here ya go, buddy. a story from your own back yard.
Warning - Squatting in the toilet is dangerous.
The Straits Times (Singapore)
(c) 2001 Singapore Press Holdings Limited
It raises blood pressure and increases risk of stroke
LONDON - The way some people go to the toilet could be a matter of life or death.
Squatting could increase the risk of stroke, particularly if a person is defecating, researchers suggest.
Doctors in Calcutta, India have found a third of stroke deaths occurred while people were squatting, according to a report in BBC Online.
Results presented to the World Congress of Neurology in London showed how doctors started investigating when they realised they were seeing more stroke patients in the morning than any other time of day.
Doctors looked at records for 100 patients and found just over half the strokes were occurring between five and nine o'clock in the morning.
The Calcutta team also found that squatting, whether defecating or not, raised blood pressure.
The rise was especially significant in people with hypertension, who already had a greater risk of stroke.
The team also said it had long been recognised that defecation could bring on a stroke.