Heightened Airport Security Alert

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Active Member
Just curious. Are any of you who are planning to fly down to WDW within the next few days going to cancel your entire trip in light of the new heightened security alert at all US airports? Delays at security checkpoints are already approaching 2 hours. My sons are due to fly down from NJ on Monday. I have no idea if their mother will let them come now.:(


Try being my husband who is a quadripeligic and gets the old "rubber glove treatment" because he sits in a wheelchair which sets off the metal detector and they can't prove that he doesn't have anything. Talk to me about the inconvenience then. I see what you are saying about doing what you can to be safe. However, these people have a hatred of us that you can not even imagine. And sit around thinking of what they can do and get away with. It is aweful to say, but these little bans on crazy items are not going to make them stop. They will figure out something else.
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Well-Known Member
Ok, since i'm supposed to be a first time flyer in just over a week - i'm bummed out :(

We were only going to have carry-ons to avoid any delays or the chance of losing our baggage since we have a transfer. We're going from FL to CA.

I have to travel with a liquid injectable medication, i'm supposed to keep it on me at all times.

*sigh* So - any links where i can get the full run down of how many changes of plans i'll need to make or calls i'll need to make for like authorization or to make sure i have the right Dr's notes and such?
For domestic travel, you're going to have to check your bags if you're carrying any kind of liguids or gels (toothpaste, shampoo, etc.) For prescription medication, I would strongly suggest you have a doctor's note if you have to have it with you at all times. Make sure your name is on the label on the bottle too.
By next week, this shouldn't be so much of an issue - people will already know the drill by then. The delays today are mostly caused by the fact that most people didn't know anything about it til they arrived at the airports.
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Well-Known Member
There's no way to make a plane completely safe. Even with the current UK rules, someone easily could still take their glasses or spectacles on board, go into the restroom, break them into large shards of glass, tie them to one of the plastic meal utensils, and use those as weapons. So I'm sorry, but telling someone they can't bring their laptop or a paperback book or something on board isn't making me feel any safer, and it doesn't in reality make it any safer for us from someone bound and determined to take over or bomb the plane. Everybody just has to realize that we live in a dangerous world that cannot be safety-proofed.
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Well-Known Member
I really don't mind most if not all of the security measures (I can see how not being able to take music players with you on a 7 hour flight might be maddening!) Though I remember back 10 or so years ago as a kid when my dad would go on business trips, we'd all march right up to the terminal to say goodbye with little or no security checks. Even as a kid I thought they should be doing more! :lol:

I would probably be at the airport early even if they didn't have extra security measures because I like to make sure I won't miss my flight. I've been wanded a couple of times, I've had to take off my shoes, someone I know had to have her bra checked (she had a metal underwire that was setting off the alarm, :lol: )...I don't know, it just really doesn't bother me that much. Better safe than sorry, besides, I've learned to pack my carry on lightly, dress in layers w/minimal metal and easily removeable shoes and I'm usually through security in a matter of minutes. Even when in DC w/a few extra measures it has not been a big deal for me. Just my $0.02. ;)

Plus, not taking as much stuff with you makes security faster for everyone, it's easier for them to check. I get a kick out of people who walk through wearing a HUGE belt buckles, lace-up high heel shoes, giant boots...simplify, people! You can change when you get to your destination! No one looks glamourous on a plane anyways! :lol: (Thus ends my rambling. ;) )
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New Member
So, in the best interest of safety....

new TSA rules:

Everyone must strip naked, and be body cavity searched.

Everyone will be issued a Tyvek suit that they will wear between security checkpoints (incoming to outgoing), and onboard the aircraft.

No luggage will be permitted at all.
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Active Member
this is from Cory Doctorow from boingboing.net (you guys should recognize his name, he's a huge Disney parks fan, and wrote the fantastic science fiction novella "Down and out in the Magic Kingdom")
here's what he has to say on his site right now:

Cory Doctorow said:
"The point of terrorism is to make us afraid. The UK response to a foiled plot is to create an unspecified period during which fliers are arbitrarily deprived of iPods, novels and dignity.

If this is a good idea now, then why won't it still be a good idea in a year? A decade? After all, terrorist plots will always exist in potentia (can you prove that no terrorist plots are hatching at this moment?) Until they handcuff us all nude to our seats and dart us with tranquilizers, there will always be the possibility that a passenger will do something naughty on a plane (even then, who knows how much semtex and roofing nails a bad guy could hide in his colon?). "

couldn't have said it better myself
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I have been whining that we weren't going until Dec., I guess I am somewhat glad now. Hopefully by then some of the delays and lines won't be so bad.:xmas:
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New Member
There's no way to make a plane completely safe. Even with the current UK rules, someone easily could still take their glasses or spectacles on board, go into the restroom, break them into large shards of glass, tie them to one of the plastic meal utensils, and use those as weapons. So I'm sorry, but telling someone they can't bring their laptop or a paperback book or something on board isn't making me feel any safer, and it doesn't in reality make it any safer for us from someone bound and determined to take over or bomb the plane. Everybody just has to realize that we live in a dangerous world that cannot be safety-proofed.

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New Member
Nothing is going to make me feel safe on a plane. It is my opinion, however, that whatever we have to do to make it harder for those who wish to harm us is a good idea.

I just don't mind being inconvenienced or even uncomfortable for a couple of hours to get to my destination.

Then don't fly.

So tell us how not allowing liquids and gels in carry on baggage is going to prevent a bomb from being put onboard a aircraft ?
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Well-Known Member
So, in the best interest of safety....

new TSA rules:

Everyone must strip naked, and be body cavity searched.

Everyone will be issued a Tyvek suit that they will wear between security checkpoints (incoming to outgoing), and onboard the aircraft.

No luggage will be permitted at all.

I see we're on the same wavelength.
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Well-Known Member
Then don't fly.

So tell us how not allowing liquids and gels in carry on baggage is going to prevent a bomb from being put onboard a aircraft ?
I think the point of that is that they are still not sure if they've caught them all yet. Since the plot involved several terrorists at a time bringing some sort of liquid/gel on the palanes, then mixing the in the bathroom, it makes sense to screen for liquids now.
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Mrs. WDWMAGIC [Assistant Administrator]
Premium Member
This could go on and on forever. We aren't going to solve this problem the only thing this thread is going to accomplish is making people upset with each other.
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