take out that ride, it's easy to just put in an Indiana Jones dark ride to easily compensate for it, and it works equally, but if it isn't, then it would just need a simple touch up to make it good again. With RnRC, just leave it alone, it works where it is. And talking about RnRc, let's move onto Sunset Blvd: Nothing needs to be touched over there, it's good enough to just need a touch up. Now onto Toontown, people don't like that it's gone, but isn't there enough meet and greets around there anyways? The Animation Building is good enough of a space to bring those characters out, plus some. It just works. With the hat, they had to put something in front of the Great Movie Ride, so it was appropriate to place the hat there. Moving it would be very difficult, and would cost a lot of money to do all in it's own. The area with Star Tours and Indiana Jones Epic Stunt Spectacular can easily be turned into Lucas Plaza, just change it up a little bit and presto chango, it works. When it comes to One Man's Dream, it's another case where I say leave it, the attraction fits and works all together, and it's good for seeing how Disney got to where he did. However, when it comes to the Art of Animation, it needs to be completely redone. I sort of like how DCA did it over there, that should be a idea of how to do in DHS. And again with the Backlot: Expand the Backlot by adding rides, and redo the tour completely from the ground up. And one more thing: Leave World of Color over at DCA. Enough said, but I do see where you were going crazy with your imagination and all, and I wasn't trying to shoot any of your ideas down, I'm just saying what might work for DHS if they do get an entire overhaul like we saw over in California with DCA, and that's the only thing that I'm doing with this


Well-Known Member
Now onto Indiana Jones: That's a tricky attraction to deal with, it works while it doesn't work. It works by having it themed to movie magic, but it doesn't work since it's old. If one would take out that ride, it's easy to just put in an Indiana Jones dark ride to easily compensate for it, and it works equally, but if it isn't, then it would just need a simple touch up to make it good again. With RnRC, just leave it alone, it works where it is.

I think it makes sense to put an Indiana Jones ride in the park, maybe have that taking over the Indy stunt show.

Now onto Toontown, people don't like that it's gone, but isn't there enough meet and greets around there anyways? The Animation Building is good enough of a space to bring those characters out, plus some. It just works.

Really? I thought the people at WDWMagic was unanimously happy that Toontown was gone. And you don't think that the space in the Animation thing is wasted?


Well-Known Member
I think it makes sense to put an Indiana Jones ride in the park, maybe have that taking over the Indy stunt show.

Really? I thought the people at WDWMagic was unanimously happy that Toontown was gone. And you don't think that the space in the Animation thing is wasted?
I was one of the few who opposed the removal of Toontown.


Original Poster
Really? I thought the people at WDWMagic was unanimously happy that Toontown was gone. And you don't think that the space in the Animation thing is wasted?

I do agree that the Animation Building is just one big place for meet and greets, but I said that as a right now sort of statement. To be honest, I sort of want the Animation Building to be similar to the Animation Building at DCA, filled with interactive goodies themed to well known movies, like Beauty and the Beast. By doing this, it gives something for the guests to do instead of going in there, watching a quick funny video, then going out to a small exhibit area and ending with a huge meet and greet area, with little to do in there. That's just a waste of time for me. I want to be able to go in there and actually do something fun and enjoy my time in there. In my opinion, interactive attractions, like that, are the way of the future. I think more rides are getting interactive parts, even Test Track is getting something like that. Maybe there'll be a ride solely based on interactivity, say with motion capture technology perhaps. Who knows?


Original Poster
I've seen where people has said that Beauty and the Beast and Voyage of the Little Mermaid will close and will be replaced by new shows. The Beauty and the Beast show is rumored to be replaced by a Tangled show. A long time ago, I thought about closing down Voyage of the Little Mermaid a while back, and, at that time, I thought that it would be a good idea because of the ride of the same movie. It would also make sense to get out Beauty and the Beast, once again it would be represented in the new Fantasyland, but replacing it with Tangled... I don't know how well it's going to work if they put it in there. I mean, the movie is great, I absolutely enjoy it. But, are there other choices besides the rumored new Tangled show to replace Beauty and the Beast? I leave it at that.


Active Member
I could totally go for something more in pixar place like the monsters Inc ride or maybe even an UP balloon ride (something kinda like Peter pan) would be really cool! They should also add a POTC ship to the backlot tour! Man would that be awesome! (and...possibly some better overall food choices)


Original Poster
I could totally go for something more in pixar place like the monsters Inc ride or maybe even an UP balloon ride (something kinda like Peter pan) would be really cool! They should also add a POTC ship to the backlot tour! Man would that be awesome! (and...possibly some better overall food choices)

Many things could fit within a Pixar Place Expansion, but, at this point, we still have no clue what will be in there. Personally, I think there'll be a Monsters Inc. dark ride of some kind, a ride from Cars (probably RSR), and at least one lower ticket ride. And for the Backlot, which I'm glad you brought up, I am thinking of taking out the Backlot Tour (as it is) and LMA to put in a full Backlot expansion alongside a Pixar Place expansion. Don't get me wrong, there'll still be a tour, but it will be completely redone and more the way it should be with wslkthrough sets, a tour, and one show (which will be interactive) all set within the Backlot. More info on this to come.


Well-Known Member
I forgot to mention something...

Now onto Toontown, people don't like that it's gone, but isn't there enough meet and greets around there anyways? The Animation Building is good enough of a space to bring those characters out, plus some. It just works.

I'm not liking the idea of just having random characters thrown in the Animation building for meet-n-greets. They usually have characters only from the latest movies do meet-n-greets there. And Toontown would obviously be more than just meet-n-greets. There would be other rides, too. Just what, I don't know.


Original Poster
I forgot to mention something...

I'm not liking the idea of just having random characters thrown in the Animation building for meet-n-greets. They usually have characters only from the latest movies do meet-n-greets there. And Toontown would obviously be more than just meet-n-greets. There would be other rides, too. Just what, I don't know.

Say they kept the animation building intact and the Backlot gets redone and expanded, could there possibly be an area where Toontown can fit? Perhaps, in the expanded Backlot area?


Original Poster
And for the Backlot, which I'm glad you brought up, I am thinking of taking out the Backlot Tour (as it is) and LMA to put in a full Backlot expansion alongside a Pixar Place expansion. Don't get me wrong, there'll still be a tour, but it will be completely redone and more the way it should be with wslkthrough sets, a tour, and one show (which will be interactive) all set within the Backlot. More info on this to come.

Finally onto the Backlot Tour. I said I was going to explain more about this, and I am. The Backlot Tour will sort of be like the TTA in Tomorrowland. It will go through various attractions, looking at sets and other behind the scenes stuff on how to make movies. Before getting onto the tram, guests will walk through three replicas of movie sets that will rotate and change out, and it will be fully interactive. Once you get to the loading dock, it will be still inside and behind there will be a mural. Guests will load on the tram and the ride will start. In some areas, guests might see green screens and different sets, they might even see actual props from different movies. They'll eventually get to Catastrophe Canyon where it'll do it thing and explaining special FX. After that, it will go back to the loading dock where guests will get off and get to a theater. The theater will be an interactive show, maybe like a live game show. The show will start and end and guests will go to a shop where they sell related goods. This idea is just a beginning idea of this new Backlot Tour, so more details will come later.


Original Poster
Since Disney acquired Lucas Arts, let's talk more about Star Wars and anything else LucasArts. Already, there is a conclusive area with both Star Wars and Indiana Jones. I think that the best way to do this is to expand on themes of both movies. As you walk into the Star Wars area, you see more themed stuff like stormtroopers marching around the area and other space/futuristic themes related to the series. Likewise, Indiana Jones should express the feeling of adventure with artifacts and temple-style themes. Another thing that should be changed is the restaurant that's in that area. It needs to tie with the area around it. Either transform it as the Cantana from Star Wars or have it themed around Indiana Jones. In addition to this, there needs to be another restaurant of the other one to, like I said, tie the theme together. Finally, the Indiana Jones show needs to be changed into a Indiana Jones ride with a ride system similar to Dinosaur over at Animal Kingdom. In this way, the area can be more cohesive as a themed area versus just an area that's called a mess.


Since Disney acquired Lucas Arts, let's talk more about Star Wars and anything else LucasArts. Already, there is a conclusive area with both Star Wars and Indiana Jones. I think that the best way to do this is to expand on themes of both movies. As you walk into the Star Wars area, you see more themed stuff like stormtroopers marching around the area and other space/futuristic themes related to the series. Likewise, Indiana Jones should express the feeling of adventure with artifacts and temple-style themes. Another thing that should be changed is the restaurant that's in that area. It needs to tie with the area around it. Either transform it as the Cantana from Star Wars or have it themed around Indiana Jones. In addition to this, there needs to be another restaurant of the other one to, like I said, tie the theme together. Finally, the Indiana Jones show needs to be changed into a Indiana Jones ride with a ride system similar to Dinosaur over at Animal Kingdom. In this way, the area can be more cohesive as a themed area versus just an area that's called a mess.

This. With this new ownership, I can see a lot of changes. A Star Wars themed restaurant would be great, and would probably be my number one eating spot depending on how well it is, hehe.

Tip Top Club

Well-Known Member
I still think it would be a good idea to transform Backlot Express into the Lucasfilm Commissary (Or something) themed to the backlot of Lucasfilm, or ILM, and features props and sets and other items from Lucasfilm productions. Rather then theming it to a specifc franchise. (Mos Eisley Cantina)

I also think that the muppets are popular enough to anchor a restaurant and a Walk-through. Plus the new entertainment would help pull this park into the present.

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