HM rehab news

Scar Junior

Active Member
Oh wait, those dangers are to cast members. They don't count. Nevermind... :animwink:

:lol: From personal and friends' experiences... I can say this is true for a majority of attractions. You'd be surprised how many ways CMs can be hurt...

i.e. A CM inside the Tree of Life being pushed against the wall and getting a nasty deep cut that scarred... or those damned electric vehicles that run into CMs heels and over their feet... and even broke the foot of someone I know...

Just remember if you ever run into a cast member who isn't necessarily 'magical.' It ain't easy being a cast member!

Scar Junior

Active Member
It may be just the design of the new Doom-Buggies then that keeps me from touching the one in front! I also never really tried to reach out and touch the doom-buggie anywhere else on the ride. New or Old. Thankyou for your info though.

Sorry for the double-post.

Not suprising to many of you.....when I was 8-13 I was quite the annoying/rambuntious (sp?) semi-annual visiter to Disney World. Being admittmedly annoying, I almost always touched the arm of the person in the Buggie infront/behind me... Always getting a fun scare, I loved this part of the ride, jumping out to a stranger or friend and grabbing them.

There is/was several places where I could reach out and touch the person near me. I highly doubt there has been any mechanical changes to the distance of the Buggies.

HM is great... the overdue changes need not apply to the buggies/guests. Let's first get the show where it should be before we think about spending TONS of money on changing the guest aspect of the experience.

Mansion Butler

Active Member
Really? It was announced well before that it would open for spring break...notice right from WDWMagic:

17 January 2006: Pirates of the Caribbean rehab

Pirates of the Caribbean is set for some rehab work early this year. Whilst still not confirmed, it currently looks like Pirates will go down in March for some essential maintenance, will reopen for the busy Easter period in April, and will then close for some show rehab work in May and June. There is no information yet on what the show rehab will include, but there is the potential for some movie related items to be installed.

And then

8 February 2006: Pirates of the Caribbean refurbishment schedule

To update the 17 January update below, it is now confirmed that Pirates will be refurbished in a 2 stage process. The attraction will be closed Wednesday, March 1, and will then reopen on Saturday April 1. During this first phase, there will be no noticeable changes in the show. Pirates will then close again on Monday May 1 and will reopen by July 7 2006.

But as phase one carried on they considered just keeping it closed the entire time. If you asked a cast member the morning of the first, in fact, they would have told you to come back in July. That's how close it was to staying closed.


Well-Known Member
Well, now our website is saying the rehab will possibly start in june and end in early Oct. My only question is I would think the mansion needs to be back in time for MNSSHP. I couldn't imagine that event without HM.


Well-Known Member
I have heard that they may have it open only for MNSSHP nights while it is still being refub. Of course this would depend on how show ready the attraction is.

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