As a long time lurker and recent user I seem to recall
@WDW1974 stating explicitly that Iger and the BoD feel that theme parks are 'Stupid Entertainment for Stupid people'. As I know more than a few PhD's who love classic disney and many of them grew up near Disneyland it's a complete misreading of the Disney market. Especially at AK it's amazing how Imagineering captured the flavor of several diffrent continents in a few acres, One of my friends is a MD by training but she leads tours in Nepal, peru and other distant places and even she is amazed at how well. AK captures the feel of those lands. sure it's not perfect but for many of us a visit to the parks is a visit to an art museum but the art is structures and their placement, Just as Grand Central Terminal in NYC is a work of art of urban planning, Have you noticed you almost never bump into someone there, That is because the traffic flows are so exqusitely designed.
The current Disney BoD their arrogance beggars belief.