Have you experienced a WDW honeymoon?


Well-Known Member
Dwarful said:
We were married in May of 95 and honeymooned at Disney. We did the luau and at first my husband was NOT going to go on stage. Well, another older couple sitting next to us said something to a CM and next thing I know there were several girls dragging him onstage! so funny! We also got the signed 5 x 7 photo and a few other things. We came home with lots of great things and that special "little souvineer" arrived 9mths. later. ;)

Last year we celebrated our tenth wedding anniversary at WDW this time with two daughters and one niece in tow! Got more freebies on that trip than we did when we were married...balloons, an autographed 10th anniversary card, a goodie basket etc.

Of course we go as often as possible (considering were from the midwest)...and back in 95 Disney honeymoons were not as popular as they are now. We got several "your kidding right?" but I wouldn't trade a WDW honeymoon for anywhere else in the world ...although my second choice was Scotland and I still haven't made it there yet...

If you don't mind me asking and if you don't mind saying, do you live anywhere near Mattoon, IL?

And I know what you mean about people giving you the business for going to WDW for your honeymoon. We went to Kissimmee for our honeymoon and did WDW as well as some of the other parks and other attractions, and I got a little business from some of the ladies in the office about my choice of a honeymoon destination.

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