Trying to figure out ADRs for our next trip. I have some time.....a lot of time actually.....but have started to plan a budget. We do not do the dining plan, but we do have the TiW discount card as AP holders. We usually let each of our kids pick a table service restaurant and of course our daughter always wants a meal with Cinderella. We have done Akershus for lunch. We have never done CRT, but I've heard mixed reviews. I don't hear much about 1900 Park Fare, but it is the least expensive of the three, especially since we will be paying for an 11 year old "adult" for this next trip.
So.....what can you tell me about 1900 Park Fare? I like the idea of seeing Cindy, the Prince, and the step-mother/sisters. How about the food and atmosphere?
So.....what can you tell me about 1900 Park Fare? I like the idea of seeing Cindy, the Prince, and the step-mother/sisters. How about the food and atmosphere?