Highs and Lows in Disney: My Mouseketeer's Second trip to the World (1/18 - 1/30)

Well, I’m writing another trip report. This trip has had so many highs and lows (and I mean that in many ways).

Anyhow, this trip involved many more players than our last trip.

First of all it’s myself, my DH and our 17 month old, Anastasia. We also went down at the same time as my in-laws, and DH’s two brothers and their wives, as well as my Mom, so it was really a full house.

Without any further ado…

Sunday January 18th

We left way early for the airport because we were paranoid that there would be traffic left over from Obama’s entourage as they followed him to the capital, but there was nothing. DH’s brother got there a full hour after us and we all got on the plane just fine. They amused Anastasia for us right up till when we took off.


She was wearing her airplane shirt again, and again we got many comments on how cute it was. Anastasia made a friend in the airport… a little girl wearing a bandanna was drawing with markers and we got to talking with her. Anastasia wandered off and I said goodbye… well, a few minutes later she tracked us down and said that she wanted Anastasia to have her picture. It wasn’t till we arrived at the Orlando airport and saw the greeter for that family did I draw the line between her head scarf and why she was going to Disney. She was on her Make-a-Wish trip L I nearly cried. But I smiled at them, thanked her for the picture and wished her a fun time in Disney.

The flight itself was interesting. Thank goodness there was an extra seat open for Anastasia. She sat in the carseat the whole plane ride. No explosive poo, no giant meltdowns. My bag of toys kept her involved for a while, as did my extensive bag of snacks. The only problems weren’t really her fault. First of all, I totally forgot about the whole pressure difference thing when I handed her the sippy cup of Pediasure to drink (which I totally snuck by security by putting it in a baby bottle…hehehe) When I pushed back the top closure to release the straw the liquid rushed up and out creating a little fountain that drenched Marc. Poor thing was just covered in Pediasure.

Uncle Taylor and Aunt Sarah

Secondly my borrowed laptop totally bummed out on us and wouldn’t play Finding Nemo for Anastasia. We finally got it running on Marc’s laptop, but not after much consternation and getting up to get stuff out of the overhead compartment.

After we touched down, we got our bags, I changed a diaper, and we stood in a horribly long rental car line. And then we were on our way


New Member
I just wanted to say I love your trip reports. Your daughter is 3 months older than mine if she was 19 mos in Jan, and I love seeing how much fun you guys have at WDW. I'm so sorry you were sick on this trip! It shouldn't be allowed for Moms to get sick at WDW!
I'm so looking forward to your next report. Anastasia is adorable and you take the best pictures!

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