All attractions are under 200 feet. The reason for this is because Walt didn't want the red blinking beacon for planes on the attraction, because it would ruin the show.
When walking through Liberty Square at the Magic Kingdom, look in the middle of the road and you will see brown pavement that is a different color than the rest ofmthe road. This is to replicate the past when people would throw their sewage in the street.
The crash doors at Test Track ( prior to rehab ) were styrofoam.
This has not been confirmed but if you look at the Swan and Dolphin, both hotels have two large black squares in the middle. This is thought to be where they were thinking of bringing the monorail through those resorts.
The windows of Main Street USA have names of influential Disney people and the alias companies Walt used to purchase the land for Disney World.
Toy Story Mania has special bullseye's that when hit increase your score by a lot. Videos on youtube.