Hey, Hey everybody!


Active Member
Original Poster
Well, I don't think this is the board for me. If IOACentral members are here I don't want to be here. They for some reason ( I don't care so don't post anything on it The CEO) hated me supposivly because I made useless threads (I guess asking what the Med-Jai in The Mummy was, was a useless thread)

So oh well, it was nice for the 24 hours I was here but I think Ill stick with the other boards I belong to. Guess it is to early for me to join more boards!

So see ya,



Active Member
Original Poster
The_CEO said:
Nah, I just thought it was funny some how he wound up here.
(Sorry for double posting) In case he didn't know. I found this place off of google.com Just type in disneyworld and this site pops up on like the second page.

So enough with him. Oblviously he couldn't stop beign rude, I wouldn't of said a thing if he didnt start it. This took place back in June and yet you still pick on someone you don't even know, and judging them by what they do on a message board. I don't know how low someone could possibly get.

Ill just leave now (my OFFICIAL last post here) because if I stay I know the CEO will just criticise every post I make in every single thread I post in. So no need to put up with this.

Best of wishes to the admins. and mods. of WDWMagic.com



Well-Known Member
Get a grib Lex, if you're leaving because of me than thats a poor reason. I didn't insult you . I just stated your past with other sites. Stop trying to make it look like I made you leave. The board wants you here.

Wilt Dasney

Well-Known Member

If you want to stay as a part of this community, then you'll find plenty of nice people here to talk to, and no one will be allowed to harass you. (Not that I think that was CEO's intention...it looks like this was just a case of getting off on the wrong foot.) Give Magic a try--a real try--and I'm confident you'll enjoy your time with us. :wave:


New Member
I have no idea of what these other boards are of which you speak. As Tigsmom said, if the pair of you have an argument take it PMs.

I do know that if everyone left this board due to there being a person on it they did not like it would become a ghost town.


Active Member
Original Poster
I guess Ill stay. Just because "The CEO" Is rude doesn't mean that I should have to go it should be him.

So, fellow members (that know who they are) will be having a watch on him.

In the meantime Im hear to have fun!


Well-Known Member
Lexxweb said:
I guess Ill stay. Just because "The CEO" Is rude doesn't mean that I should have to go it should be him.

So, fellow members (that know who they are) will be having a watch on him.

In the meantime Im hear to have fun!

:sohappy: So gald you decided to stay. Have fun...we sure do. :wave:


New Member
Lexxweb said:
I guess Ill stay. Just because "The CEO" Is rude doesn't mean that I should have to go it should be him.

So, fellow members (that know who they are) will be having a watch on him.

In the meantime Im hear to have fun!
There is another thread where someone was trying to find a vid of Philarmagic - I pointed them in the direction of your site :D


Active Member
Original Poster
Thanks lmao. The trick to filming that ride is to go in a dead month (like I filmed it at the end of february) and I went on one of the last shows during the fireworks and it was my dad and I and 2 older people in front. And no attendants around, so I said, heck yeah! and pulled out my camera but then I thought (what if this has hidden suprises like on HISTA with the rats) So I waited and saw the whole show, I asked the attendant if my dad and I could wait and see the show again and the guy said (sure) so then A LOT of people came in the show (great) but would that stop me? NOOOO so then I filmed it!

That's all the Ride filming advice im giving for today! lol!

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