Help! Other's are getting the AKL cheaper


New Member
Okay before I begin, let me just say that I'm aware that I havent been inconvenienced in any way and that I had already booked at AKL when I heard about this. I keep hearing people brag about how cheap theyre getting the AKL because they were moved from POFQ. I know that I wasnt inconvenienced in any way but just knowing that it is possible to get the room at a better rate made me think I could too. I just think that since I found out about this, as a courtesy, that they would be kind enough to change my rate. I heard people are getting the standard room for as little as $94 a night and the savanah for $127. I got the Florida rate of $124 a night but kills me to know that I could get it cheaper or even better yet pay an extra $3.00 a night for the savanah. I tried calling central reservations with no help. The rep just flat out said no even after I gave her like I dont know how many codes. Then there was an uncomfortable silence on the line. She said she had no supervisor and that there was no one above her I can speak to. Someone please give me some tips on what I can do. Does anyone know of a code or someone I can ask for?:confused::veryconfu:

Listen it may not seem fair that I am demanding this, but I will be there for my little girls 5th birthday and she's a zoo lover. If I could only get that upgrade at the discount, I would be the happiest person in the world and they would prove that they CAN make wishes come true, if someone else got it, then its not impossible. :(

Thanks in advance for your replies!


Premium Member
$124 for a standard view is really about the best you are going to get unless you have been moved from another resort or inconvenienced in some other way. I really doubt they will budge on it.

You still have a great rate!!! :) ..and if it makes you feel better, just think that some people are paying $200 for the same room as you! :)
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Well-Known Member
You are the type of person that makes me glad I don't work in a call center. You have a discounted rate, but your still not happy.
Your rate is as low as its going to get. So move on and enjoy your vacation.
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Original Poster
Thanks Steve for your response and for shining the light on me. You are right and I know we'll have a good time viewing the savanah from the special locations.

WDWfan22: Your response on the other hand was a bit harsh.... :fork: I'm the type of person? :lookaroun: That sounds a bit rude. You don't know me. I don't see how you could deserve those Magicears that you are earning. All your posts or at least the majority of them seem to be a bit on the pesimist side.

I will move on, and thanks for the couteous welcome into the forum. Good luck earning your ears and good luck keeping them too!:lol: :sohappy:
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Premium Member
Originally posted by Candyapple
Thanks Steve for your response and for shining the light on me. You are right and I know we'll have a good time viewing the savanah from the special locations.

You will have a great time at AKL!! I have stayed standard and savanah view in 1 trip (5 days standard, 5 savanah), and I can honestly say that the view from the room was not the main thing for me. The whole atmosphere and mood of the resort is the magic, and that applies to the standard rooms just as much!! You will be in the parks all day, and then when you are at the resort you can go by the pool to view, or at the dedicated animal viewing locations to get a great view.

Welcome to the forum!! :)
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New Member
Original Poster
Thanks again Steve. You're a great admin. You really did make me feel a whole lot better about it when I thought of the regular price all over again. Besides, my hubby wants to keep tabs on the car so the parking lot view will be great!Keep up the good work.:wave:
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Premium Member
Originally posted by Candyapple
Thanks again Steve. You're a great admin. You really did make me feel a whole lot better about it when I thought of the regular price all over again. Besides, my hubby wants to keep tabs on the car so the parking lot view will be great!Keep up the good work.:wave:

Thanks! :D

LOL trust me, he wont be there looking at the window at the car! You will be exploring the resort!

Have a great time, and if you have any questions, just ask :)
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New Member

What time of year are you going to AKL? I bet if it's not that crowded and you tell them at check-in (or before) that it is your daughter's birthday, they will give you a free upgrade. If they have the rooms available, Disney is pretty good about doing this for special occasions. Good Luck!
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Mr. Toad

Active Member
I have to agree with Steve. There are so many opportunites to see the animals at the hotel I think you will be happy just to be staying at AKL. It really is a great hotel. We had the Savanah view and watched the animals from other locations just as much or more than we did from the room. Sometimes it would take forever to get to the room due to stopping to look out the windows at the animals. And we really didn't spend that much time in the room.

We are not staying there on our trip this year but we will be going for breakfast and I can't wait to view the animals again.

Enjoy your trip.
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Meega, nala kwishta!
Originally posted by Mr. Toad
I have to agree with Steve. There are so many opportunites to see the animals at the hotel I think you will be happy just to be staying at AKL.

And I'd add that you have to do this because a savanna view only looks out onto one savanna. Since their are three, and not all the animals are in all three, you will have to go to the other observation areas to see all the animals.

We spent most of our savanna viewing in the morning and after we cambe back from the parks at night. But to be honest, it couldn't have been more than 30-45 at the most a day, and most likely it was less per day. So you could easily do that from one of the observation areas every day.

Either way, you'll have a great time. AKL really is a spectacular resort to stay in.

Asking for a upgrade when you check in is also a great idea. I've read many trip reports here thta people have gotten upgrades. It's all about capasity at the time of you trip.

Have fun!
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Account Suspended
I have read in several threads that people are asking for room "upgrades". When you ask for the upgrade are they free or do you have to pay more? I think I would feel funny asking. "Hey, it's my daughter's birthday, how about upgrading our room for us?" I guess I was just never someone who tries to get something for nothing, and that would make me feel uncomfortable.

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We're planning on checking in, in the evening. Hopefully my chances are good. I'd think there are more available upgrades earlier in the day when people are checking out. Either way, I don't mind anymore as long as they dont put us on the first floor. You know what they say... the higher up the better. We'll see, In response to an earlier question, we will be arriving on the second week of June and are staying for 10 days. Boy o boy are they gonna make some money out of us. LOL:eek:

Thanks for all the suggestions, I'll sure try my best. :wave:
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New Member
Candyapple, the 1st floor of the AKL is actually the 2nd floor of the hotel. We stayed there and had great views of the animals. And we didn't have any smell, if that's what you're worried about. If it's noise from the other guests you are concerned about, can't help you there. We didn't have that problem, we were one of the last rooms :rolleyes:

BTW, like some one else mentioned, the hotel has huge windows to the savannahs on the way to the room. Took us about a 1/2 hour to get the room all the time b/c we kept stopping to see the animals.

About the upgrades, we have come out and asked "do you have any upgrades available?" Some times it works, sometimes they try to upsell. (charge you an additional $20 or so a night for the room) If they upsell, we say no thanks, sometimes, they still give it to us for free anyway. We have also told them it was a special occasion, ie anniversary or birthday, and they gave us upgrades without us asking. It really depends on the CM, how crowded the resort is. I would still mention it's your daughters birthday, they will usually do something special for her while you are out of the room.
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Hi Candyapple!

I'm going to be staying at the AKL for my first time starting this Saturday! I've got a standard room and actually am paying a tiny bit more than you. You can go crazy if you keep comparing to everyone else. Just look at the non-discounted rates and know there are a LOT of people that don't know about the codes. Also, they only have a limited number of rooms at the discount rates (last year they were all taken, so I stayed at Coronado Springs).

From everything I hear, it is a great place to stay, regardless of the room type.
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New Member
Just got back from AKL. Paid 155/night for a standard room and then got upgraded to Savanah view. Loved the resort. I will definitely go back again. Your price is great so don't sweat it.
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New Member
:) Candy apple That is a great rate -- Check the regular prices on the web site--
If you want to feel better!! :D

Oh! I wanted to remind you. "DO" remember to tell them it is your daughters birthday, you may find a little something special in your room if they have time. This also depends on your CM at check in-

"AND" get a free Happy Birthday Button for her at Guest relations at one of the Parks. They have them at MK, AK and MGM. Epcot was always out when we asked. You will be surprised at how many people/ CM's will say HB and sometimes do a little something special for her.

You can also ask about talking to Goofy on the phone in any of the larger shops-- He might even sing Happy Birthday :lol:

Have a wonderful trip!!!! Relax, Enjoy!!! :sohappy: :wave:

PS It never hurts to ask, Just remember, You catch more with Honey, be aware of the CM's feelings-- observe, it is a demanding job, more so some days----:) Good Luck! Hope your daugher has a Magical Birthday!
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Well-Known Member
Animal Kingdom Lodge ! ! ! !

:sohappy: Candyapple, you and your family will love this resort, even the standard view! By the way, there are observation areas for everyone which look out over the savannahs, complete with rocking chairs. I believe you'll be happy that you had this great experience while saving your money! I loved it in Dec. and will be there again in June. Enjoy the smells, sounds, animals, craft projects for the kids, the storyteller, and EVERYTHING! I can hardly wait to return!:sohappy:
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New Member
The people displaced by the renovation of a moderate resort got that low rate.

Any upgrades depend on how full the resort is. There aren't that many standard view rooms at AKL so maybe you will get lucky. Just don't get disappointed if you get the standard view that you booked. :wave:
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New Member
Original Poster
Thats okay, I'm just happy to go w/ my family. Everyone is right though, by the time we return from the parks everyday, we wont have the time to view the animals from the balcony. They'll be asleep by then. The large viewing areas will be fine, we have a few whole days to enjoy the resort itself so we'll see lots of animals then. But you know I'll keep my fingers crossed for that upgrade. hehehehe.

Thanks everyone for their help.
:wave: :wave: :sohappy: :wave: :wave:
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